Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Meg Benedicte. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Meg Benedicte. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, septiembre 21, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Zero Point Equinox Portal - Sep 21, 2019

On Monday, September 23rd the Equinox arrives at 0 degree Libra, opening a stargate portal in zero point energy while day and night are equal length. It is the balance point between opposing forces. We can expect unusually powerful solar waves while the Equinox Gateway is open. In a rare moment of galactic equilibrium, the gate is opening to infinite potential. Take advantage of this opportune time to seed your Soul’s visions and intentions.

miércoles, septiembre 18, 2019

Meg Benedicte - The Great Equinox Equalizer - September 18, 2019

By Meg Benedicte

The upcoming Libra Equinox on Monday, September 23rd initiates more balance in our chaotic world. The chaos feels more exacerbated since the Lionsgate activations. We could benefit from some peace and calm these days. Libra is the sign of ‘balanced scales’, inspiring more justice, harmony and equality in the world. We are entering the great cosmic Equinox Equalizer.

lunes, agosto 12, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Lions Gate Portal Closes - August 12, 2019

Lions Gate Portal Closes

The Lions Gate Portal opened on July 26th during the heliacal rising of Blue Star Sirius (brightest star in the sky) and peaked on August 8th in alignment with the Giza pyramid/sphynx coordinates. In a spectacular display of light encoded waves streaming through the portal and into the earth plane, all were bathed and blessed with the Lions Heart of courage, strength and freedom.

miércoles, julio 31, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Majestic 8-8 Lionsgate - July 31, 2019

Majestic 8-8 Lionsgate

The energies are amplifying as we move closer to the annual 8-8 Lions Gate on August 8th. While the Lionsgate portal is open, the multidimensional veils thin for deeper connection with your Spirit Guides and Galactic Elders. As you proceed down the corridor, you are passing thru the Lions Gate into more freedom and sovereignty. During the past week I kept receiving this prophetic vision - we appear as actors in a black and white movie and then we pass thru the 8-8 Lionsgate into a world of ‘Living Color’ vibrancy! A new exciting cycle is beginning!

miércoles, julio 24, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Leo Lionsgate – Day Out of Time - July 24, 2019

Based on the Mayan 13 Moon calendar, tomorrow July 25th is known as the ‘Day out of Time’. On this day people of all cultures all around the world celebrate and honor the universal cycle of eternal time. Step into the space of timelessness and embrace the abundance that exists in the quantum field.

viernes, julio 12, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Evolutionary Eclipse Gateway - July 12, 2019

Evolutionary Eclipse Gateway

We are currently experiencing the gateway between 2 power-filled eclipses, plus 6 planets retrograde including Mercury Retrograde till July 31st. We are already seeing signs of next Tuesday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24° Capricorn. The sun moved into exact opposition to Saturn in Capricorn this week and opposite Pluto on July 14th, rippling through the halls of power and the top-tier power brokers. We are getting a preview of what is to come during the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22° Capricorn on Jan. 12th 2020.

domingo, julio 07, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Eclipse Series Corridor - July 7, 2019

Eclipse Series Corridor

We are currently traveling through the Eclipse Series corridor, the power-filled two weeks between a Solar and Lunar Eclipse. The Solar Eclipse upgrades are still integrating and shifting within and in the collective field. You may be experiencing deep healing of core wounds and emotional trauma clearing. The Cancer Eclipse blessed us with Divine Mother healing and nurturing unconditional love. Breath it in!

lunes, enero 07, 2019

Meg Benedicte - Enter the Eclipse Zone - Jan 7, 2019

We are currently traversing the 2-week window of the Eclipse zone, a powerful time of shifting realities and new possibilities. It may feel a bit surreal as the eclipse energies swirl around you. This is leading to a showstopping Leo Lunar Eclipse on Sunday, January 20-21 at 0°Leo. Not only is this the final Leo eclipse of the season, it is also a Blood Supermoon, reaching the closest point to Earth. After this event, the eclipses are shifting to the Cancer-Capricorn axis for a while.

viernes, noviembre 16, 2018

Meg Benedicte - 11:11 Magic Unfolds - Nov 16, 2018

Since the powerful 11:11:11 Activations last Sunday, the energy feels different. We experienced a massive shift into a much higher bandwidth of frequency and expanded Soul Life Plan. This was a HUGE shift! We are just starting to discover what that shift is bringing us. I’ve been feeling held in a potent void space the past few days, as the triple 11 upgrades enter my system. It is still streaming in.

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2017

Meg Benedicte - Activate Your Pineal Stargate - November 15, 2017


We are still integrating the powerful 11:11 ascension activations since Saturday’s sacred event. The 11:11 Gateway is open and streaming a continual surge of plasma crystalline light into the earth plane and to all life on the planet. Photon light is a carrier of universal intelligence, transmitted to all who are receptive to higher frequencies of light language.

miércoles, noviembre 08, 2017

Meg Benedicte - Resurrection Spiral - Nov 6, 2017

As we gain proximity to the Galactic Center, exact on the 12:21 Solstice, we move into position with the black hole portal to the Great Central Sun, the source origin of our universe. This is where stars are being birthed! While the 11:11 – 12:21 Gateway is active, you have the golden opportunity to birth alive your ascension life!

viernes, octubre 27, 2017

Meg Benedicte: 11:11 STARGATE ACTIVATION - Oct 27, 2017

As we approach the final days of 2017, the solar system travels the gateway to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the massive black hole of the Galactic Center, which lies at 26-27° Sagittarius. When we connect to the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Core it brings us closer to the emergence of our divine existence.

jueves, septiembre 14, 2017

Meg Benedicte - ‘PLASMA INFUSION AT ECLIPSE ZERO POINT’ Equinox Stargate Global Activations, Sept 22, 2017 - Sep 14, 2017


As the dust settles since the Solar Eclipse, we are in a position to determine which direction society will move in? The incoming solar activity from the Great Central Sun and Earth’s Sun is blasting our human energy field as well as the planet’s geomagnetic field. On September 6th the sun unleashed the strongest solar flare in more than a decade. As your energy frequency increases, you are evolving from an extremely polarized field to a more neutral, smooth flowing field of unity consciousness – a non-polarized field of Love.

sábado, noviembre 05, 2016

MEG BENEDICTE - “11:11 Stargate Portal is Open!” - Nov 5, 2016

The energy is amping in intensity in the planetary collective, as polarized forces are battling for control. We see examples of this battle playing out in the US election and UK’s Brexit vote. The opposing parties and their followers are rigidly entrenched in righteous indignation. Neither side has humanity’s best interest in mind. As the battle escalates, the New Earthers are receiving divine intervention in galactic support.

According to Times of India, “Scientists at the world’s largest and most sensitive cosmic ray monitor, located in India, have recorded a burst of galactic cosmic rays that indicates a crack in the Earth’s magnetic shield. The burst occurred when a giant cloud of plasma ejected from the solar corona struck Earth at a very high speed causing massive compression of the Earth’s magnetosphere and triggering a severe geomagnetic storm.”

domingo, marzo 08, 2015

Meg Benedicte - Global Ascension Reboot March 20th
The global preparation plan is now in place and opening the gates to heaven so all souls that were trapped in the karmic reincarnation cycling can return home to Source Creator. We are being given a chance to decide if we want to stay to seed, plant and grow our New Earth civilization or return home to our soul group. Many souls are still on the fence right now and need to decide which direction they are pointing.
I’ve decided I want to experience the Merkaba Light Body in its full crystallization before I return home. I need to see that all the hard work of the past 20-40 years is in place and working. In 2012 I moved to Mount Shasta, the root chakra on the crystal 5D grid, to join other grid workers to anchor and ignite our New Earth template. All the pieces are in place…all the Starseed Souls are anchoring Divine Light to the new grid and many Souls are contemplating how they would like the New Earth paradigm to materialize.