viernes, octubre 11, 2013

Valerie Donner – Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 11 October 2013

valerieDonnerGreetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you and to be participating full time with the Earth Council.
Change is rampant. We see much elevated consciousness. This is inspiring to us. We know that many of you are challenged yet each time you meet the challenge you are making bold new steps in your ascension process.
There is no turning back. You can only move forward for your own benefit as well as for life on the Earth. Holding your dreams and hopes for a better way to live on the Earth is one of your jobs. You are the weavers of Light and a new life. It is important work and you must understand how your consciousness provides valuable exponential input.

Wes Annac – Planetary Healing : What Are Chemtrails ? – Part 2/2 – 11 October 2013

wes-annac-300x229After researching this subject, my opinion that chemtrails are being sprayed as an act of literal chemical warfare against the people is solidified. Chemical weapons are being used against people in various different places nearly every day, and those who speak up about it are relegated to the conspiracy corner. In my view, that’s very tragic.
How long will we as a species let complacency and uncaring keep us from questioning what’s going on in our skies?
If we look up and see thick, expanding chemical trails clearly being sprayed, how long will we continue to let them go unquestioned? If we’ve let the powers that were go so far as to cloak our skies with carcinogenic and cancerous chemicals that then pollute our environment and our health, what else will we let them get away with?

jueves, octubre 10, 2013

Selacia - Accelerate Your Spiritual Progress - October 10, 2013
We live in a time of revolutionary change, catalyzing beginnings and endings that will help create a more loving world.  Here’s both the big picture and how it impacts you in your personal life.
Big Picture
Endings in our times of unprecedented changes include a falling away of dysfunctional systems and approaches. Beginnings include creation of a brand-new way to co-exist with one another – fueled by love rather than fear. These energies of beginnings and endings are all around us now – they are global and they impact you and everyone you will meet.

AA Michael - Yeshua -You are creators. Be good at it. – Ron Head - October 10, 2013

Divine energy
Divine energy

We congratulate all those who have been, and continue to be, detached from the apparent chaos that surrounds you at this time.  As usual, all is not as it appears to be from your perspective.

There is, in fact, a great deal to be joyful about, even in those events which hold so much of your attention if you let them.  Of course we recommend that you not give them that much attention.  Still, we recognize the difficulty of that.  So let us say that what appears so terrible on the surface is, as we have stated prior to these happenings, only the clearing of the way for much more positive things.

ISON UPDATE/8 Objects Inside the Coma.

Anonymous 11/5/2013 World Wide Million Mask Protest


renaissanceDearly beloved children of the universe we come to you now at the time of the Renaissance. The renaissance of the NEW ERA. The renaissance of your hearts and souls, for as you stand at the brinks of the new earth, you find yourself ready to take a step forward and yet there is a part of you that wishes to take a step back. Jolting you into a dance of doubt and flight. As you reach into your soul to release the fear and doubt, you get ready for takeoff, and takeoff you shall!  The time has come to put everything that you have learnt thus far to action.
Magenta the color of the emotional freedom and universal harmony generating love, compassion, cooperation and harmony. Magenta the color that your skies are being tainted with by us to assist you. Magenta the color of FREEDOM and infinite possibilities. Magenta the color of the new Renaissance Phase.

The Company of Heaven: Your Inner-Sun has never Shone Brighter - Wes Annac-

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Speaking for the Company of Heaven:
The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes
SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian Councils
Saan and the Arcturian Councils
We are the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes, speaking delightfully for the Company of Heaven. There are a few different collectives who wish to come through and speak at this time, and we’ll keep our message short enough to accommodate each collective who wishes to speak.
Humanity continues to greet purer energies, and the resulting understandings you’re accessing are becoming purer as well. Humanity is coming to understand the necessity to come together despite what you’ve perceived to be your differences, and the level of unity and Love is growing on your planet in every moment.

El Akasha Elusivo Canalización en vivo de Kryon por Lee Carroll Minneapolis, Minnesota – 10 de agosto de 2013

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para proporcionar una mayor comprensión. Muchas veces, los mensajes de Kryon canalizados en vivo contienen una energía que se transmite emocionalmente y no está presente en la página impresa. Así que disfruten de este mensaje mejorado presentado en Minneapolis en 2013

Saludos, queridos, yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aparta de su consciencia de una forma se ha practicado durante años. Este no es un atributo humano sencillo, porque una vez más el Humano quiere estar en control completo y total de las cosas que son más pertinentes para su supervivencia. Una de ellas es su conciencia, por lo que la canalización que ven con él es ligeramente distinta a las del pasado. Lo hemos dicho antes, no hay posesión alguna del Ser Humano durante este proceso. En vez de eso, hay una fusión, una sociedad, y eso es lo que se ve. De modo que mientras mi socio se hace a un lado, él está viendo todo lo que está ocurriendo. Incluso puede escribirlo más tarde de ser necesario. Esto se debe a que tenemos un Ser Humano que es capaz de trabajar con esa parte sagrada de sí mismo que es nueva y diferente. Es una participación en vez de una posesión.

October 9, 2013 Remarkable, Close-Up ET Encounters in Oregon on Video

Thanks to for sharing this great collection. Wow. This guy is an ET magnet. You’ve got to see this—particularly the video that just says, “Wow”. That says it all. The first one is an interview with images, the rest are regular videos. I wonder what they’re doing... Mojo has established somewhat of a relationship with these visitors and it just goes to show what can happen if you’re open. ~ BP