domingo, noviembre 08, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Fulfilling Your Mission to Gaia - The Arcturians and YOUR Higher Self - 11-8-15

The Arcturians and your Higher SELF

As the process of shifting frequencies of reality accelerates, many of our leaders have been moving through initiations, which are initiated by the forces of darkness, greed and power overs. These dark ones are becoming concerned that perhaps those “silly prophesies” might be real. Therefore, they are going after those who have a presence on the dark ones' greatest enemy—the Internet.

The Internet was created by the military to send their secret messages, but was taken over by the people on Earth. It has been the greatest tool for Unity Consciousness ever, which is quite frightening to those of the dark. The dark ones can easily control small groups of frightened people, but if the entire world unites in love and light, they have no defense.

Despite their efforts to gain corporate control over the Internet, they have failed. Humanity has found a wonderful manner to communicate with people all over the planet, and the great power of “Planetary Consciousness” is beginning to evolve. As long as humans see themselves as being “alone on a hostile planet,” they are easily controlled.

On the other hand, when humans reach out to people all over the world, especially those who propaganda has said are their enemies, they find the camaraderie of “We are ALL people on OUR planet.”

As united humanity begins to perceive themselves as members of planet Earth, rather than just their own local area, they realize that they all have the same desire to live a happy life on a healthy planet.

It is then that humanity looks at their planet, not as something that is there for them to USE, but instead as their HOME that they must protect.

Once the humans realize that it is up to them to protect the planet that has served as their home, they can search the Internet to see how the corporations lead by the forces of “power over others” have created a reality in which they believe they, the corporate lost ones, must have “power over” the planet.

It is this “power over the planet” that has allowed them to destroy the land, pollute the air and the water and block the Sun’s ray with the extremely polluted environment that they have created. They have created this environment because they worship money, which they see as the best means to control humanity.

These lost ones have banded together to create wars in which they financially support both sides. Therefore, whoever wins or loses is not important because the dark ones win either way. Do they care that either way the planet loses? NO they do not care!

However, with the expanded light entering Earth’s atmosphere, the hidden war of the light of Power Within against the dark of Power Over is turning now to the advantage of the Power Within. This shift is because those who have come to assist Gaia with Her process of planetary ascension are awakening to their own immense, power within.

This “power within” stems from humanity's ever-increasing awareness of its own inner connection with its Multidimensional SELF. When Gaia’s resonant frequency was lower and the darkness silently ruled your world, humanity was often lost in the third dimensional illusion that they had to be led from “outside” of themselves.

Outer leaders were needed because many humans had not yet discovered their own inner power. NOW, as the higher frequencies of light are entering your world, your consciousness is expanding. As your consciousness expands, your perceptions expand.

It is then that you begin to have a conscious perception, and hence connection, with the members of your own multidimensional self. At first, many believe that this powerful, loving being is above them in some heavenly world.

However, because “all the world” can communicate with “all the world,” there is a constant stream of information that tells humanity that they are higher dimensional beings that have chosen to take a third-dimensional earth vessel within the NOW to assist with planetary ascension.

Furthermore, higher frequencies of light are entering the atmosphere of Gaia’s planet. In fact, it has been noted by scientists that Cygnus X-3 is emitting high frequency gamma waves to Earth (

Andrew Collins has written extensive about Cygnus X-3 on his website and book at:

Because the higher frequencies of light are more accessible now than they have been since before the fall of Atlantis, we will now assist you in integrating this higher frequency of light with each of the elements that have merged together to create your physical form.

As you blend the higher light into the earth, air, fire and water of your own earth vessel, we ask you to share your process with Gaia, so that the higher frequencies of light will also merge with the planetary earth, air, fire and water, via the power of your own breath.

Your first breath denotes the entry of your multidimensional self into your third dimensional earth vessel, and your last breath denotes your exit of your multidimensional self from your physical earth body.

However, within this NOW, there is a special event in which our volunteers can choose to merge so completely with the higher light that they can flash into their higher dimensional “Lightbody” before they experience what was known as “death” in their former incarnations to Earth.

We ask that you take a moment to enter into a meditative, higher state of consciousness. As your consciousness expands into higher frequencies, allow a higher dimensional expression of your Multidimensional SELF to merge with the higher light, which is slowly and steadily entering Gaia’s atmosphere.

Please remember, our dear volunteers to Earth, that your physical earth vessels are living portals through which your Multidimensional SELF can transmit the higher frequencies of light into your body—and your planet—to ground the higher frequencies of light into the elemental aspects of Gaia.

Through your personal portal of your higher dimensional self, you will collect the higher frequencies of light, pull them through your inner, light portal, and ground them within Gaia’s planetary body, one element at a time.

It is for this service to Gaia that many of you volunteered to take a form within this NOW of personal and planetary transmutation.

Because more and more of you are remembering your own Multidimensional SELF you can connect with your higher frequencies of SELF. Once connected with your Higher Self, you will pull that higher dimensional energy down through your personal portal and into the earth, air, fire and water of Earth.

Within your portal, as well as within our earth vessels, are contained all of your Inner Elementals.

Earth Elementals — Skeleton and bodily structure

Water Elementals — Inner fluids, such as blood, cerebral spinal fluid, as well as water

Air Elementals— The ever-expanding power of your breath

Fire Elementals — Your neural synapses and the 3-Fold Flame within your High Heart

We will assist you to use your innate powers of Unconditional Love and inner Violet Fire to merge with the higher light (unconditional love) and use the highest spectrum of this light (violet light/fire) to transmute the lower frequencies of reality into a higher frequency of expression.

(Transmutation is defined as the act of changing a substance, tangible or intangible, from one form or state into another. To the alchemists of old, this meant the conversion of one physical substance into another, particularly base metals such as lead into valuable silver and gold.)

We Begin with Earth Elementals

You will begin your process by opening your inner, multidimensional portal to connect with a higher expression of your own multidimensional self. Using the power of your fifth-dimensional imagination, collect the higher light and transport it via your inner, multidimensional portal into your own inner earth elementals.

Feel, and or imagine, this higher light as it circulates throughout the earth elementals of your physical earth vessel…

Using your immense power of your unconditional love, share this higher light with ALL of Gaia’s earth elementals…

Now, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, the Violet Fire, transmuting ALL shadow into

Light, Light, Light…

The Water Elementals

Continue your process by opening your inner, multidimensional portal to connect with a higher expression of your own multidimensional self. Using the power of your fifth-dimensional imagination, collect the higher light and transport it via your inner, multidimensional portal into your own inner water elementals.

Feel, and or imagine, this higher light as it circulates throughout the water elementals of your physical earth vessel…

Using your immense power of your unconditional love, share this higher light with ALL of Gaia’s water elementals…

Now, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, the Violet Fire, transmuting ALL shadow into

Light, Light, Light…

The Air Elementals

Now, open your inner, multidimensional portal to connect with a higher expression of your own multidimensional self. Using the power of your fifth-dimensional imagination, collect the higher light and transport it via your inner, multidimensional portal into your own inner air elementals.

Feel, and or imagine, this higher light as it circulates through out the air elementals of your physical earth vessel…

Using your immense power of your unconditional love, share this higher light with ALL of Gaia’s air elementals…

Now, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, the Violet Fire, transmuting ALL shadow into

Light, Light, Light…

The Fire Elementals

Now, open your inner, multidimensional portal to connect with a higher expression of your own multidimensional self. Using the power of your fifth-dimensional imagination, collect the higher light and transport it via your inner, multidimensional portal into your own inner fire elementals.

Feel, and or imagine, this higher light as it circulates through out the air elementals of your physical fire vessel…

Using your immense power of your unconditional love, share this higher light with ALL of Gaia’s fire elementals…

Now, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, the Violet Fire, transmuting ALL shadow into

Light, Light, Light…

In closing, we ask that you take a moment of your NOW to FEEL and KNOW:

The Power that you have within your own Multidimensional SELF…

How important you are to Gaia and to process of Planetary Ascension…

How much Gaia needs you and thanks YOU

for your personal contribution to Her planetary ascension.

Beloved volunteers to assist Earth with Her transition, we the members of your Higher SELF commend you for your courage and dedication to fulfill the mission for which you took embodiment.


We are the Arcturians and the members of your own Higher SELF.

VIDEO 03 - Crop Circles 2015 - Chicoana, Salta, Argentina - 01th november 2015 - 2015 UFO


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We are your Arcturian friends, closely watching the evolving processes on Gaia.

As high level frequencies arrived from your Galactic Center, and now penetrating the surface of your planet, many veils are lifting on the astral and ethereal level around earth and also around yourself.

This is the reason why we are now coming closer together. Now it is easier for us to make a conscious connection with you, as it is also easier for you to connect with the level of our higher frequency of light.

Amanecer (Sunrise) by Alexandro Querevalú

ALERT: Exploding Fireballs Reported All Over the Globe / Eyes On the Skies

OVNI Misteriosa Luz Espiral en Tijuana Mex▬UFO mysterious light spiral in Tijuana Mexico 07/11/2015

Shekina Rose - 11:11 Galactic/Starseed Light Alliance of Universal Peace Language of Light

The 11 11 Awakening phenomenon is a pre-encoded triggering sequence to activate a massive wake-up call for starseeds to a higher mission to accomplish in your connection together.
The 11 11 11 portal exists through time and space and is not a one-time gathering; it can be used like a vortex and transmitter of concentrated energy, like your churches and power places of the world.
Remember, this synchronistic code configuration creating energy portals existed before the 11 11 11 and will continue to energetically reconfigure based on the direct collaboration of consciousness at the time and space that are imprinted thereon.
You have great unlimited and untapped divine power together in unifying in the holy matrix, the light field consciousness. Your guide is through your innate intuitive empathic awareness and telepathic abilities. Come from the heart center or higher heart, and merge in light consciousness to other beings at the place of your soul’s higher source. This light consciousness exists within every cell of your body where you tap into and come online in the name of the divine holy Power Peace! Peace is a true power that you will come to know as a magnificent and wonderful field of resonance that is part of you, humanity and prime Creator. 333
Yes, it is true, you can change the world. By the Mother frequency with Gaia, not being against what appears to be the opposition, pain and separation, use your divine will to unite and bypass the resonance field that would take you down into lower density. What is required is to have the higher divine matrix on line and available so that the field can hold to higher consciousness and resonance for sacred technologies that serve unity, law of one and peace. 13
Starseed, light bearer and angelic, you had these abilities in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria and from the higher dimensional and other planetary systems that you came from.
It will not take the whole world to awaken to know and get this. Look to the history of humanity and who has changed the world for a better and enlightened place. You are many and are all over the world for a reason—to be the anchors of divine source light Peace! You agreed to come to Earth during these unprecedented evolutionary times to be an awakening starseed ambassador of Peace, Truth and Light. You are now awake, starseed, synchronizing in the fields of Light! 33
We are collaborating with our Galactic Star family and the Elohim for a very special project for the 11:11 2015 for the Universal Galactic Starseed ET Peace Alliance. This calibration was set up by you the starseed light worker before your incarnation in the Divine Plan with the Galactic forces of Light. 444
When: On the 11:11 2015 at 11:00am and anytime that day, wherever you are in the world, state, “I link up my Heart and Being to the 11:11 Heart Peace Portal.”
Where: The Heart Matrix Portal (also known as the “Divine Holy Matrix”).
11:11 Universal Peace Prayer
I AM THAT I AM as Divine Source moves through me to stand and to be in UNIVERSAL PEACE.

I have come to Earth to see you—my Brothers, my Sisters, all colors, all creeds, as One Beloved Family of Humanity.

We come from One Source, One Light, standing on One Planet, as we breathe together the One Breath of Life.

I reach out my heart and hand to you, my Beloved Family of Humanity. I choose to align, to unite, to be an Instrument of Peace as we call forth our Galactic Brothers and Sisters, every Universal Being of Truth and Light.

Through One Divine Heart and Mind, with the Legions of Love and Light, and with all Beings everywhere, we call forth UNIVERSAL PEACE to prevail within us, upon the Earth, within the Heavens, within the Cosmos—Peace without end, NOW!

And so it is
Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission.
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process.
BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:

sábado, noviembre 07, 2015

Patricia Cota-Robles - 11:11 Another Opportunity In Our Ascension Process - November 7, 2015

This is truly a miraculous time. In September 2015, the Earth was bathed with Celestial Light in frequencies beyond anything Humanity or the Earth have ever been able to safely receive. This influx of Light was infused with Gamma Rays that were specifically encoded by our Father-Mother God to be assimilated by each person’s I AM Presence and used to recalibrate our DNA structures. This event exponentially moved the Earth’s Ascension in the Light, and the Divine Alchemy of Humanity’s physical Transfiguration into our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, forward a quantum leap.

Natalie Glasson ~ Archangel Raphael - Tips for Ascension - Nov 7, 2015

Tips for Ascension by Archangel Raphael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 6th November 2015 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I, Archangel Raphael, wish to share with you five areas of focus that I believe are beneficial at this time of your ascension.
Energy Flow

Be still and listen to the flow of energy surging through your being, it will inspire so much for you to contemplate and observe concerning your ascension.
The energy flowing through you now has the potential to manifest anything you wish to experience on the Earth. This energy is of high vibration holding the essence of your higher self or the more evolved aspects of your soul. Such a high vibrational energy flowing through your being is already creating magnificent shifts within your being, clearing all that is no longer needed and magnifying all that you choose to focus upon. Allow yourself time, space and silence to recognise and realise the flowing vibration of light moving throughout your body and aura. As you bring your attention to the energy you will notice its impact upon your being and your awareness of its presence intensifying. Let the attention of your mind be present with the energy flow as if your focus is merging with the light pouring through your being. Allow the light to speak to you; it may guide you as to how to express the light, it
may share with you its purpose of flowing through your being. The light can communicate with you sharing numerous insights when you allow it to, thus you are intensifying your connection with your own ascension process. Valuable knowledge and wisdom is present with the constant and ever changing energy infusion which is pouring into your being, it is now time to be aware of the shifts of ascension which are naturally and automatically being guided within your being due to the flow of light from the Creator.
Now is the time to focus upon that which you wish to experience as you have a powerful surge flowing through you to support your experience of any thoughts you choose to create.