sábado, agosto 02, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Spiritual Truth of the End Time – Part I - Jahn J Kassl - Sananda - August 2, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 20, 2014

first published on August 1, 2014 in
translated by Franz

Georgi Stankov

This is an extremely valuable message for all light warriors of the first and the last hours in these last days prior to our ascension. I am amazed how these simple truths presented by Sananda below are not comprehended or grossly misunderstood by all light workers currently. 

Only yesterday, I visited a concert of the spiritual musician and composer from Vancouver Paul Armitage (see videos on YouTube), who is a real genius according to myself and a re-incarnation of the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. The audience consisted entirely of representatives of the New Age scene in Vancouver, if such has ever existed and still exists. The soul emptiness of these people as it emerged in the discussions after the concert was so depressing, just as their views based on the “love and light” illusion. One motto of their discussions was that everything is “neutral” and all good and evil events are alike.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - El Paso Siguiente - Parte 2 (principal) - 28 de Junio de 2014 - Ago 2, 2014

en Syracuse, New York, el 28 de Junio de 2014

Desgrabación del audio en vivo y traducción: Cristina Cáffaro

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos se dirigen a mi socio y le dicen. “¿Cómo se siente? ¿Como es canalizar como tú lo haces, aparentemente tan fácil, sin ejercicios de respiración, sin preparación?” Les diré. Usamos la frase “Mi socio se hace a un lado”. Ustedes se dan cuenta, ¿verdad? de que en este proceso llamado canalizar, en este momento mismo, estamos usando todo lo que tiene su cuerpo humano, incluyendo su intelecto, su lenguaje, su cultura, su pronunciación, lo que ha aprendido; todo eso tiene filtros. Todo viene con lo que llamaríamos equipaje humano; lo que él ha hecho, lentamente, es quitar tantas de esas cosas como él podía identificar, como yo podía identificar, como otros podían identificar. Decir que él se hace a un lado significa literalmente que los filtros se quitan, y con ello, se abre el portal del Yo Superior que llamamos la pineal, la pineal esotérica. Por esa abertura llego yo. Algunos han dicho, “¿Será Kryon de veras?” Un nombre que nadie oyó jamás. ¿O podría ser el Yo Superior de mi socio? La respuesta es: Ambos. Porque se necesita el Yo Superior de mi socio para entregar el mensaje que yo doy. Entonces, esto es una sociedad. Podrían incluso decir que hay tres socios aquí: el ser humano, el Yo Superior de mi socio humano, y yo.

Y está la pregunta: “¿Y quién eres tú?” Y la respuesta es: ¡Sí! Soy parte de la Fuente Creadora. Nunca he sido un ser humano. Soy el maestro. He estado aquí con ustedes, pertenezco a la Tierra. No hay otro Kryon en ningún otro planeta. Nunca dije esto antes. Oh, he estado allá, pero no con esta función. He observado a la humanidad, contigo, ser humano, tú y tu alma, y yo, observando cómo se enfriaba la Tierra, sabiendo lo que estaba en juego. Y entonces te recuerdo que tu grupo de almas ha venido de muchos otros planetas. Sí, ustedes son los extraterrestres (se ríe). Han tenido tanta experiencia en esta Galaxia, mucho más que la de un ser humano. Es más grande de lo que creen, y todo esto les está oculto. Mi función es iniciar el proceso de recordar; exponer las cosas que ustedes, usando su discernimiento, descubrirán si son o no verdaderas. Esa es mi función.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Este Es Un Mundo Muy Pequeño - Ago 2, 2014

El 26 de julio de 2014 (sincrónicamente el primer día del Calendario Maya luego del día fuera del tiempo N de la T) Steve y Bárbara comenzaron un nuevo segmento de VirtualLight (el 4) llamado UN MUNDO PEQUEÑO donde todos los meses, Trabajadores de la Luz de todo el mundo compartirán sus experiencias cotidianas en su parte del mundo. La intención es hacer que el mundo sea mucho más pequeño, al comprender que no estamos separados.

Human Evolution ALIEN hybrid the REAL X-MEN (REAL PROOF)

Published on May 26, 2013
Margaret Rodwell RN, explores her incredible findings in the discovery
of real life X-Men Children that are born with super minds and incredible abilities..
with the help of ET.. Is what we are witnessing.. the next step in human evolution ?
(discover her incredible findings with over 1600 case studies)

**********If you have had or think you had an Alien Encounter*************
You have finally found someone to talk to.. that will understand and most importantly help you understand ...Please contact Maria at: http://www.acern.com.au/

******APRIL 21, 2013******

MORE than 400 West Australians have sought advice or counselling after claims of seeing UFOs and meeting extra-terrestrials.

Many have joined Perth's UFO Abductee Contactee Support Group, run by the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network and its founder, Perth counsellor and therapist Mary Rodwell.

Others regularly photograph the day and night-time skies and post pictures online, documenting what they say is evidence of UFO activity over the Perth Hills and the western suburbs, the South-West and Wheatbelt.

Ms Rodwell, a member of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists, started her support group in Perth almost two decades ago after taking on a patient who was convinced he had been contacted by aliens.

Since then, more than 1200 Australians, including more than 400 from WA, have sought her advice or counselling, which she offers free or for a donation and business has never been busier, with record numbers contacting her in the past year.

It includes a "buddy system" for "contactees" to share experiences, while those who want deeper hypnotherapy sessions are charged $70.

The 65-year-old grandmother said contactees were men and women of all ages, including housewives, children, farmers, students, teachers, lawyers, doctors, professors and even psychologists. Most have ongoing experiences.

The author of the book Awakening admitted her claims would sound unbelievable to many, but evidence was stacking up worldwide.

"It's all very X-Files but the truth is we live in a universe of billions of stars and it's very unlikely that we're the only life," Ms Rodwell, who lived in WA for 18 years and moved to Queensland three years ago, said.

She said contactees had reported about 60 types of extra-terrestrials. Many experiences involved "going up on a spacecraft".

"A beam of light takes them up to a small craft which takes them to the mothercraft," she said. "Presences around them. Bright lights. They are put on to a table where certain medical procedures are done.

"They're also taught things on the craft. Some remember things consciously, particularly children. Most have a missing time episode. They may find marks on their body, strange needle marks like fine microscopic surgery.

"Some are left with tiny implants."

She said aliens were showing themselves to humankind as part of a "slow desensitisation".

But military and government were in contact with extra-terrestrials and had obtained technology such as fibre optics, night vision, Teflon and digital chips, she said.

The Australian Medical Association WA declined to comment but one Perth psychiatrist urged anyone who thought they'd had alien contact to seek medical help and a psychiatric assessment.

Ms Rodwell is expected in Perth in June to speak at a forum tied to her collaboration with Perth Theatre Company for their coming play Alienation.

You want more.. I would recommend and see: http://www.davidicke.com/

The Awakening Website - Giza & the Great Light - March 30, 2014

Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website

In 1975, a mathematician named Dr. Wesley H. Bateman, Ph.D, began studying the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza, in Eqypt. His work spanned a total of 32 years, during which he discovered that there is a sophisticated mathematical system that was used by the original architects when they defined the measurements of the shape of this ancient structure. During his research, he also learned that it is the same mathematical system that was used to define the ancient Mayan Pyramid of the Sun in southern Mexico.

Rothschild Family Fortune : How and Why (Full Documentary)

Giant Underground Stone Boxes Near The Pyramids In Egypt

DL Zeta – Soul Synching with Past And Future Selves – 2 August 2014

DLZetaWhen you reach a sufficient level of awakening you are able to make contact with other selves that exist simultaneously in other locations in time and space. This is possible because you are a multi-faceted soul that sends forth multiple aspects to experience the pain of separation and the joy of oneness on the earth plane. These aspects exist in various timeframes and consist of what we think of as both past and future selves.
Your future selves exist on the map of your consciousness in locations you have not yet experienced. The order and location of your present-moment self on this map is determined by your proximity to energies of awakening. Proximity allows you to retain a greater degree of “other life” memories. Selves that hold less “other life” memory awareness are generally considered past lives while those with a greater amount of other life awareness are generally considered future life selves.

Suzanne Lie – Return to SELF – 2 August 2014

NOAH: the TRUTH is BIGGER than you thought......the JourNey BeGins

Published on Aug 2, 2014
NOAH (FULL Noah Movie ~ "NEVER TRUST THE ENKI") is a JourNey into the vast evidence of the Global Flood, Occult, Demons, Nephilim, Enoch, the Watchers, the Enki, Tower of Babel, Mystery Teachings of Fallen Angels, God, Satan, Heaven, Hell and the dimensions between.... A FULL documentary investigation into the science behind the supernatural.

Noah: Welcome to the JourNey. the Truth is BIGGER than you thought...... Noah, God, Satan, Occult and Flood are ALL now science fact.

Noah: The documentary "Noah" takes a hard look, not just at the ancient beliefs, practices, demons, spirits, fallen angels, "aliens" & dark gods going all the way back to their source -- the Tower of Babel itself; but greater still, a sobering walk through some of our current "poor-man sciences" & "textbook mythologies" (such as 1859 Darwin-ism and Evolution-ism .... often debated as "Creation vs. Evolution-ism), to the growing finds of SOFT TISSUE & Dino DNA in dinosaurs... all the way to the controversial Dinosaur Ica Stones.... to the Neanderthal (Human) long-lifespans, to the evidence of a Global Flood (Noah's Flood / Noah's Deluge) all across the surface of the whole planet Earth itself.

Noah: The documentary "Noah" also covers the ancient serpent worship on alters of blood by those creatures with elongated skulls that some call "Nephilim, Annunak, the Races of Giants, etc.... Children of the Fallen Angels..... from the realms of hell and the underworld..... to the throne of God Himself, and cross of Jesus Christ.... and the boat that saved mankind from writings on stone all across the globe.

Noah: A true JourNey from the cells to the stars.... to the rage of waters from Noah's Flood..... the Epic of Gilgamesh..... pages of Revelation..... and the dimensions of the unseen... and that which lies between.

Enjoy Noah......
~trey smith

Noah: Special Thanks to:
Michael Donner -- Music for Noah https://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelD...
Jon Rovetto -- DVD production for Noah https://www.facebook.com/jrovetto
Rick Hummer -- Voice Overs for Noah https://www.facebook.com/rick.hummer.1
Ric Viers -- Sound Effects for Noah http://www.ricviers.com/

Noah written, directed and produced by Trey Smith
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trey-S...
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCul3...
God in a Nutshell Project: http://godinanutshell.com/

Noah: Extra Thanks & Suggested Resources:
Dr. Carl Smith (Mathematics & probability calculations)
Dr. Don Patton (Dinosaur carbon dating, Dinosaur / Human footprints, Dinosaurs in same strata as humans) http://www.bible.ca/tracks/ask-creati...
Dr. Jack Cuozzo (Neanderthal Research / Long Lifespans) http://jackcuozzo.com/
Dr. Walt Brown (author of "In the Beginning" -- credited with Hydroplate theory) http://www.creationscience.com/online...
Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/
Dr. Chuck Missler: http://khouse.org/

Noah: Links to other Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell videos

Noah: Theory of Everything by Trey Smith.... Enjoy a FULL debunking of Charles Darwin's 1859 Theory of Evolution which spawned today's popular textbook Evolution mythology. Evolution dis-proven using EVERY SINGLE SCIENCE known to man.... An Easy Step-by-Step video for those who want EXTREMELY EASY, Basic & Practical ways to disprove evolution to their friends. http://youtu.be/mtBz1roiQR8?list=PLEA...

Noah: Evolution Debunked (one hour video) http://youtu.be/Gjvuwne0RrE?list=UUul...

Noah: Nephilim by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/1zz8_MxcnzY?list=UUul...

Noah: Enoch by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/BZGN6EKjvAo?list=UUul...

Noah: the Choice by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/TVbJHaK7Tvc?list=PL51...

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