domingo, junio 14, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Apunten a Resultados Maravillosos, Esperen Algo Desastroso - 11 de Junio 2015

11 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Han pensado alguna vez que sucede cuando hacen una elección, ya sea de manera consciente o inconsciente, para hacer algunos cambios en su vida? Aquí está cómo funciona el proceso. Terminen la oración: Lo que quiero ahora como mi resultado lleno de asombro es………………. Con esa oración justo expusieron un mandato diciendo al Universo que ustedes quieren un resultado increíble, lleno de maravilla para su vida. Entonces, todo lo que en su vida no está alineado con ese resultado surgirá para que ustedes puedan elegir si quieren o no mantener la energía del mismo. Mientras esperan resultados increíbles y asombrosos, al parecer logran justo lo opuesto y puede ser abrumador. ¿Qué sucedió? El resultado eventual, lleno de maravilla será lo que los haga felices, pero pueden producirse algunos momentos difíciles antes de que eso ocurra, a medida que ustedes despejan el sendero de aquello que actualmente les hace sentir mal, infelices o insatisfechos en algún área de su vida.

Dana Mrkich - Conductos de Plasma y Portales Magnéticos - 4 de Junio, 2015

4 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¡Es increíble pensar lo que ronda sobre nosotros sin que lo sepamos!

¡Felicitaciones a la estudiante de la Universidad de Sidney Cleo Loi!

La historia de los Conductos de Plasma sobre la Tierra pueden encontrarla en inglés AQUÏ en breve enviaré la traducción al español

La confirmación ayer por parte de una joven científica australiana de que tenemos conductos gigantes de plasma rondando y moviéndose sobre la Tierra me envió a una búsqueda en la NASA para ver si ellos tenían conocimiento previamente sobre estos conductos.

Por el camino encontré este artículo del año 2008 que hizo feliz a la parte mía que ama las llamaradas solares, y que explica aún más por qué podemos sentir tan profunda y rápidamente la actividad solar: Portales magnéticos que conectan a nuestra Tierra al Sol ¡y ellos se abren cada 8 minutos! ¿No es fantástico? ¡Ya no se trata de “imaginar un portal que nos vincula con el Sol”….HAY un portal!

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 14-21, 2015

Beloved Ones, 
Each of you is stretching for the potential that rests within. This potential beckons you onward, poignant in its endless possibilities and its creative energies help open the flow to needed movement and direction. These are creating inner growth and are not outwardly seen but inwardly felt. Follow your heart in all things. Former ways of doing things are now evolving as you follow your inner direction with faith and determination. Your trust in your intuition is becoming more developed and the insight provided into your own inner workings provides a greater awareness of the people and situations that surround you. As you practice being still and quiet, an inner knowingness comes, a spiritual energy that focuses on understandings that come from a place beyond one’s reason. As you give your inner guidance from the higher aspects of yourself the opportunity to manifest, your own intuition becomes a reality in its operation in your daily life. The key is to take the time to be still and know that you are on the right track. 

Suzanne Lie - Fourth Chakra & Gaia Speaks--DOWNLOAD First "Merging with GAIA" Webinar - 6-14-15

Fourth Chakra & Gaia Speaks--DOWNLOAD First "Merging with GAIA" Webinar



{Thank you for a fantastic chakra journey! We hope you enjoyed our exciting adventure through the first three chakras as we ventured within our own chakras and traveled to bless the planetary chakras of Mt. Sinai, the Amazon, and Mt. Kilimanjaro. It was truly a beautiful connection with the live participants, with our surprise guest, and with those who will join in the viewing of the recording! If you feel called to join the remaining two webinar sessions, you are welcome to register below.}
Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon!"
Today, we will present the information about our Fourth Chakra
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Fourth Chakra

The Fourth Chakra

LOCATION: The location of our fourth chakra is in our heart.

PETALS: This chakra rules the first of the higher vibrations. There are twelve spokes or petals. Twelve in numerology reduces to the number three. Three is the number that represents the relationship between Wisdom, Power and Love. It is this balance that is a primary focus of the Heart Chakra. Wisdom without Love and Power would be cruel and weak. Power without Wisdom and Love would be dangerous and selfish, and Love without Power and Wisdom would be victimized and foolish. In our hearts we must learn how to find and join all three of these virtues.

NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for this chakra is F# and the mantra is “Yam” or “a” as in ah. Chanting theses mantras in the key of F# while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the Heart Chakra.

COLOR: The color for this chakra is green (and pink for the High Heart). Green is the middle color on the light spectrum and represents healing, growth and health.

sábado, junio 13, 2015

John Smallman - Saul - There is nothing to fear. - 06/13/2015

Humanity’s awakening is imminent!  To many of you it seems impossible that this could be true as you see all around you judgment, condemnation, demands for punishment and restitution, and intense pain and suffering throughout the globe.  Everywhere it seems that people are righteously taking sides leading to further unnecessary conflict and even more suffering.  Well, as you have so often been told, the illusion is a dream of insanity, therefore events that occur within it tend to be caused by crazy thinking that believes itself sane.
But, as many of you are also aware, there are many now who are fully awake to the insanity of so many human activities and who are actively moving most successfully to bring this craziness into the awareness of the masses of humanity who have for so long, due to their intense pain and suffering, been only aware of their own narrow life paths.  As a result many new organizations have sprung up to protest vociferously, but peacefully, about the ongoing damage being inflicted on impoverished communities, minority groups, and the planet herself.  Humanity will no longer accept the platitudes and excuses of those who have the power and influence to bring into effect the many changes necessary to lead to peace and abundance for all.

Crop Circles 2015 - Foxley Road, nr Sherston, Wiltshire 9th june 2015 UFO

Maryann Rada - Generally Speaking, This Is the Shift - Jun 13, 2015

global intelligence
The new world is a thing of the past. The next world is one that has not yet been imagined, even by the best of minds, for the world of now is steeped in pain and traumatized, shattered and fragmented and seeking integration with itself. You are each coming into wholeness, step by step, and you will achieve it as you progress in the mindfulness of who you are, by paying attention to what appears in your field of vision and your subconscious thoughts surfacing in dreams and waking epiphanies. However, you have not yet brought yourselves together as a people in the way that a clear picture and understanding of what the world could be can be clearly perceived. We would like to take a few moments of your time to bring you a bit closer to that understanding, and do it in such a way that the words we impart may sustain a trajectory in the direction of planetary oneness of intent for the race you belong to, which is evolving from human into something altogether new. We have been in a place similar to yours in our history, so we know whereof we speak, and beg just a small indulgence of time to weave our tale to your maximum collective benefit. We begin.

Kryon "Goodbye to Gears & Levers" - Sedona, Arizona Wednesday - Thursday - June 3, 2015

Kryon "Changes..." - Sedona, Arizona Wednesday - Thursday - June 3, 2015

Kryon "The Entourage Revealed" - Sedona, Arizona Wednesday - Thursday - June 4, 2015