sábado, mayo 23, 2015

John Smallman - Saul - Peace and happiness are found by being your true Self. 05/23/2015

Humanity’s journey through the illusion has been long and arduous.  You have all spent many lifetimes trying to find your way Home.  As you know from personal experience much suffering is undergone as you search for love and are betrayed or abandoned by those who you would relate to with love.  It often seems that life is not meant to be either happy or enjoyable, but more likely a path that involves much pain and suffering.  And those who lead so-called “good lives” are just as likely to suffer as anyone else.  There appears to be little point in behaving well for it seems to make absolutely no difference, as the rewards available within the illusion often seem to be awarded to those least worthy to receive them.
The illusion is an insane environment.  It was built collectively to enable you to separate yourselves from your divine Source, and to access that unreal state, Love, your true nature, had to be excluded.  But of course you all desperately want to love and to be loved, and so you seek love from one another . . . endlessly.

Crop circles 2015 Ringslebenstrase, Germany

The Rainbow Warriors of the New Royal Bloodlines - Magenta Pixie

viernes, mayo 22, 2015

Blossom Goodchild - May 22, 2015

Hi, my friends. Well, as you are aware, I hit rock bottom for a few days this week. I don’t doubt you … I don’t doubt me … I just didn’t know if I could do this anymore for one reason or another. However … there was a FEELING inside me of ‘Why jump ship, when any minute now, someone is going to shout ‘LAND HO!’ So, here I am … I have no agenda for today … I would just like to see where you take it.
The warmest of greetings to you Blossom and to all who encounter these words offered. We are certainly aware of the ‘energy slump’ that hit you where it hurts.
And therefore, aware of my little outburst to you?
Indeed. Yet, we understand that we are not having to endure the barrage of negativity that is aimed directly at us … for it is you that must bare the brunt. The fact that you are sitting here talking with us today is a most uplifting turn of events … for we felt perhaps you were about to hand in your notice.
I was.  Yet, let’s not dwell on that … although it needed to be addressed I guess. Onward!
The plain and simple fact Blossom and ALL … is that Each Divinely Blessed Soul has their own interpretation of Each and Everything that is offered them. We do not presume that, that which we offer shall be accepted by ALL immediately … and ‘all in the garden shall be rosy.’ That is not our business as to how we are received.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – May 22, 2015

A Message to Lightworkers – May 22, 2015
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
So much is happening in your world now.
And we would say, that though much appears to be “not good,” that that is only an appearance, and not the actual reality.
It is more than the fact that dark creatures of all levels, physical and etheric, are being chased out of their hiding places and yes, from the realms of “power” as your third dimension defines it.
It is more than the fact that daily, the readiness to enact NESARA fully comes more completely into being.
And it is more than the powerful and positive signs you see around you, such as certain persons running for higher office (such as the gentleman from Vermont), who in years past would not have had a prayer of launching any such campaign.

Lauren C. Gorgo - GOD Realized: domain of the christ May 22, 2015

reporticon-finalHave you lost your mind? If not, there’s still time!
We just moved into what could potentially be the most exciting, most fulfilling mercury retrograde yet…a time, an opening, an opportunity to GOD realize, according to the Pleiadians.
We are entering a period of heightened mental capability and for those prepared, this means the ability to fully surrender the lower (monkey) mind in order to merge with the higher (divine) mind…a time to remember the basis of divine creatorship as our thoughts become the springboard by which our christed-consciousness reveals itself.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…the seemingly never-ending phase of EMPTYing out all the contents of our former selves continues as we are pushed (on purpose) to the limits of our humanity…to our breaking point and beyond.  To merge with our higher Self we are forced to surrender ALL of ourselves…in complete faith…to complete nothingness…in order to embody our true, authentic nature.

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Photosynthesis and the Blended Human - May 22, 2015

An Introductory Message from Shanta Gabriel
Many people have been feeling like a new butterfly lately. We are just out of the chrysalis, wondering where our myriad legs disappeared to and how to make our big, wet wings work. This newness is the dimensional state where the only thing we are sure of is that the old ways don’t work any more.
Archangel Gabriel would speak of this time when I began my connection with him in the early 1990’s. He would say that the easiest way to acclimate to higher frequencies was to become a bridge of Light between Heaven and Earth. He advocated using Divine Light as the catalyst for changing the energy system of the body because Light acts as a transformative tool for us to become the Divine Human we were meant to be.
Divine Light is a carrier for qualities of consciousness that hold the spiritual connections we need to be more attuned to our soul and the guidance coming to us from the Angelic Dimensions. The spiritual attributes of Peace, Harmony and Joy sometimes seemed too lofty for me as a mere human to consider and yet were the very qualities I needed to shift my consciousness.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
I am the Way, the Truth and Life 
Beloved Ones,
The day of truth comes close, God’s voice will sound
and will be heard everywhere, and each human Being 
will realize where his journey will go to and continue to.

SaLuSa - 22 May 2015

Time continues to pass very rapidly and will continue to do so, which for many of you is a relief as you are experiencing many challenges. This is to be expected as you face clearing the residue of karma accumulated over a long period of time. There will come a point when you will have virtually completed it, and it will be considered as having been cleared and the slate will be clean. Your focus on all that is positive will ensure that you stay on the path of Light, and the end times should be an occasion when you become aware of completion within yourself. It will come with a feeling of peace and a knowing that all is well. You will find it easier to live in the "Now" and life will be more enjoyable as you focus on the Light. The old vibrations will hold little or no attraction any longer, and you will know beyond doubt that you are ascending.

SUZANNE LIE – Morning Message from the Arcturians – Excerpts from Thirty Veils of Illusion – 5-22-15


The Forest

The forest is green and splendid with many unusual flowers and trees. The weather is weather-less in that it is perfect. I can feel no external temperature. The breeze is gentle and caressing like soft feathers being waved in my midst, yet none of the shrubbery or flowers is moved by it.
The moisture seems to come up from the Earth. There are no streams or rivers that I can find and there has definitely not been any rain since I have arrived; yet everything has light dew upon it, even when the suns are high overhead.
There is never a total darkness as the three moons are very effective illumination. One of the most unusual things is that I have never seen a shadow. Even when the suns are low on the horizon there are no shadows. Also, the Beings of this place do not move. They are at one place and then, suddenly, they are at another place. I wish desperately to have someone to share this with, but then perhaps I would not keep this journal.
First, I suppose I should explain how I came upon this place. I think I can still remember. In this place time is very different. I cannot possibly guess how long I have been here. The suns have crossed the sky twelve times, but I have no idea if this resembles Earth time. On Earth, a day consists of the sun rising and setting, moon rising and setting; and then the next sunrise comes, and it is the next day.
However, here there seems to be no rhythm to the suns’ rising or setting. It almost appears that it is happening for me. If I think that it must be time for the suns to set, then, when I look next, the suns have set.