martes, diciembre 29, 2015

Frequencies for the New Year (Gateway into 2016)

Lauren C. Gorgo - Cristo ha Nacido: SEAN la revelación - 24 de Diciembre,. 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

A medida que el 2015 termina, terminamos con un signo de exclamación, este año universal “8” de maestría en el cual lo material se encuentra con lo espiritual.

Durante los últimos 36 meses……desde el portal 12-12-12….los que se dedicaron únicamente a su ascensión personal han estado trabajando diligentemente como un colectivo para fundir los mundos material y espiritual (arriba como es abajo). Por supuesto, esa fusión del cielo y la tierra comenzó dentro de cada uno de nosotros (como es adentro es afuera) así que al llegar a este próximo año 2016 pudiésemos comenzar a presenciar la fusión física de esta unión en el mundo que nos rodea….comenzando con nosotros mismos.

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - December 29, 2015

fromPlanetary Activation Organization
In short, you are about to reinvent how your world operates. This is just the start of what you are to quickly accomplish. This realm is as well to see a new birth of freedom and equality!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

12 Akbal, 16 Mol, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! The world rejoices as the deliveries finally begin to manifest! A new era for surface humanity begins. In the first part of this coming Gregorian new year, you are to see a series of astounding events. New governance is to alter your world's current international patterns and along with the rise of global prosperity is to push your eons- long concept of debt slavery into the trash bin of history. This is only one of many primary beliefs that are to be abandoned by you. You are to reconnect with a belief that you possess an inner power and this combined with a collective ability to support each other is to thoroughly reorder each of your many regional societies. This rise of personal empowerment is to enable you to swiftly solve most of your present problems. These include the current power and resources difficulties as well as those that involve food, housing and redistribution difficulties in many parts of your world. In short, you are about to reinvent how your world operates. This is just the start of what you are to quickly accomplish. This realm is as well to see a new birth of freedom and equality!

Atlantis & The Return of the Law of One - J Tyberonn Dec 2015

Ronna Herman - Archangel Michael - What Is Spirit? - December 29, 2015

Beloved masters, you are a Facet of the Creator’s Spirit Essence: An Individualized God-Seed Atom. It is your I AM consciousness with an inborn desire to express and create. The word Spiritual does not refer to religion or religious dogma. It is a focus on the advancement from a present state of Being: physical, emotional, mental, intuitional and social. It entails a refinement of the human instinctual-nature into an evolved Spiritual/Human Being ready to move into the rarified environment of the Fifth Dimension. Enfoldment within higher consciousness results in a new state of awareness, which leads to new experiences, greater abilities and additional talents. Self-realization is the goal of today’s advanced Souls.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - We Are Being Called To Walk Our Talk In 2016 - December 29, 2015

As we Birth 2016, the 4th year of the New Earth, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call beseeching you and me and every Awakening man, woman, and child to live, move, and breathe within the profound Truth of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. We are being called to demonstrate this Truth with every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory we express. This is the reality which we have been preparing for lifetimes to Cocreate. We already have all of the skill, wisdom, strength, courage, and ability we need to accomplish this Holy Endeavor. All we need now is the willingness and the Heart commitment to do so. Fortunately, the floodgates of Heaven have opened during the past three years and in addition to the Divine Momentum blazing in our Hearts, we now have more support from our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven than ever before in the history of time. This Divine Intervention is empowering every single one of us in miraculous ways.

lunes, diciembre 28, 2015



Ascension is the raising of consciousness into the higher timelines and the development and full embodiment of the light body. THIS will include merging with the Creator and becoming a CO-Creator of Full Mastery. This takes time and can have painful and distressing moments as we are LITERALLY creating a NEW Crystalline LIGHT BODY. I have experienced the pain and the BLISS moving through this process. The bliss is like no other feeling on this Earthly Realm as we merge closer to the LOVE of the Creator.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group Message - 12/27/15

DECEMBER 29, 2015

Dearest friends, we come with joy and best wishes in this holiday season.

We observe some of you experiencing sadness and a bit of confusion because you are not experiencing the season as you are used to. For those of you who are feeling this way, rejoice in the understanding that your consciousness has changed and thus the holidays no longer resonate in the same way. Since last Christmas, many of you have evolved and integrated more light which in turn is effecting the way that you experience, understand, and live every aspect of daily living from the mundane to the most profound.

Coming Home by Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians

John Smallman - Saul - You will never be refused or rejected - 12/28/2015

Great events are on the verge of occurring on your beautiful planet because of all your prayers and loving intentions so strongly and constantly held.
Many have been feeling that all the promises that have been made about the birthing of a New Age of Love and abundance for all have been but wishful thinking on the part of channelers.  Channelerswho have just imagined them to be messages from their guides in the spiritual realms, when in fact they have been nothing more than their own intense and individual desires longingly and wistfully visualized.