lunes, marzo 02, 2015

Christina Lunden - March 2015 - Three Major Keys for Your Ascension to the 5th Dimension - March 2, 2015

~Breathing – Deep breathing is even more important now. Remember to take the time to consciously breathe. The Angels recommend 3 long, slow, deep breaths, 3 times a day. Doing this will keep you in your heart more than in your mind. You have more power and control when you are in your heart.
When you raised your energy from a 3rd dimensional human into a 5th dimensional spiritual human being, doing everything spiritually first keeps you on the easy path. Remembering to take 3 long, slow, deep breaths will help you stay on that easy path.
The best method is what the Angels lovingly call the “Candy Cane” breathing. Visualizing a candy cane starting at your nose. Breathing in through the nose, going down the back of the throat, deep into the lungs then reversing it pulling out all the old and stale air from the bottom of the lungs, hooking back around the throat and breathing it out through your nose. Then doing it again. Each time going deeper into the lungs.

Benjamín Fulford - 02-03-15. Confusión y caos en el más alto nivel de los gobiernos del G-7 mientras comienza la revolución

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Hay un vacío de liderazgo peligroso en los más altos niveles de poder dentro de las naciones del G-7 mientras el colapso financiero se avecina. Habrá colapso económico, hambruna masiva, anarquía y guerra civil a menos que el sistema sea totalmente reiniciado. Por otro lado, si se reinicia el sistema, los niveles de vida en los países del mundo pueden duplicarse en un año. La clave es liberar a las naciones del mundo de la esclavitud de la deuda de Babilonia. Para aquellos que no entienden esta realidad, echen un vistazo a este enlace:
y luego a éste para observar la magnitud de la esclavitud de la deuda mundial:
Con la organización de un jubileo, o cancelación por una sola vez de toda la deuda mundial, pública y privada, los niveles de vida humana pueden ser efectivamente duplicados en un año. La clave para lograr esto es forzar la rendición de la mafia tribal zionazi Jázara (no Khazaka) que controla este sistema.

Kryon - Lee Carrroll - Creación Benevolente - La Gran Apuesta - Las Vegas, Nevada, 22 de Febrero de 2015

Las Vegas, Nevada, 22 de Febrero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y saludos para quienes vienen por primera vez, porque tienen ante ustedes un enigma. El hombre de la silla les ha hablado por más de una hora. Se sienta allí, y es su voz otra vez; todo lo que ustedes han aprendido en su vida sobre la realidad de qué es qué y de cómo funciona, les dice que es el mismo sujeto en una silla y es él hablando otra vez. Tantas veces hemos hablado de esto; es lo mismo para todos.

Existe un puente de creencia que ustedes cruzan cuando se sientan en un lugar espiritual para un culto. En este momento estamos en un centro espiritual; yo sé quién soy, sé quién está aquí, sé quién está escuchando, porque estoy en un lugar dimensional que tiene una realidad que promueve eso. Es muy, muy diferente de la de ustedes en este momento. Entonces, lo que hemos hecho en el pasado es pedirles que salgan de esta caja, una caja en la que dicen estar porque lo necesitan. Necesitan estar en ella por su supervivencia mental, no pueden permitirse entrar en otro territorio de creencia, y algunos dicen que es porque allí hay demasiadas cosas. Les pregunto: ¿Acaso eso les impide meditar o hablar a Dios de alguna manera? Sea lo que sea que Dios significa para ustedes, cuando hablan a Dios ¿tienen que trazar una raya de lógica, sentarse y jadear un rato y cambiar energías? La respuesta es no. Porque está en el interior y es intuitivo, allí mismo, con su mano extendida, pidiéndoles que sean parte de todo. Quiero que crucen esa barrera y se acostumbren porque, eventualmente, querido ser humano, eventualmente, la naturaleza humana lo requerirá.

Mahala – Planet Alert March 2015 – 2 March 2015

MahalaBy Mahala Gayle, on March 1st, 2015
Are you emotionally prepared for the month of March? Mars has moved into Aries, which is a fire sign, and the first couple of weeks Mars will be moving into making an aspect to the Uranus/Pluto square. This energy could become very explosive so please keep your cool. This will be the seventh and final Uranus/Pluto square. This energy will affect our heads, brains, and crown chakra because that is what the sign of Aries rules. The Sun will be moving through the emotional sign of Pisces until March 20th; our emotions will be greatly affected by this emotional fire energy.
Have you felt any fear or anxiety lately and wondered where it came from? You thought you had released your issues and here comes more to release. I just realized that the whole world has been releasing their old fears for the past two plus years as Saturn moved through Scorpio. A lot of fear was released during that time period and where did all that fear go?  I was told it got caught in our atmosphere and formed an invisible dark cloud around Earth and everyone who is sensitive picks up this universal fear and thinks it is their own fear.

Jahn J Kassl - PESTILENCE OF END-TIME, SANANDA - Mar 2, 2015

The false Prophets

Whoever receives his energy exclusively from God 
and whose nourishment is the inexhaustible primal 
Source of All-That-Is is a true Master, and not the 
one, who expects for his well-being the gratitude 
and dedication of human Beings seeking help from 
And this behavior, whereby Masters in great numbers 
enrich themselves from the energy of their students, 
from the strength of the ones seeking help and protection, 
is widely pronounced among the false prophets of this time. 

domingo, marzo 01, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Mankind!
The day of fulfillment is closer than the next breath. 
Thereby this world reaches the edge and passes over
to the new level of Creation and into the Kingdom of Light.
With one throw, in one sound and by the Grace of the One, 
this mankind and the world rise. There is hardly any time left 
in order to organize one’s affairs and to heal in spirit, soul 
and body, yet there are plenty of opportunities to orient 
oneself toward the Light.

Ron Head - “The Council” - You Have Exactly What Is Needed For Where You Are - Mar 1, 2015

councilThe Council
As you go through your day, are you finding that you are reacting to situations that used to ‘push your buttons’ in ways that surprise you? Have you changed so much? Are you one of those who is experiencing unexplainable things around you?
Are you seeing things that you were never able to see before? Perhaps you even question whether or not you really did see them? Hearing things? Knowing things you never knew and don’t know how you know?
Are you having dreams that are much clearer and more promising? Are you feeling as if something huge and important is just around the next corner?
Welcome to March of this new year. Welcome to the new you. For those of you on the top end of your planet, Spring is about to spring. For all of you, your Spring is beginning to bloom. We have told you many times that you each have remarkable gifts that you have brought with you for this new time. Many of you have wondered what we were speaking of. If, and as, you search inside for your true selves, you will now find these things. Some will not seem so very impressive to you. Let us assure you that you have exactly what is needed for where you are.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – March 1, 2015

marilynraffaeleMARCH 1, 2015
We come with greetings of love and grace to assist all who seek change and deeper awareness. We observe that many have already accomplished this; you have done the work and are beginning to see the fruitage of that work.
As Gaia lifts into ever higher dimensional levels, many are beginning to more easily experience and integrate the deeper truths. Concepts previously taken for granted as being truth, have become no longer acceptable to ever increasing numbers of people. Some holding positions of leadership or fame who comfortably spewed lies or acted in ways to enhance their own power, authority, wealth, and self aggrandizement, are being exposed. This is happening because so many have begun to listen to and act upon their intuition instead of simply accepting “bought and paid for” sources of information. You are awakening from the dream.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 1° al 8 de Marzo, 2015
Traducción: Esther Abreu


Es importante conectarse con el corazón y seguir su consejo, y recordar que algunas personas están pasando por experiencias en el momento presente que requieren de empatía, compasión y comprensión mientras se manejan con sus sentimientos en sus respectivas maneras propias. Recuerden el amor que yace en el centro de sus seres y en los suyos y dejen que el amor se exprese como lo desee. Algunos de los cambios que se producen en la vida de las personas son los que crean una revalorización total de cómo uno ve la vida propia y puede ser un proceso difícil el que se experimenta. En el núcleo de todos los cambios en la vida de uno se encuentra una lección sobre la aceptación de que no todo puede seguir igual y que los acontecimientos que suceden dejan un vacío que nada puede reemplazar. En esto, sólo el paso del tiempo cura estos entendimientos.

Natalie Glasson – The Evolution Of Intuition To Power By Lord Melchizedek – 1 March 2015

Expressions of love continue to flow with ease and perfection from my being, Lord Melchizedek, into your entire vibrational being. We resonate and exist in oneness; perfection is our natural vibration as we are all experiencing complete processes of integration with the divine source of the Creator. Perfection is your truth, your essence and existence. To allow yourself to exist as an expression of the Creator in every given moment is the perfection of your being and the Creator.

Perfection isn’t about being flawless, exact, correct or accomplished in your everyday existence, more so the perfection of the Creator speaks of integration, resona ce, alignment and experiencing the divine flow of the Creator surging through your being. You are already the  perfection of the Creator, in order to enhance your ability to accept yourself in this way there is a need to enhance your intuition and inner power, in truth recognising the tools you already possess  to express the Creator. As you surrender to the Creator allowing the divine Universe to work through you, there will no longer be a need to create or force the presence of perfection from within you or into your daily reality.
When you allow the Creator to flow through your being you recognise perfection manifesting within you and around you free from your effort, due to the fact you are dancing in complete harmony with the rhythm of the Creator. Many of you are following your inner spiritual evolution and ascension with much dedication and devotion, you may also be wondering upon some level within your mind what the outcome and purpose is for the current ascension. It is my wish to share some insights with you which you can imprint into your being as energetic templates of creation, if you so wish, to aid the manifestation of truth upon the Earth.