Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Océano Multidimensional. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Océano Multidimensional. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, agosto 26, 2013

SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean – A Sense of the Future – 26 Aug 2013

1234039_10151654160579023_576927332_nGlorious are the months and years to come, as you will recall the times that you are going through with much pleasure at recalling the last months of your life when you were still half blind to your true nature and immense possibilities.
As we go through the coming months, the light will shine for ever stronger in your lives, it will not know any limits, and your consciousness levels will rise for ever more. You are awakening from a long slumber, from a long sleep, from a frozen state as it were.

domingo, agosto 11, 2013

Conversaciones con SaluSa - Cambiando las Energías Solares - Océano Multidimensional - 07-08-13

tiempo distorcinado dos

El Sol no se moverá físicamente, solo su polaridad será revertida.

Las Energías los están afectando en una corma muy positiva por el momento.

Siempre disfrutamos que su planeta esté floreciendo gente que está incrementando su consciencia y alegría.

El resplandor extra del sol es un evento espectacular para que nosotros lo observemos ya que el sol está pasando por su ciclo natural de revertir su polaridad, lo cual no es para estar nervioso en absoluto ya que es un evento muy regular.

The Journey – Message from White Wolf from the Collective Spiritual Planes by Multidimensional Ocean 11 Aug 2013

images (1)Strong energies from the Heart is being poured all over the Earth, on many dimensions. We rejoice in your healing and spiritual powers returning to you in full abundance.
The collective spiritual planes are being crossed at high speed by the many, your understanding from the heart is accelerating everything on the planet.
We rejoice in your union and working together as one. We are the spirit of the higher realms. Carry on spreading your love and light for the benefit of all those who suffer, who fear, who are in a lost place inside of them, and who do not recall their way back home.
You are the ones opening the track for the others, the others will follow you, as long as your heart and intentions are pure and of good to the collective spirit and to Gaia.
Follow the tracks to the return, the journey is nearing, the journey continues and will never end.
We are one.
Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title, is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and

miércoles, agosto 07, 2013

SaLuSa on Shifting Solar Energies – 7 August 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

The Energies are affecting you in a very positive way at the moment. We are always enjoying your planet blooming with people’s increasing awareness and joy. The extra sunshine is a spectacular event for us to watch, as the Sun is undergoing its natural cycle of polarity reversal, which is nothing to be nervous about at all, as it is a very regular event.
Around this time, there are extra radiations being emitted from the Sun, preparing for its polarity reversal. This energy is being dispersed over the planet in an even manner, and envelops the planet in a gentle soft blanket of light. Many of you are feeling its effect, and are feeling the effect of the magnetism changing direction, which can happen in the next 2 to 3 months according to the current readings.

viernes, agosto 02, 2013

Look inside of you more often dear hearts – Message from Spirit 2d Aug 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

Message from Spirit 2d Aug 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean
Look inside of you more often dear hearts. Often you are turned to the outside world, with a considerable lack of inner contact. You read the news, you talk to your loved ones, you watch tv, you read channelled messages with no inner conection what so ever.
What good is it to look on the outside if there is no connection with your Source within dear child, we wonder?
What purpose does it serve to read light messages if one cannot listen to one’s own light?
The light you see constantly outside lives in your body, it is inside of you. You continually seek outside what lies inside of you already, what you already have dearly, but cannot feel, cannot know, because you are always facing the outer world with no awareness of your own divinity.
You seek light messages from ascended master, when you, yourself, are the light, you yourself are connected to all ascended masters, to all the universe, and when you yourself are an ascended master!
We recommend, with love, that at least for one day you listen to the Acended master that lives witin your own body, and only to that being.
The Source lives within, when you go within, you are connected to the entire Universe.
Be Joy, be one, be your own self.
Channel: Laura Multidimensional Ocean
Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included:   and

martes, julio 30, 2013

“For the Love of GAIA”, SaLuSa – 30 July 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

SaLuSa“For the Love of GAIA”, SaLuSa – 30 July 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean
Dear ones, we are so pleased to see your level  of consciousness rise incrementally from message to message. Your light shines far and strong, and it can be seen from many millions of galaxies. You are our emissaries to this quadrant of the Universe and you are strong representatives of the Galactic Federation and of ascended masters living on Earth. Your interactions with those around you bring light to many, even if you are not inclined to believe so immediately. However, you are contributing in raising the light, in an unquestionable manner. You are inspiring other lightworkers, whistle-blowers, and inspiring those around you to question their own belief system, and the entire set up and structure of a no longer functioning society.

domingo, julio 28, 2013

Aurora Dreamflight for 27 July, 2013 – Adrial: Exploration by Multidimensional Ocean
STANTORUS2Dear crew members and Earth Teams, we have been busy on our Mother Planet for a long time, and we thank those of you who came visited us onbloard by your own means.
We are now in Earth orbit, due to your wanting us to resume our fly bye in your solar system.
We are happy that many of you have done a good job at navigting on your own, using your intention and imagination alone; and what power of imagination you have dear ones!
We have observed that more and more among you have the power of creation now, indeed you can create just by thinking something, which many of you I am sure have already noticed.
Tonight we welcome you all, new comers and visitors included, all you need is to set your intention on us, and to protect yourself by asking to be connected to only the beings of the higherst level of consciousness and love.

jueves, julio 25, 2013

Message from Higher Self and Angels 25 July 2013- Multidimensional Ocean

374408_10151591474869023_1612937277_nBalance is needed in your life now more than ever before for most of you. Now is the time to show your integrity, your power of love and compassion for all life.
We encourage you to truly support each other, understand each other and forgive each other.
Nothing else will stand in the long run in the current situation you find yourself in.
In order to achieve this, you will need to find constantly renewed balance between your outer world and your inner world. These two worlds need to reflect one another, to constantly bounce of each other.
This is a time for extremes now, stay in the middle, take no side, be impartial, yet open to others and many ideas.

miércoles, julio 24, 2013

My Memory of WW2 as a B-17 Pilot or Co-Pilot by Multidimensional Ocean - July 23, 2013

Hi Guys! I am back!! Had a wondeful time at my spiritual work group. A few memories came back to me: somehow it turns out that my fear of flying is due to the fact that I was a 1st or 2d World War aviatrix (pilot, co-pilot or navigator). Not sure how much flying i did, but i do recall one particular night flight, in a storm, I was besides the pilot, who is someone i have had many life times with – including on Atlantis, and Egypt. I see us sitting in cockpit, I am sitting on the right hand side, the pilot sits left. It is night, i walk on the pilot’s side, and look out the window to one of the engines. It is metalic looking, and for some reason it is giving us concern.

domingo, julio 21, 2013

Convesaciones con SaLuSa - Mensaje Corto de los Ángeles - Océano Multidimensional - 14-07-13

angelees dos
Como humanos a menudo están condicionados a preguntar a otros lo que deberían pensar, hacer o incluso sentir.
Desde una edad muy temprana han sido entrenados para preguntarles a sus padres, a su clérigo, a su maestro o a su doctor lo que deberían hacer o pensar.
Confiar en su intuición es algo que deberían desarrollar y apoyarse más a menudo.
Confíen en que ya tienen las respuestas dentro, solo deténganse, escuchen a su ser interno darles la dirección que mejor se ajusta con ustedes.
Nunca tengan miedo de cometer errores en su vida ya que esto los capacitará para aprender e incrementar su propia intuición.
Sean amables y perdonen a su ser encarnado, sean amorosos con ello, diríjanse en la dirección correcta y andando, las fichas caerán en su lugar por sí mismas.
Con amor y gratitud, los Ángeles.
Canal: Laura / Océano Multidimensional
Copyright © Laura / Océano Multidimensional. Todos los derechos reservados.
Se otorga el permiso de copiar y distribuir éste material gratis, con todo el contenido incluyendo el título copiado en su totalidad y sin alteraciones, se distribuya libremente y se incluyan ésta notificación de derechos de autor y los vínculos.
Traducción: Gustavo T

viernes, julio 19, 2013

“Believe” – SaLuSa 19th July 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

1069986_10151582744404023_1894090912_nMany of you still feel an intense insecurity about the times ahead of you. This is true for your personal journey, as well as for the planet’s. As a reminder we would like to reassure you with the fact that the world you are now incarnated in is a reflection, a holographic projection, which has been designed to look, feel real, and to suck you into it. The attachments that you hold feel real, what you feel is you is only connected to your body and to your material existence. However, it would be a good reminder for everybody to be aware that this is only a play, and that in truth you are much more than what your eyes and other senses make you believe that you are.

jueves, julio 11, 2013

SaLuSa Speaks for the Galactic Federation ~ Create Your Own Ascended Earth Now ~ via Laura/Multidimensional Ocean - July 11, 2013

Today I would like to speak on behalf of the Galactic Federation, whereas I usually speak to Laura as one of her guides.

Today’s message is mainly aimed at giving you an update on the situation such as we perceive it today from the higher realms.

We stand with you in all your difficult choices; we sense your sense of fear and for many, of disempowerment. We appreciate how much trouble you are going through from Mother Earth, as you have chosen to help her through this grand process of global ascension. We envy you this task and the journey that you are making, along with her and with the rest of humanity.

lunes, julio 08, 2013

Many of You are not Equipped to Deal with 3D life 8 July 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean Posted on July 8, 2013 by Laura
Greetings dear ones, we are the Arcturian group.
We wanted to salute once again your courage for being part and embracing the material world on Gaia. You accepted to come down on Mother Earth and to descend from being fully conscious beings to being limited by the material form you have taken. This is a heavy duty for you to undertake, fully knowing that the vibrations of your souls were not suited to live in a material environment.
Many of you have struggled all your life with the 3d mentality and way of doing things. Since a very young age you have observed a world that made very little sense to you, fully knowing who you were and why you were here. As your age progressed, the memories of your mission on Earth had subsided, and you were left with many questions concerning the human way of life, and were surprised to find yourself stuck into the human uni-matrix, with tools that did not match your needs and abilities.

viernes, julio 05, 2013

Neptune King of Mars is near Earth’s Orbit Again –Multidimensional Ocean - 5th July 2013

mermaid-16Neptune King of Mars – 5th July 2013
Here I come again; it has been a long time since we last communicated with your mind. Earth and Mars’ orbit are often so far, that we find it impossible to reach your mind and thoughts from our planet. We are now moving closer to one another again until November 2013, which will allow me to be within communication range for a few months! This is good if my company pleases you, if not… what can I say? (happy giggles from Neptune)
Our minds may be separated by distance, but our hearts are not. Deep down you know you have a true connection to us, the mer people from Mars. You instinctively know of our existence, and do not need convincing of our presence even on your Earth.

domingo, junio 30, 2013

Message from my Guides – 30 June 2013 Light Anchor – by Multidimensional Ocean

Message from my Guides – 30 Jue 2013 Light Anchor – by Multidimensional Ocean

images (1)Hi guys, as Mercury goes retrograde, many of us are overthinking the past myself included (-_o)…
Here is today’s message from my guies – 30 Jue 2013 Light Anchor:
Dear souls of the human realm, remain grounded over the next few weeks, do active grounding exercices with extra care and renewed efforts. The energies of the Mother Ocean are displacing you in all directions, like a feather on the surface of an ocean.
What you need now is to drop you anchor, and find inner peace.

SaluSa - La Luz Continúa Brillando - Océano Multidimensional - 26-06-13

los-intraterrenos dos

Valentía en éste momento es muy necesaria de su parte ya que muchos de ustedes sienten mucho miedo en su corazón.
El miedo está muy presente ahora: miedo de incertidumbre, de pagar las cuentas, de encajar en una sociedad con la que ya no sienten relación o no entienden.
El mecanismo usual del sistema aún está en su lugar por ahora, sin embargo hay muchos cambios en camino, sin considerar los esfuerzos de la cábala de mantener el viejo paradigma en su lugar.
La verdad es que saben que la humanidad está destinada a despertar y están haciendo cualquier esfuerzo para mantener a los humanos dormidos y bajo control.
No importa qué tan fuerte lo intenten, y traten de controlar a las generaciones más jóvenes, saben que no están yendo en la dirección de la voluntad divina.

miércoles, junio 26, 2013

SaLuSa- Light Continues to Shine – Channeled by Multidimensional Ocean - June 26, 2013

Courage at this time is much needed as many of you feel much fear in your heart. Fear is very much present now: fear of uncertainty, of paying the bills, of fitting into a society that they can no longer relate to or understand.
The usual mechanism of the system is still into place for now, however, there are many changes on the way, regardless of the cabal’s efforts to keep the old paradigm in place. The truth is that they know that humanity is destined to awaken, and are making all the effort to keep humans asleep and under control.
No matter how hard they try, and try to control the younger generations, they know that they are not going in the direction of the divine’s will. Many of you feel discouraged and impatient to see the collapse of the cabal’s control over your own freedom, however, it is important to understand that the reason it is still into place at this stage, is because of many among your brothers and sisters are afraid of letting go of the old paradigm, as they cannot imagine a better system, nor did they ever dream of a better system, a more inclusive one and a peaceful one.

domingo, junio 16, 2013

Message from the Ascended Ones 16 June 2013 – Multidimensional Ocean Posted on June 16, 2013 by Laura

From Laura: These wonderful Ascended Beings made contact with me yesterday afternoon, they have communicated so much to me yesterday that I felt such a deep connection to them and understanding for our situation here on Earth. It was an amazing experience, connecting with their feelings and kindness, but also understanding and compassion for our situation on Earth right now. They have also shared with me the fact that they wish there was more that they could do to help us, but that they it is forbidden to “act” for us sadly, and that all they can do is give us their love and support, which is a lot!! I hope that you will get a feeling about them through this message and that you will enjoy it as much as I have. Once I had finished receiving the message, I felt immense inner peace and as if I was floating inside and outside my body. Much more connected with my inner being. <3

* * * * * * *

Allow the water of life slowing penetrate into your body, allow it to come in, open up the human armour that is your body, let feelings flow and trickle slowly in, and fill your body.

jueves, junio 13, 2013

Conversaciones Con SaLuSa - El Poder del Ser Superior – Océano Multidimensional - 10-06-13

bodyenergy dos

Las cosas se mueven rápidamente para la consciencia humana. La cábala sigue haciendo todo lo que puede para prevenir que el ser humano tenga su propio libre albedrio y sigue intentando influenciar la forma como la humanidad, a larga escala, está pensando.

Todavía hay mucho que debe ser descubierto, pero pueden empezar a atestiguar el poder de la verdad y de unidad en pleno.

La semana pasada simplemente, los eventos que se revelaron habrían sido inimaginables para ustedes, aún así ven que en el espacio de una semana mucho ha visto la luz.