viernes, febrero 15, 2013

SaLuSa - Los cambios físicos están sucediendo todo el tiempo

SaLuSa - Los cambios físicos están sucediendo todo el tiempo

| febrero 13, 2013
SaLuSa de Sirio  DESPERTANDO Los cambios físicos están sucediendo todo el tiempo

8 – 02 – 2013

Los cambios físicos están sucediendo todo el tiempo, mientras expulsáis esas energías que son parte de vuestro equipaje e incrementáis vuestra Luz.

¿Hacia dónde os están llevando ahora vuestros caminos, después de la excitación de la Ascensión aunque no os trajese los cambios tan esperados?

Como os hemos informado, no habéis perdido nada por haber pasado la Ascensión de una forma que no os haya traído los cambios tan esperados.

Siguen ahí preparados para entrar en escena cuando puedan coordinarse de tal manera que puedan tener el máximo beneficio para todos.

Os dais cuenta de que los viejos sistemas no pueden permanecer porque ya no sirven al mejor interés para todos, y ese es el principal punto para mantenerlos.

La gente intentará inevitablemente mantener lo que tiene, pero si sois uno de los que lo pierde, no os preocupéis.

La idea global es la de elevar a los que ya estén preparados, más tarde no existirá nadie en un sistema que apoya la escasez.

Hemos trabajado duro con nuestros aliados para traer la igualdad, y no sólo eso, sino también la abundancia.

Los cambios podrán parecer como un cuento de niños, pero más que eso tratarán de los temas que os han mantenido atrasados.

St. Germain es un gran guerrero con un enorme poder, y el supervisará que nadie pueda evitaros poder reclamar lo que es vuestro por derecho.

Se le ha otorgado el Poder Divino y no dejará que nadie intente trucos para retrasar que se distribuyan los Fondos de Prosperidad.

Los Oscuros no tendrán cartas que jugar que puedan detener el progreso hacia la Era Dorada. Oh sí, pueden molestar, pero serán apartados del camino y situados donde ya no tengan ningún poder.

Todos hemos tenido ya suficiente de sus tácticas de retraso y de interferencia. Se han pasado mucho con su autoridad, y ya no se les tolerará más.

Mientras tanto, millones de Trabajadores de la Luz han podido reconocer los cambios dentro de ellos, y continúan trayendo aún más Luz sobre la Tierra.

Están en primera línea de un movimiento masivo para establecer globalmente aún más Luz sobre la Tierra. Ese crecimiento no puede ser detenido y seguirá estableciendo vuestro futuro. 

Es como una bola de nieve gigante recogiendo más nieve mientras avanza. Creednos, Queridos, este año os verá estableciendo grandes avances.

Después de haber cortado vuestros hilos con la dualidad tal y como estabais acostumbrados a ello, entraréis en otra fase que os traerá que todos tengáis la necesidad de establecer vuestra propia Sociedad Galáctica.

Recordad que incluso ahora os estáis convirtiendo en Seres Galácticos. Los cambios físicos están sucediendo todo el tiempo, mientras expulsáis esas energías que son parte de vuestro equipaje e incrementáis vuestra Luz.

Con el tiempo, los Maestros volverán y meterán la mano en vuestra evolución. Ellos han nutrido y seguido vuestro progreso durante mucho, mucho tiempo.

Pero los que no puedan encontrar las respuestas dentro de ellos, probablemente volverán al viejo paradigma y, teniendo libre albedrío, buscarán el progreso a través de sus creencias religiosas.

Se le tiene que permitir a cada alma que tenga su propio camino decretado y que más tarde entienda la verdad.

Nos regocijamos cuando eso ocurre, porque deseamos ver que sois “TODOS UNO”. La dualidad ha sido un duro maestro, pero las lecciones impuestas no tienen que serlo de nuevo.

Admiramos vuestra tenacidad y determinación por poner todo vuestro ser en lo que estáis haciendo, aunque haya tanto que os distraiga. Tenéis una actitud muy positiva y estáis preparados para avanzar mucho para lograr el éxito.

Manteneos en ese camino y entraréis en un tiempo mejor. Toda alma tiene un plan de vida, y a veces se pierde, pero sus Guías están al alcance de la mano para ayudarles.

Pero por el hecho de que el final de los tiempos está sobre vosotros, no importa cuándo os perdisteis, tenéis que volver al camino lo antes posible.

Tenéis que ser conscientes de las oportunidades que os llevan de vuelta a ellas, y vuestros Guías trabajarán duro para apuntaros la dirección correcta.

Nadie excepto vosotros os pone un objetivo delante, y como habéis estado de acuerdo con ello, tenéis que darle sentido para aferraros a ello si podéis.

Si fracasáis no será por el deseo de vuestros Guías de intentar provocaros ir por el camino correcto.

Pero no os preocupéis innecesariamente por ello, porque hay muchos caminos que pueden llevaros a la plenitud.

A vuestro alrededor, los Oscuros están implosionando y su cadena de mando está hecha jirones.

Mucha de la gente de alto nivel está ya contenida, y poco a poco su capacidad para organizar ataques contra la Luz está menguando.

Los arrestos continúan sucediendo y sus números están siendo reducidos drásticamente.

A vuestro alrededor la corrupción está siendo descubierta, y los culpables serán expulsados para que no tengan más influencia.

Es necesario que sepáis lo mucho que vuestras vidas han sido afectadas por los que eligieron gobernaros por la fuerza.

La “Tierra de la Libertad” es un mito puesto ante vosotros para ocultar la verdad, aunque originalmente hubo gente que tenía una visión y un entendimiento correctos, pero fueron anulados por los Oscuros.

En toda vuestra historia habéis sido mal encarrilados, y pocos Presidentes han podido romper el dominio de los Illuminati sobre vosotros.

Todo eso, Queridos, está cambiando, y no tenéis que esperar mucho para ver algunos resultados, porque cada vez más de nuestras actividades serán llevadas a cabo abiertamente.

Será nuestra forma de mostraros que estamos de vuestro lado y con vosotros.

Nuestra Federación está tan activa como siempre, tratando con los dispositivos nucleares que los Oscuros han ocultado, y en realidad también monitorizamos dónde los llevan y estamos preparados para desactivarlos.

Vivís en un mundo loco en el que se piensa poco en las consecuencias de detonarlas.

Pero estamos en alerta de todas las posibilidades y preparados para entrar en acción si los asuntos parecen irse de nuestras manos.

Hablando en general, tenemos muchos inspectores que llevan a cabo comprobaciones regulares de los arsenales nucleares, por lo que sabemos qué países son susceptibles de realizar ataques nucleares.

Nos gustaría que os sentaseis y encontraseis la forma de evitar el armamento nuclear.

La bravuconería que algunos países eligen cuando amenazan a otros es susceptible de acabar en un holocausto nuclear.

No permitiremos que eso ocurra, y eso está de acuerdo con las instrucciones Divinas.

Soy SaLuSa de Sirio, y veo lo cerca que estáis de conseguir una solución pacífica que permitiría que la paz descendiese sobre la Tierra.

Estáis cerca de acabar con todas las hostilidades, pero eso requiere un enfoque genuino de los que aún podrían temer a los grandes poderes.

Está a vuestro alcance, y los Líderes tienen que tratar este problema como un asunto de urgencia.

La confianza es un producto raro en lo que concierne a las armas. Es cierto decir que la gente ya ha tenido suficiente de guerras y de despilfarro de recursos.

La paz no es tan difícil de conseguir, y nos gustaría que pusierais vuestro corazón y vuestra alma en ello, luego los asuntos despegarían realmente.

Gracias SaLuSa.

Canalizado por Mike Quinsey

Traducción: PEC

OVNI UFOs in orbit the Sun on the official pictures NASA - February 14, 2013

OVNI UFOs in orbit the Sun on the official pictures NASA - February 14, 2013 




Apocalypse Now? Meteorite hits Russia lighting sky, shattering windows

Joven graba caída de meteorito en Rusia

Joven graba caída de meteorito en Rusia 

jueves, febrero 14, 2013

Pope Benedict to seek immunity and protection from Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on February 23

International Tribunal calls on Napolitano to "not collude in criminality", and announces global campaign to occupy Vatican property and launch human rights inquiry in Italy

 Posted on February 14, 2013 by itccs

Rome (9 am local time):
Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian government, according to Italian media sources.
Ratzinger's meeting follows upon the apparent receipt by the Vatican of a diplomatic note from an undisclosed European government on February 4, stating its intention to issue an arrest warrant for Ratzinger, who resigned from his pontificate less than a week later.
In response to the February 23 meeting, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), through its field Secretary, Rev. Kevin Annett, has written to President Napolitano, asking him to refrain from assisting Ratzinger in evading justice.
The ITCCS letter states, in part,
"I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Joseph Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.
"Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaty does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office."
A copy of the complete text of the ITCCS letter follows.
In response to the documented crimes of child torture, trafficking and genocide linked to Pope Benedict and Vatican officials, the ITCCS will be sponsoring a series of ongoing protests and occupations of Roman Catholic churches and offices through its affiliates around the world beginning in Easter week, March 24-31, 2013, and continuing indefinitely.
These actions will accompany the legal efforts to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other Vatican officials to trial for their proven complicity in crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.
The Easter Reclamation Campaign will seize church property and assets to prevent their use by child raping priests, who are protected under Catholic canon law. Citizens have this right to defend their communities and children when the authorities refuse to do so, under international law.
Rev. Kevin Annett and an official delegation from the ITCCS Central Office will also be convening a formal human rights inquiry in Rome commencing the week of May 13, 2013, to consider further charges against the Vatican and its new Pope  for crimes against humanity and obstruction of justice.
Rev. Annett and his delegation will be working with organizations across Italy in this investigation. In 2009 and 2010, he held rallies outside the Vatican and met with media and human rights groups across Italy to charge the Vatican with the death of more than 50,000 aboriginal children in Canada.


An Open Letter and Appeal to Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic of Italy from Rev. Kevin D. Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

14 February, 2013
Al Presdente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano
Presidenza della Repubblica
c/o Palazzo del Quirinale
00187 Roma
Dear President Napolitano,
On behalf of our Tribunal and people of conscience everywhere, and of the millions of victims of church abuse, I am making an appeal to you regarding your upcoming meeting with Joseph Ratzinger, who will retire soon as Pope Benedict, the Pontiff of the Church of Rome.
Our understanding is that, in the wake of pressure to have him resign his office because of his proven complicity in concealing child trafficking in his church and other crimes against humanity, Joseph Ratzinger is seeking the assistance of the Italian government in securing protection and immunity from legal prosecution.
I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Jospeh Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.
Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaties does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office.
The need for you to abide by international law and not be seen to collude with Joseph Ratzinger is even more true when one considers the enormity of the crimes of which the Vatican and its highest officials are clearly guilty, according to considerable evidence gathered and documented by our Tribunal and other groups, and acknowledged by many governments.
In Canada alone, the Roman Catholic Church and its Vatican agents have been found guilty of responsibility for genocide and the deaths of at least 50,000 aboriginal child children in the Jesuit-initiated Indian residential school system, that operated until 1996.
In Ireland, more than 10,000 women suffered and were exploited in the Catholic-run Magdalene Laundries, where many of them died. Similar church-run institutions all over the world have caused enormous mortality, disease and ruination for millions of children. And yet the church has never been held accountable or prosecuted for these deaths and the theft of enormous wealth from entire nations.
With the recent initiative of at least one European government and a host of lawyers to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other church officials to trial for these crimes, we feel it is incumbent on you neither to assist nor to be seen to assist or condone the attempt by him to evade, obstruct or delay justice, lest you open yourself to a charge of being an accessory to a crime.
On behalf of our Tribunal and of many people who cannot speak, I call on you to stand on the law of nations and humanity, and offer no support or protection to Joseph Ratzinger or his accessories in their efforts to evade responsibility for their proven crimes.
I look forward to your reply, and to discussing this with you more when I visit your country in May with a human rights delegation to investigate this matter more closely.
Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.
Secretary, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Central Office, Brussels
cc: world media

miércoles, febrero 13, 2013

Sananda ~ Open to Truth ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.13.12



Saying Goodbye
By Suzanne Lie – February 13, 2013
Mytre Begins:
We left our “Holoschool” feeling reborn. We did not know what our adventure would bring us, but we knew that we would be changed forever. Again, we walked back to our quarters to ground that which the Arcturian had shared with us while we stood in Its aura.
Yes, the Arcturian did take us on another “ride” of swirling energies of light. Within this formless state of being we were able to understand all the information that we had downloaded from the Arcturian’s aura.
We stored all these important instructions regarding our Mission in our Multidimensional Minds. In this manner the information would be stored according to the state of consciousness that could read it. These instructions would come into our conscious awareness when the frequency of our consciousness was calibrated to the frequency of each message. Hence, while on the Mothership, we could remember and understand everything because we had the support of the Mothership’s multidimensional consciousness and cosmic mind.
Fortunately, included in our instructions was how to link with the Mothership so that we could amplify our own consciousness and use the Mothership’s energy field to assist us with our teleportation. One of the first lessons the Mothership shared was for us to remember to store any physical form we are wearing in a safe place before teleporting.
In our Higher Expressions of SELF, Mytria and I had ascended beyond the cycle of life and death. However, if we created an Earth vessel and allowed it to be damaged, it would be a great distraction from our Mission. We also remembered that the Arcturian had told us that we would travel on the Athena to move closer to Earth. Hence, the Athena would be our headquarters for this Mission. Since the Athena’s life force was always in contact with the Mothership, we could more easily interact with the Mothership.
It gave us great comfort to know that we would be living on the Athena, as well as remaining in touch with our Home on the Mothership. In fact, we would have this connection even if we were wearing the illusion of a physical, Earth body. Since the third-dimensional frequency of reality is already a holographic realty being reflected from its core Matrix, it would be quite simple for us to create a human form from the Earth’s matrix.
We thought about how we had once believed that our physical form was our SELF, and we totally believed that our physical bodies were real. We had no idea that our bodies were projections from a Matrix. This thought was quite disconcerting when we realized how deeply we mourned the loss of our friends and family who had disconnected from the Matrix to return to their higher frequency of SELF.
We also remembered the great physical pain we experienced from our many war wounds and the deep emotional pain and mental angst that we suffered while under the illusion that the physical reality was the only real world. The power of forgetfulness and the need to attach to illusion is almost beyond understanding when perceived from our present state of consciousness.
The Arcturian had said that many had become lost in their physicality. What if we got lost in the illusions of the third dimension too? Mytria instantly responded to my fearful thought with a sharp warning that that kind of thinking is exactly how we could become lost. We stopped, right in the center of a busy corridor and promised each other that we would assist each other to monitor our thoughts and emotions.
We also reminded each other that we would have to eat and sleep on a regular routine whenever we wore our Earth vessels. In fact, we decided that if at all possible we would return to the Athena every evening. Yes, that would be the solution. We would leave the time and polarity of the planet and return to the fifth-dimensional Starship.
Then, we could debrief every day and have more contact with the Arcturian. Upon making that decision, we felt the Arcturian’s immense energy field surround us with unconditional love and support. The Arcturian was reminding us that It could attend and respond to infinite thoughts, emotions and calls within the NOW.
As we walked past the Mess Hall, we knew we needed to go in and say goodbye, for now, to our wonderful friends. Again, we stayed late into the night, telling ourselves with a smirk that we were “preparing for being physical.” We laughed about that concept then, not knowing what an extreme challenge it would be for us to take on a physical form.
I had been with the Arcturian, and Mytria had been with the Elohim Alycone. Then, we both shared wonderful experiences on the Mothership. Hence, we had no idea what was ahead for us. In fact, we scoffed at some of the dangers that our friends told us about. It appears that the main problem of lowering our frequency to the level of wearing a physical shell is that we can forget who we were and why we were there.
The Arcturian tried to warn us of these dangers, but we did not want to hear them. Fortunately, I had studied about the control of my mind and the expansion of my consciousness, and Mytria had spent equal efforts learning to be master over her emotions and to connect with the Elohim of the planet. I have shared much of my learning from the Arcturian on the Mothership, Mytria was simultaneously learning about the power of emotion from the Arcturian and the Elohim of Alycone.
Arcturians are actually Elohim, as Elohim are builders and holders of form. The Arcturians participated in the initial model of the Adam Kadmon, the original human form of Lightbody. Since the Arcturians specialize in Ascension, they teach the process of lowering the Lightbody into the physical form and, simultaneously, transmuting the physical form into Lightbody. In this manner, the Lightbody is the bonding force that connects the vast energy field of our Multidimensional SELF with our lowest frequency of SELF.
Mytria will now share her initiations and service as a Keeper of the Violet Flame of Alycone.
Mytria Speaks:
Dear Earth Ascending Ones, I greet you with my unconditional love. I am honored to share all that I have learned, what Mytre has learned, and what we have learned and remembered together. I say remembered because we have infinitely existed within the great Flow of the ONE.
However, once we lowered our consciousness into our third/fourth dimensional Pleiadian forms, we began to forget all that we had always known. It is for this reason that we have been so well prepared before our excursion into a physical reality. There is, of course, no accident that Mytre specialized on the male polarity of thinking and pure consciousness, whereas I specialized on the female polarity of emotions and nurturance of all forms of life.
Now that we have merged into two Divine Complements into ONE, we can both easily access each other’s “specialty” within the ONE of our SELF. We hope that our stories will assist you to remember your true SELF, just as we have remembered ours. The lower worlds of the third and fourth dimensions are a holographic projection from the Inner Matrix of each world. However, the Inner Matrix is a mental projection from Beings in the higher worlds, such as the Arcturian Elohim.
The great Cosmic Mind created the Matrix, which beckons travelling energy fields to log onto to their Matrix of reality. The Unconditional Love of your High Heart is what adheres the molecular construct of life to the higher frequencies Matrix. This situation is similar to the birthing reality that Mytre and I experienced. What we first experienced as a fog was actually the Matrix. The Matrix was invisible because there was no life attached it.
The Matrix is a field of energy. The invisible Matrix is multidimensional, which means it resonates to many different frequencies of possible reality. The Matrix itself is more of a mental construct, and the different frequencies resonate to different emotional states of consciousness. For example, fear is a low frequency emotional state of consciousness and Unconditional Love is the highest frequency of emotional consciousness.
The physical worlds have myriad Matrixes of which you are unaware. However, once the appropriate frequency and intention of emotionally charged thought-form finds it way into that energy pattern, it instantly adheres to the Matrix to create a birthing form and a portal into a dimensional expression of reality.
When we live in the energy pattern of Unconditional Love, we are very “magnetic” and attract myriad possible realities to be born via the invisible matrix that always flows throughout form-based realities. If we are happy with the pattern we are living, it is important to live in Thanksgiving for that substance of that reality. Thanksgiving for the substance at hand will duplicate that substance indefinitely.
Furthermore, the unseen Matrix is forever calling to enliven new possibilities of existence. Hence, thought, formless energy, is waiting to become manifest by the adherence of emotion that is forever searching new ways in which love can become manifest. However, emotion will only adhere to the frequency of Matrix that is of the same frequency. Therefore, fearful emotions (fear, anger, sorrow) also have a creative ability, as they will attach to a lower frequency of the reality Matrix.
Fortunately, if Unconditional Love where to adhere to a low frequency Matrix, it would simply erase that energy pattern because the higher frequency can transmute a lower frequency with the power of its Light. It is for this reason that Unconditional Love is such a valuable tool while wearing a third, or even fourth, dimensional form.
If you match your emotion to the frequency of the Matrix, such as a fear with the lower frequency portion of the Matrix, you will experience a fearful reality. This choice is how you can become trapped in the Third Dimension. If you forget the power of Unconditional Love you can become increasingly afraid, which will attach you to lower and lower frequency Matrixes. This entrapment is how a spider captures its food.
The insect becomes adhered to the spider’s sticky web. Then it struggles, which ensnares it even more in the web. Then the spider comes and actually wraps its prey up within the matrix of its web. In the same manner, if a fearful Matrix traps you because you have fallen into fear, your only exit is by BEING the frequency of Unconditional Love. The Unconditional Love will disarticulate the low frequency expressions of the Matrix, and you will be free to leave that reality and relocate to a reality based on Unconditional Love.
The Arcturian and the Elohim of Alycone taught me to train myself to instantly replace fear with Unconditional Love. The process of replacement was extremely difficult, but I realize now that it was vital for our Mission on Earth. The best way to share this process is to begin my story where it left off…
Mytria’s Story:
My story left off when I entered the vortex into the Mother’s Womb, which was our name for the planetary core where we first met the Arcturian and the Elohim of Alycone. Mytre had valiantly bi-located to be with me while I was preparing my consciousness to open the Portal of the Sacred Rock. It was surrendering into the Unconditional Love that Mytre and I share that enabled me to open this Portal and enter it while wearing my physical form.
In the many years that Mytre and I were separated, I focused on the process of surrendering to love. Since I was suffering great sorrow at the loss of Mytre, as well as quite a bit of anger that we could not share raising our daughter, I had no choice but to meditate upon the discipline of choosing love. At first my love was conditional in that I would feel loving if I got what I wanted.
In fact, I prayed to the Great Mother for years that I would serve Her if she would bring back my love. In other words, my love was conditional. It was conditional because it was laced with sadness and anger, which kept my consciousness below the frequency of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the highest frequency of light and the creative force of the Universe. In order for me to complete my Path of being a Keeper of the Violet Flame, I would have to live in Unconditional Love.
I found the frequency of Unconditional Love within me while I was in Nature, when I was able to release Mytre to this duty, and while I was raising my daughter. However, my focus on the feeling of daily life without him and the loss of our family unit kept lowering my consciousness. It was my wonderful daughter, Alycone, who answered my prayers.
Alycone was born with more wisdom, power and love than most adults, including myself. Caring for her was my honor, and her innate wisdom was my eternal teacher. As I parented Alycone, I realized that my love for her was far more important than the fear based emotions that were hidden in my heart. Also, we were still a family. For many years we met with Mytre in our night bodies, which was wonderful training for our daughter, but unsatisfying for me.
Fortunately, Alcyone, who was named after the Elohim with whom we both studied, came to my rescue. Yes, I took care of her as her body was one of a child, but she also took care of me. Her constant purity and innocence was a constant source of comfort and enlightenment for me. It was her innate Unconditional Love that kept me from becoming totally ensnared in the web of my fearful emotions.
However, allow me to move forward in my story to the moment when I left my daughter and our Temple life. In fact, it was Alycone who initiated my leaving. She came to me one sunny morning and said, “Mother, it is time for you to leave now.”
I was shocked that a teenager would come to me in such love and purity and tell me it was time to leave. In fact, my ego took over for a moment and, I started to become hurt and angry. Then, I noticed that Alycone had the Glow around her again and knew that she was speaking from her Elohim SELF. Within that one moment of realization, I knew that everything that had happened was according to a Divine Plane. There were no mistakes or accidents.
With that realization, as well as the frequency of light emanating from my daughter, all my fearful emotions melted from my aura. I had long awaited this day, the day of my release from my painful emotions. I kneeled before Alycone, as she was somewhere within her Elohim presence, and sent her Unconditional Love and Thanksgiving for the honor of being her mother.
I realized then that everything that had happened was perfect and a component of our Divine Plane. I looked up into the pure, violet eyes of my daughter, the Elohim who I was honored to birth, and surrendered to Her blessing. I do not know how long this moment lasted, but it changed both of our lives. I knew that Alycone no longer needed me, and I could go back to my beloved Nature.
I knew that we would be in constant contact, as I would be working with my daughter’s true Mother, the Elohim Alycone. Finally, the moment was broken when the High Priestess of the Temple entered the room. She had felt the energy from the most distant part of the Temple and came to investigate.
When the High Priestess entered our room, she too, fell to her knees before the Glow of Alycone. The three of us remained within the energy until my daughter’s energy gave way and her physical form collapsed. Both the High Priestess and I caught her and carried her to her nearby bed. We lit incense and chanted while her sleeping form recovered from the sudden infusion of higher light into her young body.
When Alycone awoke, she remembered everything. She had spent her entire life living in a Temple and surrounded by men and women who deeply loved her. I realized that Mytre had to leave because Alycone was meant to spend her formative years in this environment. Also, Mytre and I were meant to be separate as we travelled our paths of initiation. I surrender to the possibility that Mytre and I may have only briefly met in order to give Alycone her body.
Yes, I thought with joy and thanksgiving that that brief time would be enough. At last I was healed of my fear and anger and ready to begin my service to the Great Mother, the Elohim of Alycone.


Seek the possible best outcome in every new turn of events. - channeled by Ron Head

Seek the possible best outcome in every new turn of events. – channeled by Ron Head


As you can see, things are beginning to break loose now.  They will continue to pick up steam and, as we have told you for quite some time, will become quick enough to have you in a state of disbelief.

There will be people all around you who are unable to process what they are seeing and who will retreat into total denial.  You need not spend your energies convincing anyone of anything, dear ones.  Events and truth will take care of that.  But understand that they will be in dire need of ears who listen, if not agree, as their seemingly entire worlds fall to pieces around them.  Be not smug in your knowing.  Find in yourself any tendencies to even think or feel “I told you so.”

Compassion for those who are cut loose from their moorings is what will be most needed now.  Millions have known only what they have been spoon fed all their lives.  They have been told that lies are truth and truths were lies.  They will be hurt.  They will be angry.  They will want to vent their anger and frustration.  Be there for them.

When they have calmed down somewhat, they will have questions.  Even then, the wisest course will be to answer the questions and let them proceed at their own pace to the next question.  There is no need to lecture or teach.  Events will take care of that soon enough.  Very quickly millions of doubters will become seekers.

At this time, while things are still in the simmering stage, continue to seek yourselves.  Ah… we like that.  Continue to seek your Selves.  You will need that connection as never before, but also, you have never had so great an opportunity to create that connection.

If you still do not have a regular daily practice of meditation, we urge you to establish one.  Learn to center yourself.  Learn to ground yourself.  Learn to spend time in your heartspace.  Find your Source, your Creator, your I AM.  You need no one else to do that, dear friends.  You need only your own sincere intent and effort.  We promise you that you will be met with open arms long before you get halfway.  Find the peace in which your true heart resides.  It will be important to you.

Seek the possible best outcome in every new turn of events now and watch as your prayers come to fruition.

In the unconditional love and light of Source, we bid you good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


The Second Coming | Revelation 17 Reveals It is Only a Few Years Away!

The Second Coming | Revelation 17 Reveals It is Only a Few Years Away!

Publicado el 04/04/2012 - The Second Coming: Only a Few Years Away

• Revelation 17 - Prophecy of the Seven Kings
• Church of Rome . . . the Whore of Babylon.
• Pope Benedict XVI's reign soon to close.
• "Resurrected" John Paul II to be impersonated by a demon!
• Trumpets 1-4 will blast at any moment!

In this video:
Revelation 17 Reveals Second Coming is Imminent!

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Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: You Are Our Wonderful Emissaries of Love and Light – 12 February 2013

mothermary4Mother Mary, February 11, 2013:
Hello dear ones, all of the Light. I gather amongst you today to bring you much Love, and to shed more light and understanding on your precious missions and purpose.
You are Love, you are the Divine, and amongst you walk many who do not yet know this about themselves. It is for you to BE Love and the Divine in complete totality and purpose and to shine ever brighter every day within that reality.
As such you are very important catalysts not only for your own lives, but also for that of others. You may not realize how important you are. Every time you choose to acknowledge and live your Divine nature of Unconditional Love for yourselves and others, you spark greater Light and Love for all around you, causing others to take up the banner and spread it as well.
My precious children of the Light, my precious children of Love: You are making your way steadily and surely up the ladder of dimensions while spreading your Love to all who need it. Do you know how remarkable and important you are?
I hold you in my arms of love and caring, and I comfort you all when you need it and ask for it. I love you beyond measure, and I am most grateful for your presence in this world at this time. For you are making great headway in offering love, acceptance and comfort for others.
That is what we do in the Celestial Realm; we offer our total love and comfort and acceptance of you and with that you are fortified to offer it to others.
You are our wonderful emissaries of Love and Light and you can never be reminded too much of this. My heart is so full of joy and love and gratitude at the knowledge that you are forever holding up this banner of Love and Light for all to see and absorb. It is like a beautiful blanket of tender and sustaining Love that we see you constantly holding and spreading over the world. You are magnificent in this purpose.
Make way in your hearts for even more Love and Light to enter as the days go on. Fill yourselves up with it without limit. With this you will raise the frequency even further and thus allow the masses to lift and be ready for further ascension.
Do not worry your hearts about those who are reluctant to accept what you offer or do not respond well. Just keep up your work and go on about your mission with tolerance and acceptance and understanding that each is proceeding along their path in the perfect way for them. Pay attention to your own heart and allow yourself to accept as much Light and Love as you can hold, my dear ones.
Be at peace in knowing that you are fulfilling your mission by holding as much Light and Love as you are able, constantly transmuting old and negative energy for yourself and all around you at the pace and degree that is appropriate and comfortable for you.
By constantly doing this, you have transmuted much energy into crystalline gold glimmering particles of Light that is becoming the sustaining essence of energy that many can feel in a palpable way. Many can also see it, and dear ones, we can see it so plainly from our perspective.
This is the energy that you are becoming much more acclimated to as you make your way up the spiral of dimensions and increasing frequencies. Your increasingly crystalline bodies are adapting and thriving in this new energy, and for many, the fatigue is diminishing and you are becoming more adaptable to the new milieu of energy you are finding yourselves in.
Hold yourselves tall and strong in this new energy and begin to see the effects of your tireless efforts to transform and re-form your world. It is magnificent to see what you have already done.
Hold fast and true to this steady progress, and do not waiver in your heart-felt endeavors to feel and know your loving Divine essence and to demonstrate it to others, each of you in your own special and unique ways and manner. You are each irreplaceable and valuable contributors to New Earth and it is being built steadily and true upon your lofty dreams and actions to build a world of ever-lasting Peace, Harmony, Abundance and Love for all to thrive in and enjoy.
We of the Celestial Realm are forever grateful for your beautiful hearts as you make your way higher and transform all around you to glistening perfection, and we remain by your side throughout this Divine endeavor.
All my love is yours,
Mother Mary
As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website


Madre María, 11 de febrero de 2013:

Hola queridos, todos de la luz. Que se reúnen entre hoy traemos mucho amor, y arrojar más luz y entendimiento en su preciosas misiones y propósito.

Eres amor, eres lo divino, y entre usted a pie de muchos de los que no todavía sabe sobre sí mismos. Es por amor y lo divino en totalidad completa y propósito y a brillar cada vez más brillante cada día dentro de esa realidad.

Como tal es catalizadores muy importantes no sólo para sus propias vidas, sino también para la de los demás. Usted puede no darse cuenta de lo importante es. Cada vez que usted decide reconocer y vivir su naturaleza divina, de amor incondicional por vosotros mismos y a otros, usted despertar mayor luz y amor para todos ustedes, causando otros tomar la bandera y difundirlo, así.

Mis preciosos hijos de la luz, mis preciosos hijos de amor: usted está haciendo su camino constantemente y seguramente hasta la escalera de dimensiones al separarse de su amor a todos los que lo necesitan. ¿Sabe usted cómo notable e importante Estás?

Le tengo en mis brazos de amor y cuidado, y consolará todos cuando lo necesita y pídelo. Te amo más allá de la medida, y estoy muy agradecido por su presencia en este mundo en este momento. Porque usted está haciendo grandes progresos en la oferta de amor, aceptación y comodidad para otros.

Eso es lo que hacemos en el Reino Celestial; Ofrecemos nuestro amor total y el confort y la aceptación de usted y que usted se fortifican para ofrecerlo a los demás.

Eres nuestros maravillosos emisarios de amor y luz y usted no puede nunca ser recordó demasiado de esto. Mi corazón está tan lleno de alegría, amor y gratitud en el conocimiento que tenéis para siempre esta pancarta de amor y luz para todos ver y absorber. Es como un hermoso manto de amor tierno y mantenimiento que le vemos constantemente manteniendo y extendiendo por el mundo. Estás magnífica en este propósito.

Hacer el camino en sus corazones para aún más amor y luz entrar como pasan los días. Llenan ustedes mismos lo sin límite. Con esto usted aumentará la frecuencia aún más y así permitir las masas levantar y prepárate para la ascensión más.

No te preocupes vuestros corazones acerca de aquellos que son renuentes a aceptar lo que ofrece o no responden bien. Sólo sigan con su trabajo y seguir sobre su misión con la tolerancia y la aceptación y la comprensión que cada uno está procediendo a lo largo de su camino en la manera perfecta para ellos. Prestar atención a tu propio corazón y permítete aceptar como mucha luz y amor como se puede mantener, mis seres queridos.

Estar en paz sabiendo que están cumpliendo con su misión manteniendo como mucha luz y amor como le sea posible, transmutar constantemente energía vieja y negativa para ti y todo en el ritmo y la medida en que es apropiado y cómodo para usted.

Por ello constantemente han transmutado mucha energía en oro cristalino tenuemente las partículas de luz que se está convirtiendo en la esencia de la sustentación de energía que muchos pueden sentir de una manera palpable. Muchos también pueden ver y seres queridos, podemos verlo tan claramente desde nuestra perspectiva.

Se trata de la energía que se está convirtiendo en mucho más aclimatados a como usted hace su camino hasta la espiral de dimensiones y frecuencias crecientes. Sus cuerpos cada vez más cristalinos son adaptarse y prosperar en esta nueva energía y para muchos, disminuye la fatiga y están volviendo más adaptable para el nuevo entorno de energía en que se encuentran.

Mantenga alto y fuerte en esta nueva energía y empezar a ver los efectos de sus incansables esfuerzos para transformar y vuelva a su mundo. Es magnífico ver lo que has hecho ya.

Rápido y fiel a este progreso constante y hacer no renuncia en su esfuerzo sincero sentir y conocer su esencia divina amoroso y para demostrárselo a los demás, cada uno de ustedes de su propia manera y formas especiales y únicos. Eres cada colaboradores insustituible y valiosa tierra nueva y está siendo construida constantemente y verdadera sobre tus sueños nobles y acciones para construir un mundo de eterna paz, armonía, abundancia y amor para todos prosperan en y disfrutar.

Del Reino Celestial agradecemos siempre su corazón hermoso como usted hace su camino más alto y transforma todo a relucir perfección, y permanecemos a su lado a través de esta iniciativa divina.

Todo mi amor es tuyo,

Madre María

Como a través de Fran Zepeda. Se da permiso copiar y distribuir este material, siempre y cuando el contenido se copia en su totalidad y sin alteraciones, se distribuye libremente, y se incluyen este aviso y enlaces.