Welcome! I am Janet Lawson, a member of the Diana Cooper Orb Team and a qualified teacher of Angels, Ascension & Lemurian Planetary Healing with The Diana Cooper School (Foundation). As I also have a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Photography, I am very grateful and honored to have been given the opportunity to discuss a question that Diana received from a gentleman called Nigel.
Dear Diana,
I have collected a number of “orb” photos over the past few years and indeed been very lucky to have actually seen the orb of my guardian angel circling above my bed at night several times. However, I am very aware that in many photos things that look like orbs are in fact a function of light entering the lens at a particular angle. Whenever I have sun light shining towards my camera or at any angle in front of the lens, I discard any resulting orb.
I know you have said that the “Orb of the month” is a powerful orb and quite amazing. However, I have some reservations about it because – sunlight is coming towards the camera through the trees – the orb has 8 sides to it which I feel indicate that it has been produced by the camera lens and reduced by the iris/aperture thus giving it the strait edges – on examining the colours they are all graded from red to violet in rainbow fashion thus indicating that light has been split within the camera lens. I feel that this orb has been produced within the lens and is not in the area photographed.
I would appreciate it if you could look at this photo again and let me know the outcome.
With love and light
First of all, what is an Orb? The Oxford online dictionary says an orb is a spherical object or shape. The Cambridge online dictionary defines an orb as something in the shape of a ball. Diana has an Orb Gallery as part of her website and this is where people can send in their beautiful and sometimes very colourful images of orbs they have captured with their camera. Diana and the Diana Cooper Orb Team then tune into the orb to see if any spiritual beings such as Archangels and Ascended Masters have manipulated their own energy into the shape of an orb, or have perhaps connected to the man-made orb. Many orb images the team are asked to look at do not fit into the dictionary definition of the word Orb, however as I will explain later in this article, there can still be higher frequency energies present in that image.
A large portion of the orb images I receive can be given a scientific explanation e.g.
- Refraction – the bending of light when it passes between two different mediums (one denser than the other) e.g. when the camera lens has particles of dust or water droplets on it. A rainbow effect can also be produced when white light falls onto one face of a prism and the white light splits into its different colours forming a rainbow effect.
- Diffraction – when light passes through a narrow opening, the light then spreads outward. This can happen when the aperture in a camera is too small. There are also lens attachments for cameras that can cause an artistic example of diffraction.
- A rainbow is caused by both reflection and refraction of light in water droplets.
- Unwanted light within the lens can create different shapes to appear on an image e.g. a shape with sides.
Many people still feel that Science and God are two subjects that should be kept separate at all times, even although this powerful intelligent energy flows through and around everything. God is within and around everything, including the rays of the Sun and the Sacred Geometric shapes that can be seen in all aspects of nature and in the entire Universe. God’s intelligent energy is also within the many beautiful shapes and colours that are now appearing in lots of photographs, for how can we say that God’s energy is within everything except the energy that a camera has recorded? It is also well known that Sacred Geometric shapes have their own special power and the angels enhance this special power by adding their own energy to it.
Angels are an aspect of God and are able to manifest their energy in many different ways and into different shapes. On Earth, the Archangels work with the different colours that are within the visible spectrum of light, mixing their powerful angelic properties with these different rays of light. This allows the Archangels to spread their energy across the land and to the animals and people. This powerful mixture of light, colour and angelic energy can help activate the ascension codes that are within us, help our chakras to develop and also help to put thoughts of inspiration into our mind, among many other beneficial things.
I am seeing lots of photographs with beautiful colours pouring onto the land or embracing a person. Archangel Zadkiel works with the violet colour and this colour in a photograph is also connected to the Violet Flame of Transmutation which is being invoked and activated around the world, either through Archangel Zadkiel or the Ascended Master St. Germain. Archangel Chamuel works with the pink colour and therefore a loving energy will be present wherever a pink colour appears in an image. Archangel Raphael works with the emerald green colour and he activates the properties of healing, abundance and safe travel. Archangel Gabriel spreads his purifying energy within the white colour. Archangel Uriel spreads peace with a golden colour and Archangel Michael gives protection through the energy of the blue colour. These are only a few examples of the Archangels and their colours that are appearing in many photographs today.
When I look at an Orb photograph I focus on the energy that has been captured within that photograph and I ask my Guardian Angel to help me do this. Sometimes I will give the owner of the photograph an explanation of the Archangels who are working within the colours that the camera has captured, and sometimes I will receive a message for that person. It is important to remember that the visual image that has been recorded in a photograph is still a form of energy, and as energy can’t be destroyed it can still be accessed. Another important thing to remember is that God is within all forms of energy and this means that energy can exist outside the concept we understand as TIME and therefore energy is eternal.
Regarding the beautiful shapes that appear in photographs, angels have two options when they want to bring forward the energy of Sacred Geometry. The first option would be for the angels to use their powers to make an image appear in front of a person and have that image suspended brightly in thin air. However, I imagine that this would create chaos and would perhaps result in many people falling down in a state of shock! The other option is for the angels to add their energy to the many shapes that are being formed on the photographic images, perhaps by the action of light falling against the lens or some other object, or even being created by the Archangels themselves, but within the camera! This is a safe way for the angels to work and the angels can then add their powerful energy to the different shapes and colours that appear on the image, creating a powerful active form of energy that can be tapped into once the image has been recorded.
Now I come to the awesome part of my explanation. It is now well known that there is a magical power in our thoughts and that we have the ability to create a situation, or bring forward a situation with the power of our thoughts. This happens because our thoughts are also a form of energy and energy in all its many forms contains the intelligence of God. Imagine that the Archangels wanted to spread a certain kind of energy across an area of land, or to a certain person. By working with the different rays of light that are falling onto the camera and perhaps creating shapes and flashes of colours, an image can be created in a physical format. This will allow the created energy to manifest in the physical form around that person or area. So, rather than the camera capturing the sacred geometric shapes and different colours that have been placed on or around a person, the camera is acting like the mind and creating an image that the angels can then leave their energetic imprint on, allowing this energy to manifest into a physical form, just like our dreams or visualisations can do. All is energy and all things are taking place in the NOW moment. Also, if a person looks at an image and believes that these magical changes can and will take place, then through the power of thought these magical changes WILL take place. When this happens we are connecting the God force that is within us to the God force that has been captured within the image and through the power of thought, the changes will begin to take place.
The role of the Orb Reader is to tune into the high frequency energy that has been recorded within the photograph. Perhaps these colours and shapes do have a scientific explanation for their formation, but regardless of how or why these shapes and colours appear on an image, there will still be an aspect of the intelligent God force within these shapes and colours that will allow the Archangels to make a strong and creative connection at any time and will also allow the Orb reader the opportunity to access this wonderful energy.
Love, Light and Namaste
Janet Lawson