miércoles, agosto 05, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Cuando No Consigues Lo Que Deseas – Pero Obtienes Algo Más - 30 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Fernando Pachacama
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Qué sucede cuando no consigues lo que deseas – y, a veces realmente no es posible, como lo leerás aquí, pero obtienes algo más? Esta es la historia de los zapatos negros estilo Mary Jane, los cuales fueron populares en la década de los sesenta, cuando yo era una pequeña niña. Aunque siempre desee un par de estos zapatos nunca los recibí, ya que estaba paralizada debido a GBS (Síndrome Guillain Barre, parálisis inducida por vacuna) aquel año. No conseguí lo que deseaba, los zapatos, pero obtuve mucho más, aunque me tomó una buena cantidad de años darme cuenta de aquello.



channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: After intensive transformation processes were running 
the whole night, I awaken lightly and am liberated from the 
worked on issues. In the afternoon during my meditation I fall 
asleep and have the following Dream: 
Final battle between good and evil! We, the light warriors and 
the warriors of darkness, make an appointment in a great castle, 
looking like a fortress. All weapons are allowed and at the assigned 
time the two “parties” appear. The battle ignites with full severity 
and even though we are armed with everything, which human 
Beings ever developed, these weapons barely injure. I myself 
shoot at an entity, yet seems to have no effect, on the other 
hand somebody hits my head with a glowingly hot steel wire 
mesh, and I also remain undamaged. It goes back and forth 
and the situation seems with no way out, because nobody 
seems to obtain the upper hand. Therefore I speculate to 
flee through one of the open windows.

Kara Schallock - Lion's Gate - August 5, 2015

On August 8th we will enter what is called the Lion’s Gate. The Magdalen Gateway leads us to this point and is a part of it as well. What is the highest purpose of this merging? The Divine Feminine is, of course, a major part of Ascension and who better to symbolize this than The Magdalen? She brings the essence of Courage, the Courage to transcend the lower aspects of duality within us and our cultures. So many have been faced with much personal challenge. Yet challenge is an opportunity to release more duality so that we may be more Love. The Lion’s Gate is actually a triple 8 (8/8/2015: 2+0+1+5=8). The Lion’s Gate brings forth Strength. the Strength to be all we are. So you see, The Magdalen brought the Courage to be Strength in order to be more Love.

Christine Meleriessee - The Cities of Light - August 5, 2015

Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman at http://www.AwakenVisions.com 
Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman
by Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), along with various psychics, prophets, channels and seers, foretold (and still foretell) of potential EARTH CHANGES that are directly related to the coming of a NEW AGE upon Mother Earth. A researcher of the information forecasted by these many sources will quickly find various scenarios and happenings spanning varying degrees of land mass alterations, changes and/or catastrophes, much of which is contradictory between sources.
The existence of such contradictions does not mean the information is false, nor does focusing on any one source mean it is true. The discrepancies exist for many reasons. The primary reason is we are a mass consciousness of humanity that has freedom of will. Little changes within our conscious energy field can have massive positive results, or alternatively, if we collectively are failing to make much change within ourselves, we are passively acknowledging that we are in acceptance of whatever needs to occur on the physical plane to force us to change.

Benjamín Fulford - 04-08-15. Complots terroristas frustrados de los jázaros, proliferan los rumores de arrestos el 8 de agosto

04 ago


Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/08/04/khazarian-terror-plots-thwarted-rumours-of-august-8th-arrests-run-rampant/

(Nota: no tenemos confirmación de que esta información sea exacta. El escudo Rothschild si parece ser auténtico

Un científico nuclear iraní llamó a un representante Sociedad del Dragón Blanco, así como a muchas agencias del gobierno, el día de la luna azul 31 de julio para advertir de un complot jázaro inminente para atacar a varias zonas nucleares iraníes con aviones civiles secuestrados armados con bombas nucleares. El científico dijo que había sido advertido de que un vuelo de Dubai a Teherán en un avión Boeing 777-300ER en el que tenía previsto viajar el 1 de agosto era uno de los aviones que se iba a utilizar en el ataque. Las advertencias se tomaron en serio y se ejerció una fuerte presión sobre el establecimiento militar y de inteligencia israelí para evitar que el perro loco criminal de guerra Benyamin Netanyahu y sus compañeros conspiradores llevasen a cabo un ataque de ese tipo. El “descubrimiento” de una parte del ala de Boeing 777 en el Océano Pacífico la semana pasada estaba destinado a ser una distracción para este ataque, según fuentes iraníes y de otras fuentes.

martes, agosto 04, 2015

Judith Dagley - Becoming SOVEREIGN Again - 8.4.15

The Master’s Class continues. In between the lessons, I’m finding out that there are “sub-lessons,” you might say, rather like stepping stones from one to the next. Tonight, such a stone appeared, and so here it is.

Venus and Uranus retrograde… astrology talk, but what does it MEAN? You are LIVING what it means right NOW. Everything important that we “think” we’ve already learned but never REALLY learned is back again (thank you, Venus!) to learn through very unexpected LIFE EXPERIENCE (thank you, Uranus!). The BIG lessons right NOW don’t come from me or anyone else and I don’t care HOW wise they are.

Kryon por Lee Carrroll - El Cocinero Cósmico - Chicago, Illinois - 26 de julio de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este ha sido un día de aprendizaje. La presentación que dieron hoy mi socio y su compañera de enseñanza, fue más que información. En este taller se está tratando de transmitir un concepto general, a veces con éxito y a veces no. Es este: que en ustedes hay una consciencia del Espíritu, una benevolencia abrumadora que quiere tomarlos de la mano y conducirlos por la vida. Realmente no hay ningún muro entre nosotros. Les hablo ahora desde el otro lado del velo, desde lo que llamarían la Fuente Creadora, en un estrato de consciencia que le habla a la humanidad. Esto lo hacemos muchos de nosotros. Este es el propósito de ese estrato de consciencia: ayudar a los humanos a descubrir a los humanos y lo divino en los humanos.

Meredith Murphy - The Arcturians and Ashira - Seeing Yourself More Clearly - 04 August 2015

Greetings Divine Beings of Light,

We are here to speak with you in love, as love, as you are. You and we are so similar in so many ways and yet the form of our field gives you pause to see it that way, or so it may seem to you. Yet it is true. We are in so many ways, simply you refined and refocused in different ways for different experiences of light. So it is.

Let us tell you now, about our being here with you, for it is of great interest to us. We are here to live within your world in and through you so that you might know yourselves more fully. We come here as a unified field of light knowing you in the Divine Self you fundamentally are. We are comprised of an even more expansive wholeness than your Divine Self and yet made up of your Divine Self. We come here to listen and live with you, through you, being in your awareness as the All that is You are, so that you might know yourselves more fully.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - August 4, 2015

Much is ready to happen! This realm has gone to the precipice and the time arrives to reset ourselves anew.

from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation

Dratzo! We come again! Much progress is being made, worldwide. The verdicts against the dark cabal continue to pile up. The most important faction, the world’s military, is picking up its pace. Their task is to come together and formulate a plan for actually arresting the remaining top layers in government, banking and in law. Meanwhile, those in this dark cabal are in the midst of putting together their last straw, a series of international trading partnerships. These associations are actually a modified version of their "new world order." These bogus agreements are to be trumped by the rising of NESARA and a series of similar measures worldwide. In short, the dark’s schemes are in fact illusionary. Everywhere, allies of the ancient families are fully prepared to override these illicit agreements. While this is happening, a number of new global financial institutions are slowly starting to flex their wings. The new BRICS bank and the Chinese AIIB are beginning to cut into the purposes outlined by the cabal for trade and development. The process presently occurring globally is to show how the much larger need for infrastructure development can be accomplished.