miércoles, enero 21, 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies: 'Death Comet' - The War of the Third Antichrist - War World 3

Nostradamus Prophecies: Death Comet – The War of the Third Antichrist – War World 3

More than five hundred years after his birth, the prophesies of Nostradamus continue to intrigue, fascinate, and confound.

Nostradamus wrote that a comet will come from Cancer and something like that is going to happen: ‘Brighter than a full moon’: The biggest star in the sky.

A comet sighting in our times is key to identifying the third of three Antichrists foreseen by the prophet. In each case, Nostradamus provided clues that reverberated in similar phrases in a number of quatrains scattered throughout his book of prophecies for the fleet sooth-sleuth-sayer to decant for debate and discussion.

Nostradamus predicts the war of the Third Antichrist

Nostradamus predicts the war of the Third Antichrist will be the longest of the three. Napoleon’s war, as Nostradamus accurately predicted in 7 Q13, lasted 14 years (1799–1814), followed by another famous time prediction in 10 Q90 for Napoleon’s escape from exile on Elba in 1815 to lead France for a hundred days until his final defeat at Waterloo.

Nostradamus did not tag a specific length to Hitler’s war but he left powerful clues accurately framing the war in time. In his Epistle prophecies he earmarked the years “(19)37″, “(19)41″ and “(19)45″ as the beginning, middle and end of the conflict.

He was only slightly off on the beginning year–it was 1939–but 1941 did see the turning of the tide with the Second Antichrist’s disastrous invasion of Russia, started on the same day of the 129 year anniversary of the First Antichrist’s invasion, no less. Hitler’s war did end in 1945

Nostradamus gives two predictions for the length of the war of the Third Antichrist. In a passage written in 1558 about the three Antichrists in his Epistle to Henry II, he said the following:

“Finally the third [Antichrist] will cause an inundation of human blood, and one will not find Mars [the God of War] fasting for a long time… After that, the Antichrist will be the infernal prince again for the (third and) last time.

All the Kingdoms of Christianity, and even those of the Muslims, will tremble for the space of twenty-five years…”

He wrote the Epistle dedicating a serialization of the final three Centuries (volumes 8, 9 and 10) of his book of prophecies to the king of France after setting down with his pen the following well-known prophecy giving what appears to be a longer timeline:

“The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated,
Twenty-five years his bloody war will last…”

The play of the two timelines, as we will soon see, could be another clue to exactly who Nostradamus intended to be “Mabus.” He is either the Third Antichrist himself, or a key figure killed by the Third Antichrist.
His death marks the beginning of the Third Antichrist’s war.

Here is the complete – “Mabus” prophecy

“Mabus” will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands (powers) thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.”

That means: War World 3 – Nuclear Weapons – Disaster all over the world.

“The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated,
Twenty-Five years his bloody war will last.
The heretics (are) dead, captives exiled,
Blood-soaked human bodies, and a reddened, icy hail covering the earth.”

Nostradamus in the Epistle warns of much worse to come in the new war.


timeofinfiniteopportunitiesGreetings everyone, before I begin this channeling, I would like to add a personal note. What we are being told in this particular channeling is that the energies that have arrived and will be coming to earth this year, will support us in everything that we wish to accomplish. That our nearest and dearest who have not supported our chosen vocations, thoughts and visions will begin to comprehend more and more of that which we are, and we will no longer need to fight an uphill battle to get things done. Society as a whole will begin to open up more and more to that which we offer, which is all sorts of spiritual work, various healing innovations which shall assist everyone here on earth.
What we are also being reminded is that not only will we be able to shed our “Alter Ego” and really connect to who we are. To stop pretending to be something that we are not and show our “true colors”, but also that we literally can connect to another’s energy field, read their agendas, read their minds, read their very core and proceed from there. I know that almost everyone reading this message already knows how to utilize this particular aspect of yourself, but for those who are not yet there, trust that you will understand the “HOW” of everything very soon.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

In the moment when a human Being is willing to overcome 
everything, foremost oneself – and in the moment when 
tears of self-pity are replaced by tears of longing for God, 
recognition occurs – instantaneously. 
In the moment when a soul is matured for further development 
steps, it brings all events into its life, which fosters this process. 
And this moment must be waited for and must be expected for; 
it cannot be forced by anything or anybody. Because: 
Recognition will always be given and 
the all-knowing consciousness opens 
to a human Being always due to 
God’s Grace. 

Wes Annac - The Path to Heaven: Freeing Ourselves from Beliefs - Jan 21, 2015

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I’m reaching a point where I no longer want to pour my faith into any specific belief. Every belief contains its truths and untruths, and like a lot of people have realized, we can take what works for us from each belief and let the rest fall away.
I’ve been writing about open-mindedness lately, and like I said in a recent article, an important part of being open-minded is being diligent enough not to put all our energy and attention into a certain belief just because it’s more appealing than the distorted religions we’ve grown out of.
It’s obvious that contemporary religion’s been distorted to keep us from genuinely understanding spirituality, but we don’t really help ourselves by embracing other philosophies that are more appealing.

martes, enero 20, 2015

Ute Posegga-Rudel - QUAN YIN: THE GODDESS LIVES WITHIN - January 20, 2015

Video (recommended)
My Divine Presence is with you. I am shining my light upon you, to surround you, and as you absorb it, to fill your whole body-mind.
I will tell you more about my light, Beloveds, as light carries information.
My Light teaches you to soften your body in total surrender, because you trust the Presence of the Divine and you accept the principle of receiving, to be filled with my radiance of  beauty, joy and pleasure.

DL Zeta – Re-Dedicating Ourselves To The Light Activates Limitless Potentials – 20 January 2015

DLZetaWe stand at a threshold beyond anything we have yet experienced in the course of our journey. This is a profound time of new beginnings unparalleled by anything yet experienced on the earth plane. The energies of this period are asking us to join together to incubate a new and expanded future aligned with the frequencies of the New Earth.
Individually we have followed our internal GPS to many moments of awakening, some small, some large. These moments are becoming more frequent as we awaken to a greater vision of our limitless potentials. This deeper awakening naturally moves us beyond limited identities and allows us to forge new, expanded identities that bring a greater experience of the New Earth.
We have always held the frequencies of the New Earth within us. Our destiny is coded into our energetic templates. Awakening codes sleep inside us until they are activated by frequencies of light. These activations take place over months and years as we expand our capacity to receive and hold greater frequencies of light.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy -

This world is swiftly to become a star nation filled with wonders of Heaven and great joys, which are to forge your new reality…

Be in peace, and get ready for the wonders of prosperity to reach this special time!

7 Ahau, 18 Chen, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We come with wonderful information! The payments continue to move forward and our Earth allies are now deciding upon new preliminary schedules. These payments are tied to a number of other projects that relate to returning you to a gold standard and to a global currency reset. These programs are also part of a financial readjustment that is to produce a new global financial system. This new system is to replace those agreements first manifested at Dumbarton Oaks in the U.S. This system ends the reign of the Federal Reserve’s notes and its worldwide fiscal policies. You are entering a new world in which a more general equality is to exist between the now poorer nations and the richer ones in Europe, America, Australia and Japan. There is also the matter of new governance.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 20 January 2015

Ron Head - What will you do when you know? – The Council - Jan 20, 2015

councilThe Council
Change is our topic for today. You are living in a time of great change. You have been hearing that for quite some time. You are living in the only moment in which change can be made. That is also something you should be familiar with. You cannot make any change in the future, nor can you make any in the past. The only moment you can change is this one, the present, and in so doing you will alter all future possibilities. You may also alter the effects of the past.

We would point out, however, that the only change which we council you on is the change that you can make within yourselves. You may have some idea of the importance of that, but we assure you that your ability to foresee the vast reach that your personal changes will have upon the future and the extent of the effect upon the entire universe is beyond your understanding. Even upon your world and within your society, there is no way for you to see the effects your smallest action will have in its ripple effect upon persons you have not and may never meet. You discuss this at times, but have you truly ‘taken it on board’, as you say?

lunes, enero 19, 2015

Brenda Hoffman – More Roles, Dimensions And Time Travels – 19 January 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Some of you have received inner messages about various roles you wish to or are playing. Of course, you are the CEO of your totality – a very comprehensive role indeed. But how do you wish to direct your totality? That is your CEO quandary.
Perhaps you wish to visit a role you played in 3D  you did not comfortably complete. Perhaps you are creating a role you have never played before. Or perhaps you are receiving seemingly conflicting messages – that you are directing your totality to more than one role.
This is your first earth life in which you do not have to select one role. Perhaps such is confusing. How can you be both a prophet and queen? Ah. That is the message for this week. For you are quite capable of playing several roles in several dimensions at the same time.