lunes, junio 30, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Archangel Zadkiel: Your Radiant Divinity – 30 June 2014

 Picture of me 5 (2)Archangel Zadkiel:
 “The radiance that is your true self has many facets and within those facets are even more facets, and on and on, and so on into infinity. You are comprised of so many facets, and Beloveds, you are venturing to gather all those facets into and unto yourselves and in that, are creating a brilliance that is indescribable.
We give you that you are immense in your scope and thus you can easily see that Oneness is not far from being understood if you consider that concept and idiom in that light.
And so beloveds, rejoice in your immense Radiance for it is affecting the world in so many ways.  Allow it to grow as you integrate all your facets by being aware of them and welcoming them to you in all their glory.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The processes on all levels are carried to the top,
until it happens what has to happen: The discharge of all 
potentials accumulated so far and this in an “instant of mankind”!

Beloved Ones,

In the course of the ascension of the world, at a certain moment, 
the absolute point of return, the “turning point” occurs. It is the point, 
when all processes of the linear space-time sequence turn around and 
like the swing of a pendulum move in the opposite direction. This 
moment of reversal consolidates all still outstanding events in an 
instance of time and changes the so far determining reality.

AA Michael - "TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY" - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Asumiendo El Control De Su Destino” - Ronna - Jun 30, 2014

Beloved masters, shall we continue the review of some of our most important teachings of the past?  It is vital that you have the major objectives of the ascension process firmly entrenched within your memory bank. You are currently in the process of integrating the next appropriate level of Creator Light, with the assistance of your OverSoul intelligence. Connecting with and integrating the many facets of your fifth-dimensional Self will ultimately result in a new biological blueprint of creation.
Your Divine Birthright includes all the gifts, talents, attributes and virtues of Creation.  They are free–yours for the taking.  However, you must earn them through your own efforts, and then share your integrated wisdom with those on the Path behind you. The wise ones / the masters of the Earth and the initiates on the Path have spent countless time and effort to bring forth their talents, and to gain the wisdom they share with everyone who is a seeker of wisdom.  Their mission is to make the journey or the task of gaining Self-mastery easier, and they deserve remuneration for their efforts.  There must be an abundance exchange. You must put forth the time and effort yourself--or you must compensate those who pave the way for you by supplying you with the advanced wisdom teachings of the higher realms. You must lift your ideas and goals to the highest frequencies possible, thereby making them refined ideals which will benefit all humanity.

Christine Meleriessee - Compassion with Lady Quan Yin - June 30, 2014

quan yin1This is the transcript of our Prosperity Circle-Creating Abundance together in which Lady Quan Yin was our host within the Magical Garden of the 144th Dimension of Light of Oneness.
Today we are working with Lady Quan Yin of the Karmic Board, who represents Compassion and Mercy.  Many of us connect with her essence.  She also represents the 11th Ray of Pink Orange.  It is the Bridge from the Old Self to the New Self, the Old World into the New World, and what we are presently experiencing upon the Earth.

domingo, junio 29, 2014

James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 14.6.2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Blessings for this world; 
bliss for all human Beings and Love – unconditionally! 

It is given, it is decreed, 
and the day of truth follows – irreversibly! 


The moment of God’s Grace continues, until all is fulfilled, 
what has been announced to you. And in these days the great 
facts come into view of human awareness. The hidden becomes 
visible and the awakened mankind’s desire for God accelerates 
the process of ascension and condenses the process of separation 
from each other of those worlds, which no longer can be in resonance, 
because all energetic links are cut. 

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 29 June 2014

AishaNorthHere we are again, ready and eager to impart another message into your being. For here you all stand, ready and poised to take this whole operation to a very new level. For you have all been anointed dear ones, as is only right, for you are indeed the bringers of the dawn and the keepers of the light, and now you are all set to set this world fully ablaze with your very presence in this human body and with your very presence in every corner of this globe. For as you move about, the light is literally following in your footsteps, and as you move about, you are setting off a veritable firestorm of ignitions behind you. And this goes for the entirety of your journey in this mortal coil as the saying goes. For this is indeed a multi-level event, and this encompasses so much more than your currentgeolocation and your current timeline. For through this, a whole new spectrum of vibrational fields will once again see the light, in every sense of the word.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 29 June 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
Although most of you have done the work of spiritually aligning yourselves to the higher dimensional perspective, there is still much that is coming up from your cellular memories to be acknowledged and released. It is a matter of understanding what is occurring as that helps to more quickly allow all that surfaces to be released without becoming engaged yet again in the emotional and mental turbulence. It is like wringing out a sponge that still has a bit of moisture left in it so that it needs a few final squeezes. By now you all have an arsenal of tools and techniques that you have accumulated to help you move through with relative grace and ease. You have what it takes to get through this. If you feel you need further help, then it is necessary to find a practitioner who can give you the assistance you require. There are many people well qualified to help you through this. Ask your spiritual guides to lead you to the ones who are right for your particular circumstance.

viernes, junio 27, 2014

Aisha North – A Message From Mother – 27 June 2014

AishaNorthDear family of light!
As I sat down to channel today I could feel something special in the energies as I connected to them. I usually feel a distinct tingle when I start by grounding myself, but this time, it was as if a stream of love floated up through my entire body up to my heart where it connected with the energies coming in. It was such a powerful but loving experience, my body trembled and it brought tears to my eyes.  As usual, I welcomed the CCs and asked them for today’s message, but this time, they told me that they would “give the floor over to someone else”. And this is the message that came through:

jueves, junio 26, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Make Ascension Normal And Ascension Conversations YouTube – 26 June 2014

As I am completing my fourth book of the Pleaidian Perspective on Ascension series, I am also completing many other area of my life. I have always had a huge affinity for nature, even though I was raised in the city and did not see much of it until I was an adult. I know that I have come into embodiment this time to assist Gaia, and She has paid me back with many wonderful adventures on Her beautiful planet.
When I started writing, actually receiving, as I do not know what I will write until I see it on the page, information about the fifth dimensional Elementals something began to shift inside of me. I LOVE plants. My house looks much like a plant store and my yards are wondrous. I also live a few blocks from the ocean, which has the most wonderful air imaginable. I can walk to the Pacific Ocean, so the hot Sun of Southern California is calmed by the ocean breeze.