domingo, agosto 10, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: A Message of Love Everlasting – 10 August 2014

Picture of me 5 (2)Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 10 2014
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:
Dearly Beloveds. We take you on a journey today to your Higher Being, your Higher Being of Love, your “Exalted-ness”, as has been addressed in a recent message from Lady Nada.
We, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, come as a unit now to demonstrate and depict and convey a feeling of Love that you all are beginning to tap, that you all are ready to tap into more fully. It is a deeper sense of Love that is connected with your True Being, your True Core, your mingling with Source and all its glory. This exalted state of Love is becoming more available to you as you raise your vibration to a higher level, brought on and instigated by these lovely energies* of late and of Now.

sábado, agosto 09, 2014

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 9 August 2014

AishaNorthAs the floodgates open, many of you will feel as if swept away by these incoming energies, and rightly so. For now, nothing will be left bobbing around listlessly in its wake, rather, all things will be reset in a very new way, and through this, new horizons will once again emerge. Again, we speak in riddles, but let us try to give you some images that will perhaps serve to lift the inner fog somewhat. You see, you are still very much wrapped within that cocoon of humanity you have been ensconced within for such a long time, and so, what is happening can be difficult to discern with the naked eye if you will. Again, we talk about the fact that you as human beings are still very much attuned to registering everything around you with the human part of you, the senses that gauge everything by way of sensory, aural and other “measurable” – by your standards –  frequencies. But now, what is happening is a shift that will bring you all out of sync with what these normal ways of understanding will try to tell you, and so, you will feel as if you are literally walking by your side instead of feeling fully centered at all times.

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 8-10-14 - La Luna Llena es el domingo 10 de agosto

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Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Sunday, August 10 at 12:09 PM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time)

Work with the sun on this day. With conscious focus bring that energy into yourself and embrace the fullness of the masculine and all its qualities. Be receptive to any shifting or healing or clearing of any old patterns around the negative masculine that is possible for you at this time.
This is also a good day to work with fire as a representative of the sun. Light a candle or build a ceremonial fire. Ask the spirit of fire to help you clear out what is not useful in your life regarding old patterns of the masculine. Ask the spirit of fire to kindle that strength and power within you to shine with more chi in your life. Take some kind of action during this time that represents a bigger way of stepping out and being seen.

Natalie Glasson – A New Purification Healing Experience By Lady Nada – 9 August 2014

natalie glassonIt is with great christed blessing that I greet and honour your presence with me now. I am Lady Nada, Chohan and overseer of the 8th Ray of Light of a sea foam green light and higher aspect of Mary Magdalene. I come forth to you with immense volumes of love from the Angelic Kingdom and the Lord and Lady Masters of the Celestial Level supporting my being and purpose in this present moment. The support I receive is channelled through my being to you as you are the
ultimate receiver of the divine.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 9 August 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is upon your earth right now a great clashing of forces, and yet beneath it all, beneath the seeming duality, the wars, the storms, the differences in ideologies, there is only one love. The right hand is arguing with the left, forgetting they are all one in the same.
What do you do when you see things going on in your world that at the level of human existence seem both terrifying and terrible? Dear ones you work with those very same forces that live and breathe inside of you. What parts of yourself are “at war” with one another? What parts of yourself do you wish you could “kill off?” What parts of yourself are being repressed, only to erupt later in storms and forceful displays of emotions. For indeed all wars, all storms, all peace, and all sunshine exists within every single human being.

Eliza: A New Perspective - August 9, 2014

The Enchantments
Eliza: A New Perspective
I woke up this morning having a very pleasant circle meeting with a portion of my huge Star Family. I can almost “see” them now and certainly can interact with them. My heart chakra was glowing. Very interesting this re-blending process. I’m even beginning to enjoy it, LOL.
For those of you who are new to this blog, I recently discovered that I am an unusual being. My true heritage is of the Pleiadian and Venetian (of Venus) cultures. I am what is called a blended light being, born of two great houses, the VaCoupe of the Isle of Medina and the Kumaras of Venus.
Beyond that bit of news, I also recently discovered that I am a walk-in; that is, my light focus or soul essence entered the physical vessel that I am “wearing” when it was just an infant or young child. I remember waking up with a toothbrush in my hand and wondering who that person was in the mirror. I could not remember my name or where I was. Fortunately, I’ve been blessed with great intelligence and facility of mind and caught on quickly.


Regarding the three messages: 
Massive Attacks of the Dark Ones
The Devil does not sleep 
For the Benefit of All
Prepared as follows

written and channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Honored Reader,

The “centrifugal forces of time”, whereby it incessantly comes 
to overlaps of 4D worlds, also do not stop with the Lichtwelt project 
or with me. Therefore I have decided to let you partake in one 
(of many) massive attack of the dark ones, which reached the 
Lichtweltverlag and me in the last 3 days. This for three reasons:
1.) So that you see, that indeed every light warrior has 
to carry out this struggle with the shadow world – daily.
2.) So that you see, that you are never alone in this struggle.
3.) So that you see, that at the end of the day, the Light always 
prevails; our Light, as we are willing to look at evil and with the 
help from Heaven remove it from our energy field, from our life.

viernes, agosto 08, 2014

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa 8 August 2014

Matters are progressing as intended, and we can assure you that you will not have to wait much longer before it will be readily apparent that major changes are approaching. The word has been given that there will be no further interference allowed to the plan for your release from the dark Ones. Their path has been ordained and soon their power will be so diminished that their destiny will be quite different to their plans. Certainly some individuals still wield sufficient power to be obstructive but they act under certain limitations. They will not be allowed to alter the course of mankind’s march towards the New Age and the freedom that accompanies it.

Karen Bishop´s Updates


thehathorslionsgatesupermoonannamerkabaThis post contains a meditation to clear your heart space, activate your crystalline grids and help you to connect to your own self. This meditation should be performed during the full moon which is coming up shortly, but can be done at any given moment in time. This super moon brings with her spectacular energies and so it’s wise to use these energies to your advantage…
Freedom, equality, balance, tranquility, resurrection, remembrance, antiquity, emotional release of pain and suffering, and understanding the stubble energies of unconditional love shall become the primary guiding posts for your earthly selves in the days to come. Accessing the crystalline structure of your being is simpler that you imagine it to be. For there is a mathematical equation that shall get you to the moment of pure excellence that you wish to arrive at. The ground point, the point zero, the zero point of antiquity, traveling back in time, to the seeding of your heart with the new structures of the encoded DNA…