martes, enero 14, 2014

Judith Dagley - 1.14.14 NEW VIDEO- 2014: The Year of Integration - Jan 14, 2014

It is not by chance (as nothing ever is) that this video is offered while our Cancer moon is reaching her climactic fullness with our sun in Capricorn. The metaphors often used for Cancer energy as “mother” and Capricorn as “father” are most relevant for this particular event… as is their positioning in polar opposite sectors of our zodiac.
You can probably see the numinous synchronicity of that from the title of this post, which is also the title of the video. INTEGRATION of seeming opposites into wholeness is what its all about NOW–the NEW video, your NEW year, and most of all–YOU.

TheOne-DreamDreamer – The ArtWork Of ‘Past Lives’ – 14 January 2014

Every life a different color, texture, sound.
You feel they’re “out there”, somewhere, in the past, in “other lives”…
But it’s you. All of you. An artwork of GOD. Such beauty in you that it’s barely possible to discern one color/tone (life) from another one. They make up the picture that is the you you are experiencing now. It is your life, your Now Moment, expression of human and spiritual Self.

Suzanne Lie – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Part 4 – Portal Of The High Heart – 14 January 2014

Sandy and I went to different corners of our small house to write our experience of the meeting on the Mothership. Much to my surprise, when I relaxed into allowing my fingers to speak through the computer, I wrote about a different meeting that I did not remember attending. In this meeting we were in the same room and Sandy was sitting beside me. Mytre and Mytria were standing by the Arcturian as It spoke to us.
I was so touched by what I wrote about that meeting that when Sandy returned from her corner of the house, computer in hand, I said, “Sandy, can I please read mine first?

Angelic Greeting in Order to Protect You – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 14.01.2014

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth. I am delighted so much to speak to you through this channel. And very soon we shall come to you again with further messages of light through this very channel. Now he has proceeded so far that now he is prepared to go onward again with another step for you. This has been considered necessary for him so that he may go on dealing with new issues and targets.

Wes Annac – Death Is The Beginning Of Life – Part 2/4 – 14 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 1
We excel to new heights in a steadier way in the spirit planes if we choose to stay there after passing on, but a lot of people choose to come back for reasons related to rapid soul growth and the desire to assist others in awakening.
Mary Bosworth advises us not to worry about death or what lies beyond it, and to enjoy ourselves while we’re here.
“Take no thought nor anxiety for the future life. Have no dread of death, which is only a coming, a rebirth, into this life. Do what you can to help others into an understanding of the immortal life of the human soul, and live in happy contentment and confidence of your future…” (1)

Karen Doonan - Responsibility and the New Earth - January 14, 2014
Many of you at this time may be in much chaos,  many of you may be scratching your heads in total confusion as to what is unfolding upon and within planet earth at this time.  Under the old 3d earth at ALL times you were TAUGHT to hand over responsibility for your actions and your thoughts to those around you. This is a very, very deep teaching and one that may be blinding many of you at this moment in this your human life experience.   It is a constant exercise to begin with to accept responsibility for your own actions and thoughts as the teaching seeks to place “blame” for all that occurs around you, through you and within you at the feet of others.

Suzanne Lie - Gaia Greetings 3

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 386 – 14 January 2014

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps already noticed, the ebb and flow of these brand new energies works in very different ways than before, and rightly so. For you have not only reached a brand new plateau in this ongoing process of reconnecting and remembering the different aspects that compose the true you, you have also managed to wrestle yourself away from the influence of the old and outdated modes and frequencies.

lunes, enero 13, 2014

Wes Annac - Spiritual Guidance: The Light of a Brand New Day - Jan 13, 2014

Conveyed through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Vibrations that are purer than you can yet imagine are making their way to your evolving minds and hearts, and if you let yourselves believe that spiritual evolution is real, you’ll experience the benefits it has to offer.
Let your mental perception fade, even if only for a moment, and open up to the blissful reality of your existence. You’ll find that it isn’t hard after you conquer a few necessary hurdles, and after you’ve put in the work, your ability to be an immense force for change will be much stronger.

Selacia – Tap Power Of January 15thn Full Moon – With Process For Success in 2014 – 13 January 2014 - Aprovechen la Energía de la Luna Llena del 15 de Enero para Anclar el Éxito

SelaciaEach year begins with a mix of energies, but this is the first year in a long while offering you the positive possibilities 2014 does.
To put this in context, remember that you are one of the fortunate ones consciously aware of what these revolutionary times are about. You know, for example, that these years of mega shifting are unlike anything previous generations experienced. You understand at your core that this is a very precious lifetime – your most important one so far!
You know that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and you have consciously chosen to strive for integrating spirit into your entire being – until you are truly merged. Being on a spiritual path for lifetimes – and having done a good amount of preparatory “homework” – you feel a relentless urge to be more and self-actualize more with each breath.