martes, abril 29, 2014

Time Machine Successfully put together, Time Displacement Unit - The First Time Machine 25/04/2014

Worlds First Time Machine Constructed...
GE C2O4 Time Displacement Unit
According to John Titor, the ability to time travel is discovered in Geneva, Switzerland at CERN, during (I'm assuming) experiments involving the Large Hadron Collider. I can assume that because he also said:
"The source of power for the C204 that allows it to distort and manipulate gravity comes from two microsingularities that were created, captured and cleaned at a much larger and 'circular' facility...The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online." -- January 31, 2001

After the technology was discovered, General Electric then began producing the displacement units. Titor outlined the basic specifications of the units that allow time travel:
"1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsingularities.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsungularities.
3. Cooling and x-ray venting system
4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)
5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)
6. Main computer units (3)"

Before going any further, you might be interested in what John Titor had to say about the development of time travel in general, and how that process evolved.
If so, I've set up a page with one of Titor's lengthier posts, in which he walks us through the basics of how his machine operates and the science behind it. Check it out: John Titor & The Invention Of Time Travel

Jennifer Hoffman - The Energies of May 2014 - Apr 29, 2014

If you have gotten through April and are still standing and breathing, congratulations. Now that we have made our way through those energies (and they were very powerful), we get a chance to align with and implement them, starting in May. The process of transformation is never completed in a single step, it is a journey of release, receiving, alignment, and integration. We release the old to make room for something new, we shift our attention as we create new intentions, we integrate new energies when the old no longer serve us, and this is a continuous spiral of evolution and ascension. If we thought that once April was over things would get back to normal, we’re partly there. But the journey has taken a big detour and the status quo no longer applies. Everything has been stirred up, now we need to decide where it all fits.

Kryon - The Nodes and Nulls Of The Earth - Part 2 -

This explanation is meant to go with the channelling below,
"The Nodes and Nulls of the Earth - Part One"

Have you ever been in a breathtaking place on the planet and felt a sweet energy wrap around you like a warm, delicious embrace? Could this be a portal? What is a portal? For that matter, what are the nodes and nulls of Earth? Why do they exist? Could they be part of a system? If they are part of a system, how does it work?

Conversations With ... Jim Self and Barbara Hand Clow 2014

Denise Le Fay - Things are not as they seem - April 29, 2014

April 2014 will go down in my personal her story book right next to the Divinely epic Three Days event of December 21, 22, 23, 2012. Seriously, April has felt that intense, that life and reality altering as the Three Days where. We individually and collectively have, once again, been changed, evolved into something very NEW and improved… even though it doesn’t remotely feel or look like it at the moment. Quite the contrary actually.

Wes Annac – Spiritual Guidance: The Greatest Perceptual Miracles Have Yet To Grace You – 29 April 2014

wes-annac-300x229Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Love is everything, dearest seekers.
Feel this – know it in the very core of your being. You are love incarnate, and nothing can take this away from you. You’re divine souls with the potential to do and be anything you desire, but your belief in limitation has made it difficult for many of you to break out of your shells and express the sacred love you are at your core; at your essence.

Suzanne Lie - Energies of Change

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: The Power of the Present Moment - Apr 29, 2014

Angelic Guides: The Power of the Present Moment, channeled through Taryn Crimi, April 27, 2014 at | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the power that exists within the present moment. Surely many of you have been told that the present moment is all that ever really exists. However it is our intention to share with you why the now moment is so transformational yet it is so often allowed to slip away while you focus on future events and past regrets.

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman: New Rays of Individualized Expression - Apr 29, 2014 - MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Los Nuevos Rayos de Expresión Individualizada” - TRANSMITIDOS A TRAVÉS DE RONNA



Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-05-2014

Beloved masters, we will continue our review and expansion on some of the most important techniques and information we have given you over the past twenty-two years. It is time to release, transmute or upgrade many of the old restricting thought forms and structures that you have accepted as your personal reality. If you will spend some time in meditation and contemplation, reviewing the structures you have created in your third/fourth-dimensional reality, which include mental, emotional, physical and even some spiritual restrictions, you will quickly determine that it is time to release many of the ties that bind you so that you may move quickly and gracefully into the expanding, empowering world of the future.

Judith Dagley – New Moon/Solar Eclipse– A Message From Darkness And Light – 29 April 2014

judithAround 3:00 am this morning, I was awakened with such a jolt that I immediately sat bolt upright, fully alert and with senses heightened. Something had shook me awake, of that I was sure. But with the moon waning, I could not see anything but darkness. Nor could I feel anything around me but darkness, and in a peculiarly palpable way, almost as if it was a living presence named “Darkness.”
Then I understood. In that moment, it was, and Darkness was calling me outside into the night. “Come out. Come into me. You know me. You have plummeted my depths within you over the past moon. NOW come and see your universe reflect what my purpose is, and confirm what you have found within me!”