viernes, agosto 01, 2014

You Are Love and Love Is You – by Fran Zepeda - Aug 1, 2014


Through the Love that you Are,
Explore the Depths of your Being.
Through every refraction of Light,
Lies your Wholeness.
Nothing is left to Chance,
Nothing is forgotten,
And Nothing is lost -
For it is found within the Love that you Are.

Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon - August 1, 2014

Secretly forced human brain implants connected to computers for mind control is a reality today, one that has shattered lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims globally. It is today’s most hidden human rights abuse and Russia has taken the lead to expose it in a TV news program that the host called a “profound” interview with a leading Targeted Individual advocate from Sweden.

Recently, a California woman and an expert in the field provided evidence to won the first court case involving today’s mind control cell tower weapon system.

Mike Quinsey. - SaLuSa - Aug 1, 2014

Hi Friends, At last I have recovered from my latest computer failure. Lost all of my files, so have been busy setting things up yet again. At least I can now send out my messages, and the Emails are set up. So I am hoping for a long period of successful computer work. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.
1 August 2014  SaLuSa
For you life seems to move slowly and every moment is imprinted upon your mind, yet in reality the changes are swiftly taking place. There has never been a time when so much is happening so quickly. You are speeding along towards remarkable changes and nothing will be able to hold them back. The mould has been set for a swift change to all that is needed to bring the long awaited New Age into being. You are part of a complex plan to allow the dark Ones the responsibility to be the cause of their own demise. In their arrogance they believe that they are the masters of their future, but overlook the dictates of Heaven. You have an expression about giving someone “enough rope to hang themselves” and this is the position the Dark Ones are in. Their destiny is sealed and they cannot buy their way out of it.

Lena Stevens - The Themes for August 2014 are “FOCUS and BOUNDARIES”. - Aug 1, 2014

This is a fiery and active month, demanding that you put your mojo out there to be seen and heard, to be focused and disciplined, and to get things done. It is not a month to be ambivalent, wishy washy, submissive, powerless and lethargic. There is an aggressive quality that comes with the territory of all this masculine energy that will need to be tempered through your own focus and disciplined work with boundaries.

Eliza: On Transitions and Transcendence - August 1, 2014

Portrait of a Sun Flower
Eliza: On Transitions and Transcendence
The dog days of August are upon us, literally… as the great Star of Sirius rises in the dawn to mark the beginning of a New Year.
We’ve had a long heat wave this week. We had three days where temperatures exceeded three digits and a couple more of upper ‘90’s. I haven’t been sleeping well the last couple of nights, whether due to the heat or something else; I can’t really say. I was tired enough and feeling slightly nauseous this morning so came home early from work.
Yes, I am leaving soon… ascending back to re-blend with Higher Self, but still I have bad days. Today I crashed and burned, having a difficult interview with a volatile young inmate. It was enough to handle on a good day; when I was not feeling well, it was a complete strain. I had to terminate the interview since the inmate was getting verbally abusive, something that is apparently quite common for him. At the moment, I completely dropped into 3D thinking and acting. And left after having a short discussion with the offender’s mental health provider. Yes, this job can be a challenge.

Jim Self – Planetary Update – August 2014 – 1 August 2014

Ronna Herman - Archangel Michael - Enhancing Your Power To Manifest - Jul 31, 2014 - “Realzando Su Poder Para Manifestar”

Beloved masters, as you traverse the return path into the higher-dimensional realms of existence known as the River of Light/Life, or sometimes, the Rainbow Bridge of Cosmic Consciousness, the vibrational patterns within and around you are in a constant state of change.  This has resulted in an ever-increasing expansion of consciousness, whereby the filters through which you view your world of reality, as well as the belief-structures you have built around you, are gradually being replaced with higher, more empowering truths.  The world you have created and those you interact with will always reflect back to you the beliefs and expectations you have accepted as your truth.

Sarah Varcas - August 2014 Astro-Energy Report - Informe de la Energía de los Astros – Agosto de 2014 ¡Súper Luna, Súper Mes!

Friday, 1 August, 2014

Super Moon, Super Month!

The month begins with a Grand Trine in Water formed by Venus, Chiron and Saturn, coupled with a square between Jupiter and Mars. There’s a risk of over-doing things emotionally here. We may enter the month with sensitivities running high and an internal dialogue which goes something like this: ‘If I don’t achieve all my goals by the end of this month there’s no hope so it’s time to pull out the stops and let nothing stand in my way, no matter how tough it gets’. At one level it’s an admirable inner dialogue. Commitment and sheer bloody-minded resolve can take us far in this world. But right now it’s wise to take such inner dictates with a pinch of salt and remember that ultimately it’s the universe, not us, who’s in charge of proceedings and to hold rigid expectations of ourselves, other people or life itself, can be a recipe for disappointment and frustration. So be sure to ease off a bit if this particular monologue is playing in your mind as August begins and remember, there’s a whole new month ahead and, quite frankly, anything could happen!

The Awakening Website - Sacred Sites & the Ley of the Land

Energy GridDuring the Golden age of Atlantis, there was a system of energetic lines, called leys, which was used to create a labyrinth of tunnels for purposes, such as communication and transport. The Atlanteans made use of these ley lines as energy highways.[i] The Native American peoples refer to this network as the web of the ‘spider woman’. It’s part of the Earth grid.

Star of David, Devil’s Bridge, Sedona, Arizona
Each ley line drops from the surface of the Earth to a depth of 265 ft. At that point, it makes a perfect 90 degree turn, and then travels in a continual spiral.
This Standing Columnar Wave energy pattern maintains that precise depth, and then makes another 90 degree turn and comes back up to the surface.[ii]


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Report: Since last night a sentence continuously repeats in my mind: “Advocate of Mankind”. Today a man greets me in the sauna with 
“Hallo, Servus”. This is a form of greeting that is familiar in this area, 
but is usually appropriate, if you know each other quite well. But 
I see this man for the first time and I reply with the more formal 
“Grüß Gott”. As he departs, he adapts to my formality and says 
to me in a friendly tone “goodbye”. (End of report)