Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Madre Tierra. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Madre Tierra. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, enero 04, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Golden Age Of Gaia: You Are About To Enter Into The Magnificent Era Of Possibilities - Jan 4, 2023

The Golden Age Of Gaia: You Are About To Enter Into The Magnificent Era Of Possibilities

You have been waiting for this time, for this moment of your life, and you have been looking forward to it.

It's time to be joyful and celebrate your new life journey!

Your time is coming. Your time is now! The new earth is here!

The Golden Age of Gaia has begun, and it comes with all the blessings of Mother Earth upon YOU.

lunes, diciembre 05, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Pleiadians' Connection To The Earth - Dec 5, 2022

The Pleiadians' Connection To The Earth

The Pleiadians are a group of star beings from the Pleiades, a star system located in the constellation Taurus. They participated in the original creation of Earth.

The Pleiadians are an extension of our soul group. They were with us when we were children and when we were born into this world; they were with all of us throughout our lives on Earth, assisting and guiding us as needed.

miércoles, noviembre 30, 2022

Aurora Ray - Your Lightwork Has A Direct Impact On The Planet's Miasma - Nov 30, 2022

Your Lightwork Has A Direct Impact On The Planet's Miasma

You are here on Earth at this time for a reason. You have worked through many lifetimes in order to learn how to stay centered and balanced in a world of chaos. You have worked through many lifetimes, learning how to lead by example and how to stay true to yourself no matter what comes your way. You have learned how to love yourself and others unconditionally while feeling compassion for everyone who doesn't yet understand why they are here, everyone who feels lost or confused or angry or sad or victimized by life itself.

domingo, noviembre 27, 2022

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift - Nov 27, 2022

Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift

We are living in an exciting time. Long before we knew it, humanity started to evolve, and now we are moving towards a new level of consciousness. Whether you are aware of it or not, this shift is already happening at a cosmic level.

The cosmic countdown to the birth of 5D Earth has begun. The shift from third dimension to fifth dimension is a very important part of human evolution.

miércoles, noviembre 16, 2022

Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - Abundance lies within - November 6, 2022 

Dear friends,

I am Mother Earth. I am so happy to join with you on this day. I am the spirit that inhabits your planet, that pervades all nature, including your body and you. Please become aware of my energy, the Earth energy in your own body, and know that your body has a natural rhythm and wisdom. If you want to know the answers to your life’s questions, than please be aware that you can not truly receive them without connecting to your body.

martes, junio 14, 2022

Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - The Consciousness of Earth - June 12, 2022

Dear people,

I greet you heartily. I am your mother, the Earth, and I celebrate your presence here with me.

I encompass you all. Feel my presence as a consciousness that permeates all that lives on Earth. That consciousness is in you and in all that is around you: the minerals, the plants, the animals. I am in everything that lives. All that has taken material form is quickened and enlivened by consciousness from within, and I live in that consciousness and support it.

martes, mayo 10, 2022

Pamela Kribbe channels mother Earth - Qualities of Children of the New Era - May 6, 2022

Pamela Kribbe channels mother Earth

Dear friends,

I am the voice of the Earth and I am with you. I am always present in your body: in every cell, in every breath, in the blood that flows through your veins, in your feet that touch the ground. You sense my presence, but I so want us to fully meet and to embrace you. I want you to know that you are safe here on Earth.

sábado, abril 09, 2022

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a la Tierra - Vuestra misión en la Tierra - Marzo 11, 2022

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a la Tierra

Queridos amigos,

Soy la voz de la Tierra. Sentid mi energía alrededor de vuestros pies y piernas. Os doy la bienvenida. Haceos, por favor, presentes en vuestro cuerpo, dejando que los músculos se relajen.

Recordad que mi energía os sustenta siempre. Que quiero llevaros, como una madre. Sois uno conmigo, pues estáis viviendo dentro de un cuerpo físico y, al mismo tiempo, traéis con vosotros algo nuevo, algo que no es de la Tierra. Se trata de vuestra luz cósmica, de vuestra consciencia, tal es vuestro regalo a este plano de existencia. Traéis vida a este planeta, a mí, no vida física, sino la vida interior.

miércoles, marzo 16, 2022

Pamela Kribbe channels the Earth - Your mission on Earth - March 11, 2022

Dear friends,

I am the voice of Earth. Feel my energy encircling your feet and legs. I welcome you. Please enter into your bodies by allowing your muscles to relax.

Remember that you are always carried by my energy. I want to carry you, like a mother. You are one with me, because you are living inside a physical body, and at the same time you bring in something new, something not of the Earth. It is your star light, your consciousness, which is the gift to this plane of existence. You bring life to this planet, to me, not physical life but the inner life.

miércoles, diciembre 08, 2021

Aurora Ray - Mother Earth Needs You - Dec 8, 2021

Mother Earth Needs You 

There is a lot we can do to help our Mother Earth. It begins with us, then it starts with one thing at a time, and then eventually builds up to be an amazing force for change. We can all do our part in these ways:

Buy less plastic. Plastic is everywhere, from our food containers to bags. Most plastic is not biodegradable. Most of it ends up in landfills, where it will stay for thousands of years. So we should buy items when necessary and try to make the best choices possible. We could also try to use products that are reusable, such as Tupperware instead of plastic wrap or paper towels instead of Kleenexes.

miércoles, noviembre 03, 2021

Patricia Cota-Robles - BE THE OPEN DOOR FOR THE REMAINING SHIFTS IN 2021 - November 3, 2021


Patricia Cota-Robles

November 3, 2021

The Company of Heaven never gives us information that may cause concern or fear just for the sake of exposing possible events. The only time the Beings of Light ever reveal information to us that may seem challenging or even ominous is if we have the awareness and the ability to rise above it and to actually help minimize the adverse effects of the situation. This is one of those times.

Judith Kusel - I am so inspired and uplifted by the huge surges of energy pouring in - Nov 3, 2021


I am so inspired and uplifted by the huge surges of energy pouring in.

I am being shown the new Cities of Light in the New Earth, which are already present in the unmanifested forms, and will be anchored in, in the next 1000 New Earth years. These will be eco friendly and indeed here humans, animals, plant, tree- bird and insect life, all in the waters and under the sea and in the sky, will live in harmony and unity AS ONE.

lunes, octubre 04, 2021

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - October 4 2021

Straight from the Heart
October 4 2021

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest from Apollo: “What is new with you is also new with me. We are following the currents of energy which are constantly changing. Your emotions fluctuate. It can be challenging to stay on an even keel. The joy and brilliance of the light that is impacting the earth right now is exceptional. The insanity of the third dimensional world is maddening. We admire the ground crew for your stamina and for your resilience. These energies are impacting the consciousness of planet earth and awakening increasing numbers of people on the planet. It is all coming to a head. Soon these laborious days will reach their end with the culmination of light. Earth will never be the same and neither will you.”

Today as of this writing Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, are down globally. Is this the beginning of something big? Please be ready and prepared with back up plans and extra food and water. Will the whole Internet go down? Do not worry, the Galactic's have something much better than the current system we have.

According to Simon Parks,

“Urgent-social media down over 75% of planet.
Don't panic. White hat operation.
Be calm.
There will be no real war.
This is the actions that so many of you have waited for.
I warned during my last podcast.
I gave the dates so hopefully you have all prepared.
Unless the plan changes dramatically, expect US and UK to lose all communication soon.”

Here we are again in the continuum of the Ascension process. It is getting exciting because the earth is now participating in some major Earth changes. There is volcanic activity in La Palma in the Canary Islands, Mt. Etna in Italy, and Kilauea in Hawaii along with earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and fires. I felt a 3.5 earthquake October 2, near where I live. As we cleanse ourselves from the past, the earth is also doing similarly.

It appears that we could be in for some shocking changes. Mother Earth will no longer allow what has been happening and will take back control.

It has been explained that wherever man has interfered with the earth’s normal weather patterns, etc. that the earth is going to prove her power and take it back.

One of my longtime teachers, Archangel Gabriel, through full body channel Karen Cook, did a class on August 2, 2000, titled “Seven Unchangeable Earth Changes.” He mentioned the East Coast of the United States and the Canary Islands that could have 200-to-300-foot waves that would hit the coast. It would also affect the UK. We need to keep our eyes open about what's going on with La Palma, as well as other places. I recently talked with him, and he said that “Often times people will not believe that something of such a magnitude could occur.” Listen to your inner guidance and know that you will be protected. If you get an intuition that you need to move you need to follow that. Some people are getting nudges to move right now.

I asked Archangel Gabriel if the 2000 predictions, and the 2005 predictions that he made in another class, are still in the same timeline and he indicated they are.

Here are the seven major Earth changes he mentioned in 2000:

California calamities particularly in coastal areas
Effects of Europe
The gradual changing of earth’s axis
Explosions of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire
The plagues and he said, “This could be tempered.”
Seismic activity under the ocean floor
Meteor showers flowing across Europe.

During this time you will be taken into the fifth dimension. With faith you will move through the changes without a hair on your head being touched. Trust God. Realize how much you are greatly loved. Look to natural means of healing the body.” Archangel Gabriel.

Some of you may not realize that I've been writing on this website for 25 years now. I've called myself “a voracious consumer and disseminator of information.” I love sharing information through my own “spiritual media.”


lunes, septiembre 20, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Brave Warriors - September 20, 2021

The Guardians of Earth

We are all "Brave Warriors" within this now, and we are all being called to embrace beloved Planet Gaia as SHE too moves through these challenging times.

If we can remember to embrace our dear planet Earth, also known as Gaia, we will be more able to remember that we, the humans who live on planet Earth--Gaia--are responsible for taking good care of our Mother Earth.

viernes, septiembre 03, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The transmutation of Earth into Gaia! - September 3, 2021

There are too many people who refuse to accept what is happening in their planetary world. Therefore, they do NO get their vaccinations and, or wear a mask. Then they are not protecting themselves and their loved ones, and are also hurting others as well. 

I, the writer of this message, has been on Gaia for more decades then I wish to share. I have also been on the Internet, and had many wonderful moments of sharing with others the joy of accepting that we, humans, are actually in the process of remembering that we, the humans, are able to take an earth body on Gaia.

jueves, agosto 12, 2021

Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - Receive Yourself - August 7, 2021

Dear friends, I am the voice of the Earth. I am beneath your feet and greet you all with warmth and a deeply felt welcome from my heart. I am with you, so very close by. Feel my presence in the air you breathe, the water you drink, in your own body that accompanies you in this life from beginning to end. I want to feel you, to absorb your presence, because your consciousness enriches me. I can learn from you and also you can learn from me, if you want to do so. We are here to create and work together.


                               GAIA'S 12 EXPRESSIONS OF 

                                      HER  HIGHER SELF






























miércoles, julio 21, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Many Changes to be Made! - July 21, 2021

Many Changes to be Made!

There will be many changes to be made in our near, and continuing, future that we have been waiting for during many incarnations. 

However, humanity was not yet ready to make those changes because the planet Earth was still strong enough to recover from the many manners of damage that humanity has done to dearest Gaia, Earth Mother!

How much longer will beloved Gaia be able to withstand that which the humans have continued to planetary body. Gaia, planet Earth is a living being, and all living beings have strong points and weak points.

miércoles, junio 30, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Where are we going? AND How will we get there? - June 30, 2021

Where are we going and 

How will we get there?


There are more and more changes that are appearing in our lives that are coming in faster and faster. But is it really "faster," or is it just that it seems to be faster because it is new and different. Of course, this new and different can only be seen if we look FOR it, and/or look at it. 

It often seems as though people are so overwhelmed by what is happening in this now that they are choosing to ignore WHY it is happening. However, at the same time, some people are overwhelmed, and even obsessed, about WHAT is happening. 

Should they choose to ignore what is happening on Gaia's Earth during this NOW--OR--should they choose to become involved in making more money and having more fame??

Within this time of the "great unknown" humanity MUST remember that the Planet, dear Gaia, is their HOME and if they do not care for their MOTHER/HOME--WHERE WILL THEY LIVE??

Then, besides "Where are THEY going and How will we get there?" is the next question, or is it a doubt, do we have a choice? 

More and more humans on Gaia's Earth now realize that something is happening, and it does not seem like a good "something."  Many securities that were once comforting, like clear air and clean oceans that will survive for many, many, decades, are now gone.  

Watch a few of David Attenbury's shows and you will see the many, many, many ways in which humans have "NOT cared for their planet!!"

We must all ask ourselves, Where are we going? 

Then we must ask, Where are we NOW?

We, the members of Earth, must ask... 

How we will we make sure that the vital changes in humanity's behavior is fully adapted to the vital changes that need to be made in order to HEAL AND PROTECT MOTHER GAIA!

Gaia is a loving name for planet Earth. The people that named Gaia, in the same manner that they would name a living being, realized that planet Earth was not just a big round rock. 

In fact they realized that Gaia is a living being. 

Fortunately, many humans have come to understand that a planet, such as Earth, was named Gaia to assist humanity to realize that Earth is a living being and will need to be cared for and loved by the humans in the same way that they would--hopefully--love and care for their human family.

Unfortunately, too many humans could only think of themselves and only wanted fame, and things, that would make them feel important.  

Unfortunately, these "lost ones" could  NOT think of our planet Earth,  who is lovingly known as Gaia, as a living, alive being. 

All living beings need to be cared for, loved, protected and honored!

Unfortunately far, far, far, too many humans have only thought of Gaia as a

"thing," a "big rock," that humans can harm whenever, and however they wish!

These humans can easily, and greedily, harm this "big rock" so that they can find a way to 

make money off of it, and destroy it, because they have NO sense that Gaia is  planet of

 many living beings--including themselves!

Therefore maybe, just maybe, Gaia too is a living being!!

(P. S. Did these selfish humans ever think that if they destroyed Gaia

WHERE would THEY live???