sábado, julio 11, 2015

Ann Albers - Allow Love - July 11, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Life can be so much easier than you have been taught! Love wants to pour into your life. Can you get out of its way? Can you release your mind's grip on the problems and challenges so as to create room for the solutions? Can you focus on the beauty you'd like to see in the future, and even better, the beauty around you right now?
We know you all have challenging circumstances in your life. We know you are all amazing creators and you didn't necessarily create these challenges because you wanted difficulty, but rather because you forgot to love yourselves somewhere along the way. So how do you create change right in this instant?

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Los Filtros Humanos - Totowa, Nueva Jersey - 27 de junio 2015


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hay mucho para decir, que no puedo decir. La razón de no poder decirlo es que no existen palabras. No hay palabras que expresen adecuadamente lo que sentimos por ustedes. Hemos hablado a un grupo tras otro, como el grupo de ustedes, con respecto a cosas que son importantes para nosotros y para ustedes; la fusión entre nosotros, la forma en que sentimos con respecto a ustedes, las felicitaciones que tenemos para ustedes.

Barbara Marciniak. - Who Can You Trust?

Crop Circles 2015 - Winterbourne Stoke Down, nr Stonehenge, Wiltshire - UK - 10th july 2015 - UFO

Jim Self - Webinar - Why Don't I Get What I Want? - Part One

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain: Clarity - July 11, 2015

I AM welcoming you all today and my blessings to all of you beautiful Master Beings. I come here once more to speak to you through the heart of unification as this binds us all, being sparks of the One. What I wish to speak about with you all is the meaning of clarity and the need for clarity. As I was speaking to this beloved earlier today, clarity has become an intrinsic need or part of your lives. For who does not seek for clarity, isn't it so?

You have made this to be for real in your lives and thus created it so. Clarity can only exist and be if there is a recognition and acknowledgment of confusion and being blinded, for it is the opposite of its polarity experience. It is therefore not necessarily so that you need to experience both as a separate thing, rather bring those polarities together and experience them as one. That is the all knowing and seeing things as they truly are without having the complexity of needing to seek what you think is lost.