martes, octubre 01, 2013

SaLuSa 1.10.2013 - MADAD

SaLuSa 01.10.2013

How do you feel right now? There are so many changes going on right at this moment within you, that you might feel confused and might ask if this is what September energies should bring. This confusion is due to your alignment with your own higher frequency and your higher reality of existence that you are entering at this moment. Accept this confusion, as it is still showing you what to work on and with successful clearing of these issues you are helping not only yourself but also all others. You might not have this awareness yet, but you are led by us and your Guides to this point, when you realize that there is nothing to clear, nothing is causing any fear or doubt and you are ready, ready to enter the higher realm of new and loving possibilities. To say it in few words, September was a wonderful month for you, because you were able to merge all unconscious to conscious and let go of so many issues that were holding you back and this was not an easy task to do, knowing the nature of 3D experiences. But you have made it with such grace, not allowing yourselves to turn back for a moment and constantly accepted the fact that this is the thing that you must do before you enter all these beautiful realities that you have created. We congratulate to all of you who successfully made this transition, and we want to let you know that very close is even closer that some of you might think.

Aisha North – Manuscript Of Survival – Part 361 – 1 October 2013

AishaNorthBy now, most of you have gotten used to being knocked about by these interrupting rounds of energetic upheavals, and hopefully, you have even gotten to understand the benevolent nature of this barrage. We know fully well that to many of you, the barrages themselves are nothing to be pleased about, as they seem to misbehave as soon as they connect with your body. But still, the unpleasantness they may cause will never outweigh all of the beneficial value these messengers of light come laden with, and as such, we gather that most of you have quietly acquiesced to these rounds by now.

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: Managing the Powerful Energy of the Equinox Oct 1, 2013
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the very intense energies which have been streaming into your planet. As many of you know you have just recently had the Fall/Spring equinox. Many of you are still having a difficult time managing these intense energies and it is our intention today to share with you our perspective so that you may make better use of these powerful energies.
How are you feeling during this great time of change? Though we do not prefer the word symptom, suffice it to say that many are suffering from the powerful after effects of this energy. Like every equinox, the energy is meant to help you release what is no longer serving you. It is meant to help you find balance and regain the harmony within, though it may feel like anything except harmony at this time.

Visionkeeper – We Are Frequnecy – 1 October 2013

art-astral-beautiful-black-and-white-blonde-Favim_com-281103(Picture by :
Music to read by below:
Yes, we appear to be flesh and bones and blood, but we are forgetting we are a frequency as well. We are energy that is vibrating with life, we attract and repel people and situations to and from us through our frequencies. Have we ever stopped and wondered what frequency we are humming at? Is it our own personal frequency we are emitting out into the world or are we emitting a frequency that we have absorbed from someone else, is it good, is it bad, is it loving or evil? First we must  take notice of what we are attracting to us in our daily lives. Is it positive and loving or negative and evil? How is your life treating you? Are you happy, do you have happy people around you, are you creating positive situations everyday or just the opposite? All of this kind of important information we will never know or understand unless we pay attention to how we are living our lives and what we are thinking. If we stay numbed out by the chaos of 3D we will never know.

John Smallman – Jesus – Due To The Immense Love-Flood Enveloping Your Planet Denial Is Being Washed Away – 1 October 2013

The fact that all are one is becoming ever more apparent to humanity.  This is partly due to the positive pronouncements of your mainstream scientists, specifically physicists, who are unable any longer to refute the evidence for this, but mainly due to humanity’s evolving spirituality which is providing the intuitive knowing that this is so.  This is amazing progress in a very short period and you wayshowers and Light-bearers have helped greatly by holding and strengthening your intent for humanity’s awakening.  Your intentions are far more effective than you can possibly imagine, and because of the limitations of consciousness when it is embodied as a human, you get very little sense of this, very little feedback, although the results are now being seen worldwide.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Alma Compleja - 30 de Junio de 2013

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Cuántas veces hemos dicho esto?  Yo lo sé. Y si se lo dijera a mi socio, él empezaría a conservar registros. Porque eso hacen los Seres Humanos. Antes de empezar esta corta canalización sobre un tema complejo, un tema que se presentó hoy y es necesario discutir, quiero tomar un momento para decir esto: Quizá esta no sea tu realidad. Aún cuando el Ser Humano tiene sabiduría, aceptación, tolerancia, paciencia, es difícil aceptar la idea de que un hombre se pueda sentar en una silla y entregar palabras en tu idioma, sucintamente, que supuestamente vienen del otro lado del velo. Lo sabemos

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Parábola De Wo Y Su Caja De Creencias - 29 de Junio de 2013

Saludos, Queridos, Yo SOY Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Una de las preguntas que se formularon en el pasado, en los primeros tiempos, cuando mi socio y yo nos conectamos por primera vez, fue: “¿Por qué razón viniste?”  Si no han escuchado esto antes, queridos, es importante que lo sepan, porque el potencial de la consciencia al que la humanidad se dirigía iba a reescribir la historia y reescribir el potencial de la historia y a cambiar las profecías de la historia, fuese lo que fuese lo que viniese luego.

Se supone que el Espíritu, al que llaman Dios,  lo sabe todo; pero el Espíritu al que llaman Dios no sabe qué van a hacer ustedes en su libre albedrío. Por eso ustedes llaman a esto una prueba. Y no es un test de su naturaleza humana, no es una prueba de su alma, ni es algo a juzgar.  Es un test del planeta y ustedes son parte de eso: consideren a los que están en el planeta con batas blancas, realizando el experimento, con la consciencia que trajeron al venir y las complejidades que desarrollaron con el tiempo

Pope Francis to ‘Rip Up And Rewrite’ Vatican Constitution September 30, 2013

As a group of eight Catholic cardinals handpicked by the Pope to shake up the Vatican’s murky and autocratic bureaucracy prepares to meet, the group’s leader has said they plan to rip up and rewrite the apostolic constitution which apportions power at the Holy See.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis appointed eight Catholic cardinals to shake up the Vatican’s murky and autocratic bureaucracy Photo: AFP
The cardinals, who were appointed in April by Pope Francis and will confer with him for the first time at the Vatican on Oct. 1-3, were briefed to revise the constitution, known as Pastor Bonus, drawn up in 1988 by Pope John Paul, in a bid to give a great voice to bishops around the world.

Wes Annac-Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: If Things Don’t Seem to Arrive, then Arise - October 1, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With so very much Love and joy, I am Jeshua speaking for our collective of Masters and for the Company of Heaven overall. We continue to watch you go about your Earthly endeavors, and we encourage the expansion so many of you find yourselves undergoing as you subsequently greet purer understandings about yourselves and this beautiful Creation around you.
You’re gaining deeper glimpses into the spiritual realms, and as you do this you emit an energy; a frequency that reaches out to everyone around you and helps them find enlightenment in their own ways and in their own time. You’re helping so many others to become aware of the reality of their existence with your mere presence on the Earth, dear souls, and this is why we encourage your continual efforts to help your collective become aware.

John Smallman – Jesus: Due to the Immense Love-Flood Enveloping Your Planet Denial is Being Washed Away - Oct 1, 2013

The fact that all are one is becoming ever more apparent to humanity.  This is partly due to the positive pronouncements of your mainstream scientists, specifically physicists, who are unable any longer to refute the evidence for this, but mainly due to humanity’s evolving spirituality which is providing the intuitive knowing that this is so.  This is amazing progress in a very short period and you wayshowers and Light-bearers have helped greatly by holding and strengthening your intent for humanity’s awakening.  Your intentions are far more effective than you can possibly imagine, and because of the limitations of consciousness when it is embodied as a human, you get very little sense of this, very little feedback, although the results are now being seen worldwide.