martes, diciembre 02, 2014

UFO Year End Special #2. (The Best Space UFOs Of 2014)

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 2 December 2014

AishaNorthOnce more the time seems to have speeded up, and rightly so, for now things have indeed been set into motion that will have an effect far and wide. Let us explain. As we have already mentioned, the last week’s events did indeed put into place a whole new set of coordinates into this gargantuan “machine”, and as such, we have been able to proceed at a much higher speed, and so, these events will continue to unfold in ways and in numbers that may take more than a few of you by surprise. You see, now there is no longer any reason for any of us to sit around and wait for any laggers, for now, so much has been set into motion it will indeed serve to pull the majority along with it in its wake.

Jahn J Kassl - TO SERVE LIFE, ELIJA - Dec 2, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz  

To serve Life until it is fulfilled, 
to pronounce the truth until it is heard 
everywhere, to be the Light until human 
Beings recognize it. 


Our task in these days is easy,  
as we are anchored, as we see what is, 
and as we do not complain about what is still not.
Our task in these days is honorable 
beyond all measures, as we remain behind 
with the remaining ones until the worlds are 
fully separated from each other.

Judith Dagley – Pandora’s Box – 2 December 2014

“What we have been going through in this unsettling phase of personal transformation is the ‘reconciling of opposites’ on a very grand transpersonal scale. Opposites exist not separately, but at once. Each defines the other, and each is part of the other. Look at a coin. One side is heads, the other is tails, yet both are the coin. YOU are the coin.
All that You see around You is reflected from within You.
The inner and outer battles will never cease until You claim them.

lunes, diciembre 01, 2014

Lena Stevens - December has two themes: RESPONSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY - Dec 1, 2014

It may seem that the two themes are not related to each other but they are not only related but also mutually supportive. Hopefully by now we are all more comfortable dealing with the unknown, as that theme from November will continue to influence us over the next few months.
However this month we shift our focus to more of how we can actually deal with the unknown by examining where and how we are RESPONSIBLE as well as learning to identify and take advantage of OPPORTUNITY.
Let’s start with RESPONSIBILITY as that is the main theme that shows up first.
In defining RESPONSIBILITY, I like to include “the ability to respond” as part of the definition. You should always be the first responder to whatever is happening in your life. You should be the first responder to your own issues. It helps if you can always come from the place of accepting that you create absolutely everything and every situation in your life. The power in that responsibility is that if you created it, you can uncreate it, you can change it, and you can always create something new.
This is not to say that you have to do it alone and can never ask for help. You can have incredible support, cooperation and guidance, but this month’s lesson is to really get that no one else can do it, heal it or fix it for you. You can have all the guidance in the world, all the meditations, visualizations, therapy, healing work, advice, financial support and help, but if you do not RESPOND in a way that takes full responsibility for your situation, you will not change anything in the end.

Janet Lawson - When is an Orb not an Orb - Dec 1, 2014

When is an Orb not an Orb by Janet Lawson
Welcome! I am Janet Lawson, a member of the Diana Cooper Orb Team and a qualified teacher of Angels, Ascension & Lemurian Planetary Healing with The Diana Cooper School (Foundation). As I also have a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Photography, I am very grateful and honored to have been given the opportunity to discuss a question that Diana received from a gentleman called Nigel.
Dear Diana,
I have collected a number of “orb” photos over the past few years and indeed been very lucky to have actually seen the orb of my guardian angel circling above my bed at night several times. However, I am very aware that in many photos things that look like orbs are in fact a function of light entering the lens at a particular angle. Whenever I have sun light shining towards my camera or at any angle in front of the lens, I discard any resulting orb.  



channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 
Beloved Ones,
The time for sympathy has come and everyone who 
ascends leaves this world in deep Love and in deeply 
felt sympathy for all, who feed themselves again into 
the cycle of transitory life and repetitive dying.

Ronna - Message from Archangel Michael - "DECISION TIME * THE FUTURE IS NOW" - Dec 1, 2014

Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-12-2014

Beloved masters, never before have you had such a wondrous opportunity to serve humanity and the Creator.  You are at a crossroads in your evolutionary process, for the world you have known in the past is slowly fading away. As Divine Sparks of the Creator, you were given a great gift, a treasure chest of Creator Essence to use in any way you desired.  You began this lifetime with a portion of Adamantine Particles of Light (the Essence of the Supreme Creator) stored within your Sacred Heart, and also a reserve tucked away within your Root Chakra--the Sacred Fire Seed Atom sometimes called Kundalini and portrayed as a coiled serpent. You have always had access to the Sacred Fire stored within your heart; however, you have to remember how to use your “Keys to the Kingdom” in order to ignite and effectively use this power source of Divine Light.  The Kundalini or Serpent Fire is a different matter, for you must clear 51% of the distorted energy you have created in the past in order to tap into this potent reservoir of Divine Creator Light. In order to reach this state, you must harmonize the vibrational patterns of your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies to the degree that your Energetic signature is resonating to the harmonics of the mid-fourth dimensions and higher.

DL Zeta – Aligning With The Version Of ‘You’ That Can Transport You Into The New Time – 1 December 2014

DLZetaAccelerated energies in recent years have allowed manifesting to happen with increasing ease. This is more so than ever as we move further into the new time. Manifesting our spiritual mission is an increasing desire for many. If you are feeling challenged in this realm, it may be time to examine the process you are following to bring your visions into physical reality.
We’re first always seeking to manifest the version of ourselves capable of existing along the timeline we wish to access. In a sense, we’re not truly creating or manifesting reality, but aligning with a timeline that already exists parallel to our present moment.
Steps to Aligning with the ‘You’ most Strongly Aligned with the New Time
When you reach toward your highest potentials, you allow the “you” most strongly aligned with the timeline where your vision exists to transport you there. We offer here some steps you can follow to align with your highest potentials.