domingo, octubre 20, 2013

John Smallman – Saul – Be Alert! – 20 October 2013

john-blog-pics-0135The excitement continues to mount as does the intensity of humanity’s collective intent to awaken.  The ocean of Love flooding the planet is embracing you all, everyone is immersed, there are no holdouts or exceptions, and the effects are absolutely amazing.  Yes, a very small minority of hardcore illusionists are still refusing to acknowledge the unreality of the environment that they are attempting to shore up, but their efforts and intentions are futile as the power of humanity’s collective intent strengthens and engages ever more fully with the divine ocean or field of Love in which all are enfolded.  The illusion is disintegrating rapidly, and that small core of refuseniks who are trying to hold on to power and control by supporting and maintaining that unreal and unloving state of affairs will just be gently relocated to an area where they can continue playing their games without in the least way inconveniencing the rest of humanity.  The time for controlling, dominating, and manipulating others is over because the New Age is one in which synergistic and loving cooperation provides a harmonious environment for all to enjoy to the full free from unwarranted authoritarian hindrance or interference of any kind. Your Father created you free, and free you will always remain. Your awakening into the awareness and experience of that your natural state is the event for which you are all enthusiastically waiting. You will not be disappointed!
The message for today is “Be alert.” The grand event is very close, and as it happens the joy that humanity experiences will be wondrous. You have been waiting eons for this great spiritual and evolutionary step forwards and upwards which was planned as soon as the “separation” occurred, and its time is now almost upon you. Time is a difficult concept for you, being part of the illusion and seemingly very real, but in fact there is only “Now.” Now is eternal, everything that happens happens now, there is no other time . . . there is no time!

sábado, octubre 19, 2013

The journey into your inside – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 19, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, without the veil of oblivion you could not fulfill your mission. The pain of memories would be too much for you. It was absolutely necessary that you forget everything so that you could work out anything new and in this working out anew you  can pass on to your fellow man your experiences and cognitions of it. The fog of forgetfulness was in this sense a blessing for you. Now it is getting thinner and memories, knowledge and skills are slowly but surely coming back to you. Through meditation you can speed this up a bit. Pay attention to what you see in it, hear and feel. Pay attention to what your intuition gives you and on your dreams. You’ll remember that way much. You are a multidimensional being, my child, and you know and can do more than you can imagine now. Start on the journey into your inside and rediscover yourself there. You’ll be amazed at what you can find there ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

AA Uriel - ‘Nunca’ Puede Ser Mucho Tiempo - a través de Jennifer Hoffman - 11 de Agosto 2013

Traducción: Fara González López

¿Alguna vez han dicho que ‘nunca’ más harían algo nuevamente, usualmente después de pasar por una situación que no concluyó con muy buenos resultados? Quizás alguien los traicionó y ustedes dijeran que ‘nunca’ se pondrían de nuevo en esa situación. O quizás alguien les rompió el corazón y ustedes dijeran que ‘nunca’ dejarían que eso les sucediera de nuevo. O quizás tomaron una decisión, no le gustaron los resultados, y ustedes dijeron que ‘nunca’ harían eso de nuevo. Nunca es una palabra muy fuerte que bloquea el flujo de energía y a través de este creamos una gran cantidad de juicios de nosotros mismos que bloquean aún más energía.

Acelera Tu Progreso Espiritual por Selacia - 10 de octubre del 2013

Traducción: Fara González López

Vivimos en un tiempo de cambio revolucionario, catalizando comienzos y terminaciones que ayudarán a crear un mundo más amoroso. Aquí están ambos, el panorama mayor y cómo este impacta en ustedes en su vida personal.

El Panorama Mayor

Las terminaciones en nuestros tiempos de cambios sin precedentes incluyen un desmoronamiento de los sistemas disfuncionales y de los enfoques. Los comienzos incluyen la creación de una manera totalmente nueva de coexistir los unos con los otros – alimentado por el amor en lugar del temor. Estas energías de comienzos y terminaciones están a todo nuestro alrededor y ahora – ellas son globales y le impactan a ustedes y a todos con quienes ustedes se encuentren.

“EL AMOR ES UN ESTADO NATURAL DE SER” 1 de octubre de 2013


Traducción:Fara González López
Edición: Odilia Rivera

Amados maestros, nunca olviden: el Amor es un estado natural de Ser. Elamor es una condición innata, de afirmación de la vida...  Cuando el amor es la fuerza irradiadora en sus vidas, el temor desaparece.  El temores creado por la ausencia de amor. El temor es un estado de la mente creado al acceder a las formas de pensamiento distorsionadas, de baja frecuencia.  Cuando ustedes se vuelven hacia su interior y acceden a ese manantial-pozo de amor dentro de su  Corazón Sagrado, este primero invade su Ser Interno; el resto entonces irradia hacia el mundo. Como resultado, comenzarán a ver a través de ojos filtrados por energía amorosa, lo cual cambiará la forma en que ustedes perciben a las personas en su vida – también afectará cómo ustedes enfrentan los desafíos diarios y las oportunidades – un recubrimiento de energía amorosa crea milagros.  

Peggy Black y el ‘Equipo - Tergiversado y Al Revés – 15-10-2013

concientes dos
Estamos aquí envolviéndolos con nuestro Amor y ofreciéndoles estas palabras de apoyo.

La intensidad del cambio en su realidad está incrementando. Lo que está polarizado se está polarizando aún más.
Ustedes están experimentando que quienes sostienen ciertas posiciones o creencias firmemente sin flaquear están afectando el bienestar y salud mucho mayor global.
A partir de nuestras observaciones parece ser que siempre hay una situación atorada en su lugar debido a dos puntos de vista o actitudes opuestos.
Los conflictos entre individuos, países, nacionalidades o religiones han sido la energía detrás de las muchas guerras que su planeta ha experimentado.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – 11:11 Trilith Phantom Crystals 2013 – 19 October 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWithin the center of these beautiful Phantom crystals lives a portal of Creation, doorways of Light beckoning one to enter and See.  The pyramid power within each 11:11 Trilith Phantom is powerful and giving. It invites one to enter and sit under its apex to receive teachings of time undone.  It recognizes that you are an integral part of the cosmic equation. The phantom within the crystal is TRILITH of nature, which means a sacred place made out of stones, which allows prayers to be held.  It asks you to enter as a shaman into the dolman (earth lodge) connecting you to Earth’s Oversoul which allows you to see with clarity all that has been and all that is to be.

Kryon - Synchronicity - The Way It Works - Cómo Funciona La Sincronicidad - Asheville, Carolina del Norte - 24 de agosto de 2013 




Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps aside. We've described channelling before as a process that honors the Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way

Suzanne Lie – Perception/Creation – Part 2 – Surrender To The IS – 19 October 2013

SuzanneLieWe, the Arcturians, return to remind you that:
Surrender to the IS
It IS HERE and NOW that you shall consciously connect with your SELF.
Your Multidimensional SELF IS.
Your Multidimensional SELF exists HERE in the NOW.
You have been trained from your many incarnations in a third dimensional reality that you must wait. You had to wait because there was time, and it was not the “Right Time” for you to receive what you wanted NOW!
Therefore, you learned to wait. If you were very patient, as patience was a commendable virtue, you would get what you wanted. However, what was in your heart and mind while you waited?
Was your heart and mind filled with the belief that that which you wanted was already yours? Or did the waiting make you believe that that you were not good enough, yet, to get what you wanted?
No one told you that the time you waited was best spent raising your consciousness to live in the NOW. Then, in the NOW, you could create that which you desired. No one told you that once you lived in the NOW there is no time.

Blossom Goodchild – 19 October 2013

bloss arizona biggerWelcome my friends. I have been wondering what today’s conversation shall entail. Although, if I may … there are a couple of things I would like to address on behalf of some readers who have asked me to ask you about Comet Ison. Now I personally really know nothing much at all regarding where it is heading, so therefore have no idea where this conversation is heading either … Is that ok? Over to you if I may?
Firstly we welcome you also. There is much Love and excitement still within and around your planet … which we should also care to address. Yet to comment on the comet. You are quite correct Blossom in your replies to these souls who inquire. If indeed there was to be an up and coming ‘mishap’ with this travelling object … do you not think we would have addressed if before now?