lunes, enero 13, 2014

Natalie Glasson – The Divine Answer By Mother Mary – 13 January 2014

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
It is my greatest wish to bring forth my light and love to connect with your being so we may share a moment of peace and truth within and as the radiance of the Creator. I wish to support you at this time of tremendous transformation by sharing with you ways in which I believe will add your path upon the Earth.
The key words for this time upon the Earth are Love, Expansion, Soul Integration and Intuition, and Freedom. These words can be expressed and understood in such a general way and yet to me they offer focused and supreme guidance to aid further insights.

Suzanne Lie – Part ONE of Gaia’s Astrological Reading For 2014 – 13 January 2014

SuzanneLieRonald Cole Astrology Forecast for 2014
Setting the energies for 2014
SL:      Ronald, thank you so much for coming.
RC:     Thank you Sue for the kind introduction.  It’s a pleasure to be here.
SL:      So if you will start and then I’ll ask questions?
RC:     Well, you know, in the olden days Sue – that means hundreds of years ago there was an old Astrological axiom that the first aspects on the first day of the new year was setting the trend or energy for the whole year to come.

Ison Incoming Fireballs/Debris Direction Update.

Wes Annac – Death Is The Beginning Of Life – Part 1/4 – 13 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Dedicated to Stephanie Sautter – A departed friend who I haven’t really gotten to know yet.
It’s no secret that death is feared and misunderstood. Most people assume that we stop existing and enter an eternal slumber when the body dies, and the idea of ceasing to exist has driven a lot of people to fear death.
Most spiritual seekers probably understand by now that death isn’t as malevolent as some people believe, but still, the idea of the body dying and the spirit departing for greener pastures can be a little unsettling. I imagine that deep down, even some spiritual seekers have a fear of death, whether or not they understand that it isn’t the end.

domingo, enero 12, 2014

Kryon - La Recalibración De La Responsabilidad - Lee Carroll

Kryon canalizado en vivo por Lee Carroll

Universidad Delphi de Estudios Espirituales, Georgia, EE.UU. - 7 de julio de 2012

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El Ser Humano se hace a un lado y el Ser Superior, que representa esa parte de Dios en cada uno de ustedes, es el portal que le permite entrar al Espíritu. De modo que es un atributo de concesión compasiva lo que permite que el Ser Humano canalice y, después de un tiempo, esas cosas que resultaban difíciles al principio se vuelvan normales. Al principio son menos lineales y luego se vuelven más lineales. De modo que lo que ven en este momento se debe a que mi socio ha practicado, y le ha dado permiso al Espíritu para que llegue de forma pura, amorosa, representando la compasión del otro lado del Velo.

Christine Meleriessee - Portal of Light ~ 1-1-1 ~ Lord Metatron - Jan 12, 2014

Portal of Light ~ 1-1-1 ~ Lord Metatron

1-1-1Today represents the first Portal of Light of 2014 representing Oneness within our full consciousness.  This year we are stating that it reflects Grounding Unity within our physical creation.  Today is the first of many accelerations representing this new wave of energy to be felt by humanity.
Our worlds are coming together with the higher levels of existence as each of us as a Lightworker or Torch Bearer is feeling the accelerated energies within our physical existence.  This is all by design so that we will fully accept the Divinity of Light that we are in our creative process upon GAIA.

Denise Le Fay - Latest Etheric Covert Light Ops Mission - January 12, 2014 

Higher Awareness & Abilities 

[I'm deliberately using military terms in this article to better express what a "battle" this Ascension Process has been on multiple dimensions. I'm not using these terms because I'm fond of the military or military consciousness, wars, battles etc., but to hopefully get a larger point across a little better.]
  • Volunteer — my blanket term for Team Light members such as Starseeds, Wanderers, Lightbeings, Forerunners, Lightworkers, Pathpavers, Wayshowers etc. Already ascended souls who volunteered to incarnate into 3D density duality negativity on earth as physical humans for the purpose of helping by embodying or seeding the current Ascension Process from within physicality for humanity, earth, and all life everywhere.

UFO Hunters - The Silencers (MIB)

Educating Humanity: Time Travel,Top Ten People Who Time Traveled, Worm...

Ten People Who Traveled Through Time

If one wants to travel through time, the only way we know of is to get your hands on a speeding DeLorean with a Plutonium powered flux capacitor. There are probably a bunch of other ways to do it we just don't understand all the nuances of the our own earth yet, let alone the wonders of the universe.

Some scientists think that it might be at least theoretically possible to travel through time, no one (as far as we know) has devised a sure-fire way to make it happen. But that's not to say that people haven't reported traveling through time. There are many fascinating stories from those who say they seem to have quite unexpectedly visited - if only briefly - another time and, sometimes, another place. These events, often called time slippages, seem to occur randomly and spontaneously. Those who experience these events are often bewildered and confused by what they see and hear, and afterward are at a complete loss to explain them.

Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD Version