domingo, diciembre 13, 2015

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - 12/13/15

Dear ones, it is with joy that we commune and join with you as you journey ever more deeply into enlightenment.

We wish to speak of benevolence, a subject that is frequently misunderstood. Benevolence is considered to be the practice of meeting of some need--the giving of time, money, or service by some group or individual without personal consideration. The USA is considered to be a benevolent nation because of the spiritual principles upon which it was founded and most religions of the world believe benevolence to be representative of spirituality. The holiday season in particular promotes benevolence as the Christmas message.

The Archangel Michael Vortex of Banff - AA Metatron via J Tyberonn

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - The Prayers You Offer to Others are a Ticket to Higher Consciousness - Dec 13, 2015

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

The Gabriel Message for this week is suggesting that we use prayer as the first resort and not the last in any situation.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return.

Sometimes it is so difficult to know what to do when faced with situations that seem beyond our comprehension. That is when prayer has such wide-spread capability. It gives us something positive to do for every situation.

Christine Meleriessee - 12:12 PORTAL – LORD ASHTAR - Dec 13, 2015


With the 12:12 Gate Portal of Light entering Earth’s field, we join with the Intergalactic Federation of Light in a special meditation journey with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda to etherically board one of the fleets large communication lightships to feel the energies of this portal directly. A very magical experience to embrace the Divine Will and the Divine Love of the 12:12 energies. (Divine Light Languagesm encoding and Ascension Mastery Wisdomsm messages transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriesee Hayden.)

sábado, diciembre 12, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Birthing New Earth Part 1 & The Illusion of Constancy-Suzanne & The Arcturians 12-12-15


What is New Earth? How do we create New Earth? How do we live on New Earth? These are questions that we are asking ourselves because we are feeling that something is very different. Simultaneously, there is much that is the same as it always was. Unfortunately, some of that which is the same is darkness and indoctrination.

Jahn J Kassl - MY MESSAGE IS LOVE, MOTHER MARY - December 12, 2015


Photography © 2014 Jens Schnabel, Munich 

…and the world returns to God’s Love
and mankind enters into the Light.

Message from the Light Reading
on November 25th, 2015 in Vienna

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Tranlsated by Franz

Beloved children of the One God, who is everything,
and all are coming from. Children of the Light, sprung
forth from the loving womb of Mother God of all Life.
The time is ripe in order to unveil the essence of this
time in additional facets.
God is great and God is good; and good happens
to you and great things occur in this world. 

Love and Wisdom

The Secret History of the Knights Templar 2015 {FULL VIDEO}

Ann Albers - There Is Plenty of Time - December 12, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In this season of love and celebration, many of you feel as if you do not have enough time to do all the things your heart desires. And yet dear ones, if you slow down, you can stretch time. If you remain present you can get so much more accomplished, and you can do it with love. If you choose to focus on the task at hand, doing it with love, and only doing it with love, then you will be filled with the energy of creation that is flowing through you! You will have more energy. You will be able to accomplish more. And best of all you will feel the joy of the season.

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 4

Maryann Rada - In Response to the Climate of Change: League of Light