Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Taryn Crimi. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Taryn Crimi. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, julio 25, 2013

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: There is a Time for Acceleration and a Time for Integration; Both are Necessary for your Growth July 25, 2013
Today we would like to specifically address a very common experience amongst many of you at this time. There are many of you who are feeling particularly “stuck” at this time, and we would like to take this time to expand further upon why so many have felt this “lull” or drop in energy, enthusiasm, or motivation to move forward at this time. Certainly this does not pertain to everyone; however those of you who are drawn to this message may find it useful to have a little insight as to the energetic reasons why this is occurring to so many of you.
Growth and progress do not typically occur in a straight forward motion; rather it is more common to experience the ebb and flow of the energy to allow for both acceleration as well as integration. However many humans expect growth to be experienced as continuous forward progress. In some ways we would agree. Let us further explain.

sábado, julio 13, 2013

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: Love Knows no Boundaries July 13, 2013
Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of love. This of course is a very broad topic; however we would like to specifically discuss the boundaries which humans regularly place on love and as a result they often try to contain what is not containable. We would like to share with you our perspective in hopes that it may help those who are searching for a different view-point than the ones most commonly seen within the 3rd and 4th dimensions.

martes, julio 02, 2013

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: Your Miraculous Transformation Continues - July 2, 2013 we would like to focus your attention on the topic of your transformation. You are continuing to evolve into more conscious beings as your “time” progresses. Some may even find that the person whom they once were has become a distant memory of someone who is now unrecognizable in relation to the person you now find yourself to be. This will continue on, as you have started down a path that is indeed winding, however you are ascending back into fully conscious beings vibrating once again within the higher realms; although how long it takes and what your journey will entail is entirely up to you.

lunes, julio 01, 2013

Angelic Guides - “Your miraculous transformation continues” - Taryn Crimi - July 1, 2013

Dawn_Over_New_ZealandToday we would like to focus your attention on the topic of your transformation.  You are continuing to evolve into more conscious beings as your “time” progresses.  Some may even find that the person whom they once were has become a distant memory of someone who is now unrecognizable in relation to the person you now find yourself to be.  This will continue on, as you have started down a path that is indeed winding, however you are ascending back into fully conscious beings vibrating once again within the higher realms; although how long it takes and what your journey will entail is entirely up to you.

lunes, junio 24, 2013

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: Be the Change You Want to See - June 24, 2013
Today we would like to focus your attention on the innate power that lies within all of you to shift and change all that surrounds you. This is a perplexing topic for most and it is our intention to share with you how this concept really works and what you may do to shift the world around you.
Many at this time are anxiously awaiting the drastic changes they have undoubtedly been hearing about. We will tell you that your world is in fact changing drastically, but the secret is, it’s not the world that is changing, it’s you who are evolving. There is a famous quote on your world that we like very much “be the change you want to see”. This statement is more accurate than most realize.

domingo, junio 16, 2013

Angelic Guides – Free will vs Destiny: Is it one or the other or can you have both? - Taryn Crimi.´- June 16, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of free will.  We understand that this can be quite confusing and so it is at this time that we would like to share with you our perspective on the topic of how you may use your free will on your world and what you have chosen before you incarnated.  Please bear with us as this topic is rather extensive and we would like to try to clarify as much as we can at this time.  We will elaborate further in subsequent messages as you have time to integrate the information in this message.
Let us first begin by explaining what your higher self is responsible for choosing before you have incarnated into this physical reality. You could label these decisions as being “pre-determined”.  Realize that you had the free will to make these choices when they were made.

sábado, junio 15, 2013

Angelic Guides – Free will vs Destiny: Is it one or the other or can you have both? - Taryn Crimi - June 15, 2013

Angelic Guides – Free will vs Destiny: Is it one or the other or can you have both?

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of free will.  We understand that this can be quite confusing and so it is at this time that we would like to share with you our perspective on the topic of how you may use your free will on your world and what you have chosen before you incarnated.  Please bear with us as this topic is rather extensive and we would like to try to clarify as much as we can at this time.  We will elaborate further in subsequent messages as you have time to integrate the information in this message.
Let us first begin by explaining what your higher self is responsible for choosing before you have incarnated into this physical reality. You could label these decisions as being “pre-determined”.  Realize that you had the free will to make these choices when they were made.

jueves, junio 06, 2013

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: Death is not the End, but the Start of Something New - June 6, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of physical death. This word has a very heavy energy associated with it and we would like to share with you our perspective in hopes that this message finds those who need to hear it most. We will touch upon not only how the soul determines when it is “time” to depart but also what happens once the soul departs.
Many on your world view death as then end which causes a tremendous amount of grief for the loved ones seemingly left behind. Many at this time are departing as their soul has experienced and accomplished all that it intended to in this lifetime. Remember that we have told you that unlike any other time in your world’s history have so many souls wanted to incarnate all at the same time.
As we have said many times before this period of “time” is filled with so much excitement, transformation and valuable lessons to be gained that few wanted to miss the opportunity to explore. However there are very many who have experienced what they wanted to and as a result are now choosing to depart from this physical world. Some will choose to incarnate again, and many others will choose to observe this “drama” unfold from the higher realms, while offering their assistance and encouragement from the “other side of the veil”.

sábado, mayo 11, 2013

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: The Basic Principles of How One Can Remove a Belief
Today we would like to focus on the topic of removing limiting beliefs. This question comes up quite often and it is our intention to share our perspective on how one may go about releasing a limiting belief that they no longer wish to hold. We touched upon this topic in our previous message “All conscious and subconscious beliefs of the parents are transferred to their children upon incarnation”. However today we would like to delve a bit deeper into this process. We are going to begin with a basic explanation in this message and we will elaborate in subsequent messages. Now with that said, let us begin.
As we touched upon in our previous message, as a newborn all of your beliefs are held within your subconscious mind, there are no conscious beliefs yet. The beliefs held by any newly incarnated soul in your reality are carefully chosen prior to the incarnation. Now we discussed a bit about how all of the subconscious and conscious beliefs of the parents are transferred to the child upon incarnation, however that does not mean that the parent’s beliefs are the only beliefs that the child has. It just means that all of the parent’s beliefs are transferred to the child. Subconscious beliefs of any soul come from various “past” lives, as well as ancestral beliefs held within the genetic line of the child. Once a child begins to grow a little older they are then able to start forming their own conscious beliefs. Remember that your thoughts and beliefs will always determine how you perceive your reality. What you believe you will perceive.

domingo, abril 07, 2013

Your Religions are Evolving Along with All of You ~ Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi

As channeled by Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of religion. We realize this is a very controversial topic and one that is deeply seated in very strong belief systems around your world. Religion has been a very large part of many people’s lives on your world for thousands of years. Our intention of this message is not to determine which religion is “right” or “wrong” but rather to show you how the religions of your world and your evolution as a collective are intricately intertwined. As you evolve so too will everything else in your world.

Religion is just one way, just one path to enlightenment, as we have said before; there are an infinite number of paths. One is not better than another. Some see religion as having the intention of controlling the masses, however there are pieces of each religion which help to serve others and allow them to connect with their own divinity. Know that no one can be controlled against their will. All that follow do so willingly. Remember that everyone has their own set of circumstances and challenges which they must overcome. To look to another and say that the path that another takes is “not right” is to then judge your own path as well.

sábado, marzo 30, 2013

Angelic Guides – “Money is simply the transfer of energy” - Taryn Crimi
Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of money. Some very common beliefs surrounding money are: “money is evil”, “having abundance means you are a greedy person”, “money and spirituality do not mix”, “those who have money received it by cheating others”, “you must work hard for your money”, “there is never enough to go around”. These are just a few of the beliefs we commonly see. There are many misconceptions surrounding the idea of money and it is our intention to share with you our perspective in hopes of “dispelling” some of these limiting beliefs.
Know that we do not view money as either “good” or “bad”, rather it is neutral; just as everything in your reality is neutral. It is only the perceiver who determines the value that is placed on anything in your reality. Many misunderstand what money truly is; an exchange of energy. It is the exchange of one service for another. Money is a valid form of exchange which is equal to any other form of abundance on your world.
Remember that this reality is simply an illusion which allows you to gain a unique perspective which will help your soul to experience a tremendous amount of growth. You all have the ability to choose what you would like to experience by using your own free will. Although your soul will experience growth from every decision you make, you do not have to live a life of lack, much can be gained from a life of abundance as well. The universe which you exist within is infinitely abundant, you can choose to have a lot or a little, it makes no difference.

viernes, marzo 22, 2013

“The Tremendous Power of Sound” – Angelic Guides

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of sound.  Much of the information that was once widely accepted and used in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis about the power of sound has been “lost” or rather we would say forgotten.  It is our intention to share with you our perspective on just how useful sound is in your reality, what it is capable of and how it works.
How does the sound of gentle meditation music have the ability to soothe even the most stressful situations?  How is it that the beat of a drum can evoke a response within the body which can be chemically detected by measuring the increase of adrenaline being released?  How is it that plants with seemingly no physical ears to “hear” have been known to bloom more regularly and grow faster when in the presence of classical music?  Why does water begin to ripple or pebbles begin to tremble when near loud sounds? Is music actually heard or felt?  These are some thought-provoking questions which we wanted to stir within you to help you to open up to the wide potential that the power of sound actually has within your world.