viernes, octubre 25, 2013

COMET ISON is a UFO!! raw footage

Ever Seen a Mind Control Tower? Bet You Have - October 25, 2013

Gee, Sue, why not just tell us what you REALLY think about mind control?
I knew there were towers that transmit a frequency for mind control, but didn’t know much about them. I was enlightened just now on Facebook.  Thanks, Sue!
There are so many! And they have a name, of course. GWEN towers.
Come explore with me, and as always, don’t believe what you read; do your own research.

The Light Collective: “Reclaiming Your Sovereignty” - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - October 24, 2013


We are the Light Collective, a gathering of angelic and light beings, ascended masters and members of the Elemental Kingdom.
Our theme tonight is: “reclaiming your sovereignty.”
A day or two ago, our scribe woke up, went to her laptop and began a short piece announcing to her readership that she was changing the focus of her blog. And now, in the midst of that process, she is deleting all material that was not authored by her. Outwardly, this may seem to be a drastic move to some, but to our scribe, it is in keeping with being intensely involved with reclaiming sovereignty. It is a phase and a process.

Archangel Uriel via Jennifer Hoffman: The Universe Works With You - Oct 24, 2013 to Golden Age of Gaia.
Archangel Uriel: The Universe Works With You. Channelled through Jennifer Hoffman – October 23, 2013.
This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for October 23, 2013
Do you know that the Universe works with you and not for you? It is not possible for the Universe to give you something that you do not want or to create situations that you have not already energized in some part of your reality.
The Universal energy does not create something out of nothing. It only creates that which you have already established energetic space for through your conscious or unconscious intention. As soon as you have defined the intention, you set up the vibrations that create the reality.

jueves, octubre 24, 2013

The Light Collective: “Reclaiming Your Sovereignty” - Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima) - October 24, 2013

We are the Light Collective, a gathering of angelic and light beings, ascended masters and members of the Elemental Kingdom.
Our theme tonight is: “reclaiming your sovereignty.”
A day or two ago, our scribe woke up, went to her laptop and began a short piece announcing to her readership that she was changing the focus of her blog. And now, in the midst of that process, she is deleting all material that was not authored by her. Outwardly, this may seem to be a drastic move to some, but to our scribe, it is in keeping with being intensely involved with reclaiming sovereignty. It is a phase and a process.

El Eclipse Solar del 3 de Noviembre: Reestructurando hacia la Luz…y África Emerge Celia Fenn - 23 de Octubre, 2013

Traducción: Fara González López

Edición y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Estamos ahora justo en la transición de un Eclipse Lunar (18 de octubre) a un Eclipse Solar (3 de noviembre).  En los talones de la poderosa ola de energía de julio/agosto, esto ha creado algún ‘clima’ energético muy intenso.  El Eclipse Lunar en octubre fue en Aries, y fue impactado por Urano en Aries, significando que se liberó mucha energía impredecible hacia las Rejillas. Como saben, los eclipses son siempre un tiempo en el que las Rejillas de la Tierra se recalibran con nuevos Códigos de Luz entrantes, y aunque esto pueda ser turbulento en el momento, el resultado siempre es positivo.   

Huge Triangular UFO Craft, Bawsey, Kings Lynn, UK

AA Michael You are flying along magnificently. – Ron Head October 24, 2013

seeing angels
We wish to return today to one of our favorite topics, the phenomenon of channeled messages.  You will have noticed a distinct change in the type, clarity, and, even in some instances the sources of these.  What has changed?  Have you given it any thought?  More than a few of those involved in bringing these messages to you have done so.  We bring this up today to illustrate a different, but related point.  So we will spend a little time explaining and then we will connect the dots, as you say.

Aisha North – A History Of Creation – Part 6 – 24 October 2013

AishaNorthLet us delve further into the mysteries of creation, as this is something we gather you are all more than eager to learn more about. Well, let us just say that there are not many mysteries of this left, however, we would like to give you some “technical” details as it were. You see, the basics have been well described for you already, and as such, you are more than prepared to have a go at this magical feat yourselves, but we do understand the need to learn a little bit more about what is going on.

Meredith Murphy – The Spaciousness Of New Potentials – 24 October 2013

Hello My Friends and Family,
You find yourself, I suspect, increasingly in states of spaciousness.
Today I wish to speak a little bit about the process of creating space, the purpose of opening to new potential and how this will occur as you experience the uplifting energies, infusions of love and and in fact, as you open to a more and more loving relationship with you.
As you open to a more and more loving relationship with you, you rise in frequency and expand. You discover wide, open spaces of new potential.