Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Morag O´brien. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Morag O´brien. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, abril 15, 2019

Morag - Symptoms Of Moving Between Dimensions - April 15, 2019

by Morag,

Contributing writer,

We are coming to the end of an intensely challenging time. Kicked off by January’s lunar eclipse, Trinity Supermoons, two Shifts, the Dark Star, a particularly evil Mercury Retrograde and some seriously strange Solar activity. 2019 is shaping up to be the year for leveling up. New pathways have been birthed from our willingness to strip back all deceit to find our truth. The deeper we go the more we learn, know and grow. We can feel for the first time. We listen to our bodies, our instincts and our gut. We are

sábado, abril 06, 2019

Morag - ENERGY UPDATE - DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms - April 6, 2019

by Morag,

Contributing writer,

We have finally moved past the intensity of the first three months of 2019. Opportunities for lightbody activation, spiritual growth and DNA upgrades were paired with hard core karmic clearing. Ancestral traumas attached to our lineage have been recognized and released. Self sabotage has been highlighted, we have been pushed ever deeper down our own rabbit hole to truth. Each layer is peeled back in reflection, meditation, to reveal wounds. We heal and realign to higher vibratory fields. As the atmosphere around us plays host to the great war of light and dark, the very air we breathe has become a source of contention.

Morag - Channeled Message From Andromedean Brother - April 6, 2019

by Morag,

Contributing writer,

Greetings from the Andromedean Galaxy. We are your neighbors, friends and allies. We have our brothers and sisters present on your planet as light bearers. We see swirls of thick black shadow engulfing your inhabited spaces. We see the construction of future cities hidden from the population. The secrets run deep. Black energy, the vacuum of greed and hate, envelops the human collective consciousness. Negative coding runs through all motherboards. Our allies in the skies and on the ground see all as we do. Crystalline lightwaves are being channeled through celestial

miércoles, marzo 20, 2019

Morag - The Dark Star Blinks As The World Shifts - March 20, 2019

by Morag,

Contributing writer,

Just as celestial events have triggered the great light awakening of consciousness, so too celestial bodies herald the dark awakening on Earth. Smoke and mirrors friends, as above, so below.

The darkening of the Dog Star, aka Nostradamus’ Bearded Star, in February 2019 heralded the Dark Awakening. Sirius B, the Dog Star, is both a red herring and a clue to the mystery of who is behind the veil. Often proposed as the home of starseed humans, it’s truth is far more sinister.

martes, febrero 19, 2019

Morag - Super Moon Activation, Light Warrior Activation, & Soul Retrieval - Fwb 19, 2019

by Morag,

Contributing writer,

Hold onto your hats lovelies, February’s super moon is gonna be a doozie. Already we are feeling it’s uber rays of truth, transformation and trust. February’s super moon follows a trinity of portals and a super blood moon eclipse cosmic extravaganza of collective expansion! We are riding waves of profound upgrades. Be fearless by surrendering to love. Leo to Virgo combines passion with pragmatism. Expect to examine in microscopic detail all that is out of alignment, toxic or oppressed in our lives, our psyche, our soul. Time alone heals all wounds. Sharing with comrades lightens the energetic load of truth and transformation. We can see again, clear as day.

sábado, enero 26, 2019

Morag - The Arcturian Council - Celestial Events - Jan 26, 2019

by Morag,

Contributing writer,

Welcome dear ones to the higher realms of perception, where thought manifests on quantum frequencies. We are members of the Arcturian Council of 12, assigned, volunteers, to aid humanity in Gaia’s ascension. We can offer great tidings of joy, light and love. The transition from 3d to 4d has been successful. The third dimension, weighed down by primitive drives has been transcended. Much has changed from our perspective. The world, your world has shrunk, it becomes more authentic as each of you

miércoles, enero 23, 2019

Morag - The Andromedeans - Super Blood Moon Eclipse - Jan 23, 2019

by Morag,

Contributing writer,

We come at a time of great transformation on planet Earth. We, like our soul comrades, the Arcturians, come with news of the great war of light and dark as it plays out on Gaia. We are here as Ambassadors of peace and light. We hope to shed light on personal pathways many of you are traveling. We urge you to remember all we say is within the context of the Great Awakening on Gaia. For none of you experience just as individuals, now the collective consciousness has been activated. All that is micro is macro, one

viernes, enero 18, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Super Blood Moon Eclipse #cloakyourlight - January 18, 2019

So much going on friends. Cosmic intervention, intergalactic assistance, a culmination of prophesy and prediction. The #word on the street is we’re being levelled up. The world is shifting all around us. The change is palpable to those with eyes to see. Rabbit holes all lead to the same space #babylon. What are we creating beyond the moment we are living? Are we vibrating high enough to withstand the surge when it comes? Will we expand with it or drown in it’s source light? The event will be what we manifest it to

miércoles, enero 16, 2019

awakening5dhealing -The Andromedeans - 20.1.19 Super Moon Eclipse - Jan 16, 2019

We come at a time of great transformation on planet Earth. We, like our soul comrades, the Arcturians, come with news of the great war of light and dark as it plays out on Gaia. We are here as Ambassadors of peace and light. We hope to shed light on personal pathways many of you are travelling. We urge you to remember all we say is within the context of the Great Awakening on Gaia. For none of you experience just as individuals, now the collective consciousness has been activated. All that is micro is macro, one and all. The sky wars have stalled, in preparation for tornado light energy, triggered by January’s coming Lunar Eclipse. Illumination

martes, enero 15, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Message from Arcturian Council 01.19 - Jan 12, 2019

Welcome dear ones to the higher realms of perception, where thought manifests on quantum frequencies. We are members of the Arcturian Council of 12, assigned, volunteers, to aid humanity in Gaia’s ascension. We can offer great tidings of joy, light and love. The transition from 3d to 4d has been successful. The third dimension, weighed down by primitive drives has been transcended. Much has changed from our perspective. The world, your world has shrunk, it becomes more authentic as each of you complete karmic clearing and integrate upgrades. The process was completed on the close of the last moon cycle, we have been