martes, julio 28, 2015

Out of this World' Celestial Visitor in the Solar System

Kryon por Lee Carrroll - Los Filtros Humanos - Totowa – Nueva Jersey - 27 de junio de 2015

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización fue revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para brindar una comprensión aún mayor. A veces, incluso se agrega información. A menudo, cuando la canalización se realiza en vivo, tiene una energía implícita que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no se halla presente en la página impresa. Así que disfruten este mensaje mejorado que se trasmitió en Totowa el 27 de junio de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hay mucho para decir que no puedo decir. La razón de no poder hacerlo es que no existen palabras -no hay palabras que expresen adecuadamente lo que sentimos por ustedes. Hemos hablado a un grupo tras otro, como el de ustedes con respecto a cosas que son muy importantes para nosotros y para ustedes; la fusión entre nosotros, lo que sentimos por ustedes, las felicitaciones que tenemos para ustedes. Queridos, vemos que nosotros somos lo que predomina en su interior. Dios está en ustedes. No importan todos los otros mensajes de todos los demás -los que canalizan, los que hacen lecturas, lo que sea- si no les dicen que Dios está en ustedes, aléjense. La historia de la creación de este planeta dice que Dios está en ustedes, los maestros que caminaron sobre la Tierra dicen que Dios está en ustedes; todos ellos. Este es el tema del día y lo que están tratando de hacer a esta altura es conectarse. Tal vez sea la razón por la que vienen a una canalización en lugar de ir a otra clase de reunión, para escuchar las joyas del Espíritu, las cosas con las que se pueden relacionar, lo que es el amor.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - July 28, 2015


Let this be the time of a great end to those who in the dark’s name kept all of you doubting who you are and what you were capable of. The time comes to let this realm know that your merciful guardian energies are preparing to emerge and create a new realm filled with peace, cooperation and joy. Hallelujah! A new time of freedom and prosperity is nearly upon us!

Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation

I Muluk, 2 Pop, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Much is happening! The various processes chosen by our earthly allies have received working schedules. As usual, a set committee meets at infrequent times with the dark cabal. In these meetings, our earthly allies provide the dark’s emissaries with a series of ultimatums. These ultimatums are usually based upon a series of legal decisions that prove the dark is basically bankrupt and lacks its own "oomph" to carry out senseless military actions. In short, world opinion is turning solidly against them. The ancient families in particular possess formal IOUs, which have the power to prove the utter weakness of the dark’s fiat monetary system. The dark realizes just how fragile their position is. The end time for this cabal draws ever closer. The ancient families wish to create not only a new system, but as well to create global conditions for the new consciousness to grow and flourish. We constantly remind them that the poor masses of humanity that cover this globe are dying and in pain. Their reply to us is that a process for change is under way and gaining momentum. There is to be a time for everything. We reply that Heaven as well has a most glorious agenda!

lunes, julio 27, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Is it Me or My Guides — It’s Both - July 27, 2015

Since October 2003, when Archangel Uriel first contacted me, I have had a constant connection with this energy. It isn’t something I can turn on or off, it’s always there. Not in an intrusive way, but in a way that has simply become another dimension of my energy aspects. So when I’m asked whether it’s me or Uriel who answers a question, I can’t answer that because it’s both and it’s neither, and it’s the wrong question because it cannot be answered that simply. We all have the ability to connect with angels, guides, and any other energy in the Universe, when we choose to and when we do, the result is an expansion of ‘us’ as human and spiritual.

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Walk in Beauty - 27 July, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

Walk in beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.

Having just returned from my birthday journey to Martha's Vineyard, this message holds a special place in my heart. Trusting that I would benefit from 3 weeks away from my office was the first necessity.

Allowing myself to consciously know that the benevolent love of God was guiding me to make my 70th birthday something that would be memorable and extremely special was the second.

domingo, julio 26, 2015


Healing due to God’s Grace

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

The encounter with one’s own wisdom reveals what is stored 
in a soul, it brings to light what exists and comes into blossom 
in the human heart: the Love for Self and for all Life.


I bring to mankind kindness and lovingness, love for your neighbor 
and self-love, and healings, which are taking place, are devoted to 
these topics.

Do you love yourself? 

Are you willing to do everything for yourself, to give everything, 
and to manifest everything? Are you at the point to love yourself 
just like you are, and do you know that nobody is like you?

Are you willing here and now to devote your life to good fortune, 
and to let your inner wisdom instruct and guide you?
Are you willing to receive God’s Grace, to experience love and 
to give love?
Then follow me now on the path toward it; it is a short path of 
realization, as your heart is ready for it and your soul is open for it. 

Did you know that many transformation steps were 
lacking because you love yourself too little? 

Love is the engine for any light-filled action, and if it is lacking, 
then a human Being is generating too little energy, in order to 
remove the light-starved conditions around self. Love is the carrier 
substance of life and any lack of love blocks the otherwise free 
access of a human Being to self. Each blockage in the essence of 
a human Being is the reason that a lack in self-love exists, because 
Whoever loves self unconditionally will do everything 
unconditionally in order to heal self! 

Such a human Being neither tolerates blockages or inappropriate 
sensations, which obstruct his heart or dip his soul into a dense fog.
Such a human Being voluntarily suspends false belief patterns and 
with joy corrects false behavior patterns at any time.
And it is time that you outfit yourself with this joy, because  
transformation shall be joy and should not bring agony, 
and also should not be solely owed to necessity. 

Whoever loves self only knows one endeavor: to enjoy one’s soul 
and constantly care for the purity of the heart, so that a fulfilling 
and loving encounter with self can occur. Such a human Being never 
has the sense to run away from transformation in fear; instead, such 
a soul only rests, if the search for self is fulfilled, whereby the kingdom 
of Love has been entered into. And the first step into that heaven is 
affected due to self-love.
The searcher seeks self, the lover loves self, the kind one is kind 
toward self and at the very first the merciful one exercises mercy 
toward self. Everything that a human Being wants to pass on must 
first be realized in self, because what becomes visible in the outer 
is the reflection of the reality of the inner essence. Always. 

Long before it is possible to love your neighbor from the 
bottom of your heart and with a free heart, self-love must 
be manifested and, like a river of Light, must incessantly 
flood your being. 

Self-love and transformation therefore are tightly interwoven with 
each other; the one is not possible without the other. Only, whoever 
knows self-worth, knows about the significance of his metamorphosis, 
and he entrusts oneself wholeheartedly to the path of transformation 
and perfection. 

Self-love is the beginning of any healing and not the 
gift at the end of the journey into the Light. 

You must know that only a human Being, who possesses sufficient 
self-love, is willing to profoundly pursue one’s own transformation. 
Therefore at the very first it is necessary to reach the awareness 
that self-love is needed, in order to bring forth sufficient strength 
and stamina for this process. How do you love self without neglecting 
your neighbor and without falling for your own ego?

Mental Level 

The first step toward it occurs in the mental awareness of human 
Beings! Meaning, as soon as you become aware of this necessity 
on the level of the mind, much is done and much has been achieved.
The different false conditionings from many lives ensure that you 
put the love for your neighbor ahead of self-love. Too many times 
self-love has been equated with the ego or has been considered 
inferior, and slowly – from lifetime to lifetime – the right allocations 
were lost.
The ruling systems in this world of the 3D matrix consciously set 
this false track and made use of it. They masterfully understood 
to lead human souls astray and deterred them from self-recognition, 
whereby a false self-image was suggested.
Many religions carry great responsibility and it becomes an 
overwhelming burden now, as the turning point in time is ongoing.

Self-Love is God-Love 

Self-Love in its purest form is God-Love!
One condition inseparably affects the other. 
Whoever is one with God and is in peace with oneself, 
whoever manifests love and has recognized the Light, 
knows the course of time and looks through the game in 
this matrix; and it was necessary to keep human Beings 
away from exactly that, so that the “concept of separation” 
on earth and among human Beings could be proven. 

Self-love and God-love offer no ground for 
darkness and give dark intentions no hold. 

The imprisonment of mankind in this matrix is only possible, 
as long as the illusion of godlessness can be maintained, 
whereby false gods are revered. Once individual human Beings 
look through this illusion, they will turn around immediately and 
can no longer be manipulated.

The kingdom of God on earth was lost, whereby the confusion 
between the human ego and the divine self was caused, so that 
human Beings could no longer distinguish.
And the eviction from the Garden of Eden began, from the 
home of Adam and Eve – the original human Being in 
oneness with God.

After the human ego prevailed, the godless time began, 
because the ego by its nature is godless and only attracts 
the light-filled reality, as it seems to be of use and not of itself. 

However the human ego was created specifically for this 
matrix, so that the game of duality could be experienced.
It does not exist on the higher levels of All-That-Is. 

The human ego is co-creator and co-preservationist of this matrix 
and is unreceptive – out of itself – for God’s pure vibration. The 
human ego ambitiously pursues lower human interests, maintains
positions of the lower vibrating human nature and can only be 
stopped or dissolved due to an awakened human consciousness.
Yet the immortal divine Self in human Beings is incorruptible! 
It goes into resonance with Love and can receive the spiritual 
It is in the position to recognize illusion in its details, and 
thereby give a totally different direction and significance to life. 

Self-love and ego-love are of a fundamentally different 
quality and a conscious spirit can never mistake them, 
because the self-love of a human Being calls for the 
redemption of all blockages while the ego undertakes 
everything, so that these may remain in existence. 

Therefore the simple solution to this riddle: If you are overwhelmed 
with thoughts of breaking up your transformation or with sensations 
to postpone healings, then you know that the ego is at work here, 
because the Self encourages you constantly to unite with your self. 
And for that it is necessary to set free everything that blocks you. 
In short: The self makes transformation possible under 
all circumstances and fosters realization, while the ego 
blocks and hinders exactly that! 

The first thing therefore is to become aware of these differences, 
facts, which describe the mode of action of two totally different 
polarities. Think clearly and distinguish.

Emotional Level 

As a second step go about removing everything on the emotional 
level what mistakenly either has been ascribed to the Self or has 
been entrusted to the ego.
Create the right allocations within self, whereby you ask us 
Ascended Masters and the Archangels for accompaniment. 
Know: The ego always wants to sabotage your 
transformation while the Self always assists it! 

Here and now the healings of your mental, 
emotional and spiritual bodies continue.
Your hearts are touched by God’s Light and 
your souls plunge into this wonderful vibration.

Affirmation I: 


And while this occurs within us, we have reached the point
in the healing, when it is necessary to affirm our intention 
for the transformation.
It is time to renew your willingness for rebirth and to announce 
this to the heavenly realms of Light. Thereby already made 
decisions are strengthened and eventual insecurities are disposed. 
Strengthen your soul, gain perspective, receive orientation, 
whereby you put yourself again into God’s hands and openly 
profess your willingness for it.

Also those human Beings, who declared themselves as being 
entirely transformed before its time, are spoken to here and 
now, because enlightenment has an all outshining, unique and 
preeminent characteristic: unconditional Love, which unconditionally 
and unrestrictedly accepts all Life.

Does that apply to you?

Come, shake off tiredness, gain strength and continue your 
transformation. Overcome hopelessness and dissolve 
disappointments. Neither the prophets have erred nor is 
the fate of humanity inevitable. Just the opposite!
Due to your transformation you determine the fate of this 
world yourself, you have the script of the future in your 
hand and you ignite the Light in the darkness.
Be aware, beloved One: 

The earth heals in your heart at first.

Affirm your Will 
Affirm your will now for further transformation;
affirm now the decision, which you made a long time ago, 
whereby two things occur:

1.) You make yourself aware that you continue on the path 
aimed at your perfection without letting yourself be irritated 
by the storms of this time, and
2.) You confirm this in the presence of your siblings from 
the Light, in the presence of the Ascended Masters and of 
the Archangels and in front of God.
Thereby new energy fields are set free; courage, strength 
and willpower are strengthened. Fogs lift, doubts disappear 
and the further transformation is undertaken in joy.

Some human Beings have forgotten their initial intention 
to turn toward the Light due to intensive work of becoming 
aware, and they are in danger of getting lost in the machinery 
of daily life. Also these human Beings are reminded of their 
given promise due to this announcement and can dip into the 
world of Light from the underworld. 

A new time of transformation has begun 
with the potential for complete healing. 

Now it is necessary to bring this energy into one’s life, 
to attract it magically, until the path of Love has been fulfilled.
Today, the path of realization is easier, because far-reaching 
energies are available for it. What remains unchanged is that 
also now it requires the irrevocable will and decision of each 
individual to continue this path toward fulfillment.
Whoever has neglected one’s own transformation, has the 
opportunity now to take it up again, and whoever wants to 
give one’s own transformation new verve and wants to outfit 
and enrich it with new strength, this opportunity for it is also 
offered now, because: 

Heaven proffers everything to all human Beings, 
until everything has been fulfilled for all. 

So anchor now your further path,
Affirm your further willingness,
Affirm this in front of God and in front of yourself, 
so that you want to walk the path of transformation 
until the end of time and until the perfection of your being:

Affirmation II: 
I (say your name)





Beloved Siblings from the Light!

Today, additional gifts are handed to you, 
so that you may successfully complete your transformation.

Oneness in God & „Free Will“ 

The divine Light touches human Beings on many different levels, 
each one receives the opportunity, each one has the choice again; 
the fields of Gods Grace are infinite. Human Beings can until last 
choose between Light and shadows on this planet of free will, 
and this as long until the polarity dissolves and all becomes 
one in God.

The „free will“ of a human Being is the expression of this 
matrix, and on the higher vibrating divine levels, this is no 
longer necessary. Whoever is one with God, is one with the 
divine Will, is one with All-That-Is.
Oneness does not know separation, does not need 
“freedom of choice”, does not have to decide anything, 
because everything is based on it and out of it, God’s 
Will is fulfilled. A fish, according to its divine nature, 
is surrounded by water, and also a lotus flower does 
not ask about the why or if, instead it blooms according 
to its nature.
For human Beings it is exactly the same, as they see 
their divine nature. They experience oneself as one 
with God and have overcome all limitations. The “free” 
human will with all its human tendencies, has been extinguished, 
because the soul experiences highest freedom in God and has 
returned to its natural environment.

You are now coming closer and closer to that reality. 
What has been of significance for you until today and 
gave you meaning, dissolves. The closer you come to 
seeing God, the further you distance yourself from human 
conditioning and from the play rules of this matrix.

-Encounter the discrepancies of this time in this 
understanding, look at the great cosmic context, 
and look at the universal picture of the actual events 
on your mother planet.
-Turn in love toward your own life; treat yourself 
lovingly, mindfully and kindly!
-Avoid any harshness, avoid false pride, avoid 
arrogance, avoid denying the invisible reality of 
your all-knowing eternal soul, and avoid ego addiction.
-Be careful that your heart remains a pure vessel, 
which God’s Light can fulfill, because the spiritual 
Light of Creation alone is capable to change any 
condition and affects the rebirth of human Beings in God.
-Even though many human Beings continue their deep 
sleep in ignorance, mankind awakens in these days!
-Even though unspeakable suffering was afflicted to the 
living Mother Earth, her healing is fully ongoing and she 
will uplift and liberate herself from the cocoon of time.
Still know one thing at the end of this message:
The reality, which is portrayed in front of you day 
for day, is only one reality and this reality may be 
With every step, which you take, with every thought, 
which you think, with every emotion, each sensation,
which reaches the collective energy field of the planet 
as an energy structure, you imprint and change your 

The discrepancies of time will remain until the end 
of this transformation. God’s sacred fire of Grace 
carries out its sacred work, and the days on earth 
are overfilled with the Light of the Creator, until 
it saturates you. 

Now ask yourself, beloved One: 
What is the meaning of beauty to 
you, as you can see God’s countenance? 

I guard your pathways and I know you from eternity. 
I am Light and anchor of this great time.


Dissolution of Black Magic Initiations – SANANDA:

Lauren C. Gorgo - The Unified HEART-Mind: mastering magic - July 26, 2015

Happy Planetary New Year! Today, July 26th, marks the opening of the Lion’s Gate which means new/higher frequency solar (christ) codes are saturating earth and humanity and will continue to do so until 8-8-ish.

For those unfamiliar, the Lion’s Gate occurs every year on August 8th …when earth aligns with Sirius and the galactic center to create a stargate portal which sends us waves of activating energy for personal and planetary ascension.

This year is even more potent because we have a rare triple 8-8-(8) activation (2+0+1+5 = 8) which I am told is perfectly placed to prepare us for the upcoming lunar eclipse in September… the final (and highly prophesied) blood moon in the tetrad. (The fourth and last in series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses that took place in 2014 –15.) Read: things are heating up in a big way that signal a big finish.

Selacia - Expand Your View - Tap into Your Cosmic Heritage - July 26, 2015

Our recent tumultuous energies are signaling the need to find more grounding and expand the view of what it means to be alive now. These are not ordinary times, and to move through them with skill, a stronger inner connection is needed.

I invite you to consider, as you strengthen your inner compass, a much wider view of your reality.

You are human, moving through what sometimes seems an ordinary life. In the grander more complete view, however, you indeed are cosmic! You have a cosmic heritage that took root long before your human lifetimes.

Judith Dagley - GOOD QUESTIONS… The Many Petals Of One Perfect Rose - 7.26.15

Well, my last post on July 16th, “NEW Moon… Don’t Make it OLD!” created quite a stir– questions began flurrying in like snowflakes only minutes after I hit “publish!” And that is a very, very good thing, I’ve come to realize. Beyond good, actually. More like PERFECT. As in divine timing.

In fact, I’m realizing, seeing, intuiting, just plain knowing without knowing how, so much about why that is– all at once and then over and over again with even more reasons– that I’ve started to write this post about twenty times over the last three days. Every time, there was just too much information flowing through me to fit into a single linear thread… and every time, it came through with a different focus altogether.

Earth-Keeper - The Mega Shift is Here ! Brilliant !