Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Madre Divina. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Madre Divina. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, agosto 23, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The Divine has been working to move forward with the Divine plan for Gaia’s restoration phase - Aug 23, 2020

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God. The Mother of all creation. I come today to share news with you. The Divine has been working to move forward with the Divine plan for Gaia’s restoration phase. The process has already started in certain parts of the planet. And the Divine will continue to make sure that the process is going to move further into the broader areas of the world. The Divine plan is to start the rebuilding process in pacific regions, which includes countries that are coasted and islands which are in the Pacific Ocean and some even further in the pacific East and south. The countries that are along the pacific coasts are the ones that have to start the planing process. The planning process may take time but it is necessary for all countries involved in Gaia’s Pacific Ocean. Countries that have the coastal areas close to the pacific will have to hurry up and come up to speed with the plan quickly, because the ocean changes will come soon, Specifically the Pacific Ocean which needs the rebuilding badly.

Gaia has planned to start the rebuilding process with the Pacific Ocean and countries that are along the Pacific Ocean waters, partially because the Pacific regions are badly damaged, Especially the ocean waters which are deeply polluted. Marine life is hardly able to survive. Gaia has such a need for the pacific to be healed and rejuvenated, And that is why the restoration process started with the United States and the pacific regions.

Countries that are in the pacific and along the pacific will be deeply impacted in the process. The Divine has been trying to tell the populations in the pacific regions that Gaia’s next phase will be really impactful. The Divine wants all the countries to heed the warnings and prepare for what is to come. The Pacific Ocean is going to go through huge changes, Changes that humanity has never experienced before. The level of changes is beyond human conception. Humanity needs to take the Divine messages seriously and start the preparations.

The preparations are important for all souls on the planet regardless of where the souls reside. The preparations the Divine speaks about are on a mental and emotional level more than physical level because deep in the human psyche, devastations are something that humanity handles poorly, especially the natural damage that requires human interactions. In other words, in the event of natural changes and chaos, humans or modern humans feel chanllenged and often react with unnecessary fear. The human psyche has memories of ancient times when nature was wild and humans had a hard time surviving. In other words, human survival instincts are still very strong and sometimes, this instinct kicks in without necessary reason and the end result are reactions that are not serving the self or the greater good. That is why we, the Divine work hard to give humanity a heads up so that the planet will have time to prepare mentally and emotionally.

Now, even though we, the Divine try hard to prepare humanity for this process, Still, there is resistance that the Divine is facing. Gaia has repeatedly told the planet and humanity that the rebuilding process is going to happen no matter what. Humanity needs to learn about the changing environment and live with the process. There are no other options available to humanity and the planet. The restoration process has started and will continue no matter what. Gaia has sent out warning after warning about the process. And humanity now has no more options but to live with Gaia’s restoration process and that is the reality. We, the Divine have been trying too, and the end result has been Luke warm. Humanity needs to hurry up and the time has arrived. Gaia’s restoration process has already begun. Gaia’s ocean waters are going to have huge changes. Gaia’s coastal regions are going to change inside out and upside down. All the changes have been Divinely initiated. Gaia has all the Ocean floors planned for the rebuilding phase. And that means Gaia’s old ocean floors have to come down in order for the replacement to be installed. And that process is also being activated by the Divine and Gaia.

In the next few weeks or so, Gaia’s ocean floors will start collapsing. That means huge changes are indeed coming. Gaia has started the process and humanity needs to hear the call and start staying away from the Pacific Ocean and the coastal regions.

The pacific regions are the most challenging part because Of the heavy population. Gaia has called related countries and told them that the ocean changes are needed. The countries that have heard the calls are few. The majority of the countries are still in denial or just ignoring Gaia’s calls. Their attitude is not going to go anywhere. Gaia has determined and so is the Divine. The Divine has started the process. And no one or countries in that matter will be able to change Gaia’s mind or the Divine plan. At this point, the Divine plan has no other option than moving forward. Gaia has sent out an ultimatum quite a while ago. And that was the ultimate call, the last chance.

I love you dear angels on earth. Know Gaia’s restoration phase has begun. The process has started in the pacific regions. Countries that are impacted are the ones that are either in the middle of the pacific or have coastal areas along the pacific. Either way, the changes will be impactful. We, the Divine ask all souls in the regions to prepare thyself. Know Gaia’s changes are badly needed for Mother Earth’s survival. Humanity needs to learn to live with the changes and respect Mother Earth. And together, we fix the planet and have the planet repaired without too much of the huge damages. That is the Divine calling. And know that the Divine is here. Gaia is in charge. Be in peace dear ones. I love you. I am your Mother Divine. So it is.

Linda Li

lunes, agosto 17, 2020

Linda Li - the Divine has started Gaia’s restoration phase which means Mother Earth’s rebuilding process has begun - Aug 17, 2020

Dear beloveds, the Divine has started Gaia’s restoration phase which means Mother Earth’s rebuilding process has begun.

The rebuilding process has a lot of steps and the first step is to tear down Gaia’s old energies which no longer serve Gaia and Mother Earth.

The tearing down means a lot of movement in Mother Earth. Some of this may come as earthquakes, or large volcanos. Either way, these tearing down activities are quite intense and are going to happen around the planet. 

domingo, agosto 16, 2020

Linda Li - The Divine has given the planet and humanity the official warning that Gaia’s next phase has begun - August 16, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother Divine. I come today with important news. The Divine has given the planet and humanity the official warning that Gaia’s next phase has begun. Gaia’s restoration process has started dear ones. And that process means a brand new phase for the planet and humanity.

martes, agosto 11, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - I come today to share news with you - August 11, 2020

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother Divine. I come today to share news with you. In the last few days, during this Lion Gate portal, we, the Divine have successfully lifted up a few soul groups or countries to the 5th dimension. These groups are the large ones. Some even surpassed the populations on the American continents. There are also smaller groups which have an easier time ascending.

lunes, agosto 10, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine.- United States has been uplifted to its leadership position - August 10, 2020

United States has been uplifted to its leadership position

Dear angels on earth. I am your Mother God. I come today with important news. Through the Lion gate weekend, we, the Divine have uplifted quite a lot of the regions and countries to the higher realm. Not only are Countries being uplifted, but a handful of countries have anchored in the 5th dimension solidly. We, the Divine are pleased with the results.

domingo, julio 19, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - Recently, the Divine has decided to move forward with the Divine plan -

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother Divine. I come today with important news.

Recently, the Divine has decided to move forward with the Divine plan. The plan that your Father God has made over eons ago. Part of the plan right now is to gather the Divine beings. The Divine has decided to start collecting your Father’s 144,000 warriors who came to the planet with the Cosmos Christ for Gaia’s sake and helping the development of the planet earth. These 144,000 souls are your Father’s heart. These souls are the core of the development of this beautiful planet. They started with the light and spreading that Divine light to the point that Mother Earth was born.

jueves, julio 16, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The ascension of the planet needs a lot of lifestyle changes for souls throughout the planet - July 16, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today to give you an update.

I know that some of the light workers are having difficulties coping with the incoming light codes and ascension energies. Some even have the idea of giving it up. The energies that are penetrating the planet and the souls on the planet are designed to uplift your

jueves, junio 18, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - I come today with news - June 18, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother Divine. I come today with news. The Divine has started another wave of ascension Energies. The energies arrived at the planet this morning. They are very intense Ascension Rays designed to boost the ascension process. This time around, the ascension Rays will solely focus on the populations that have not ascended for whatever reason. The Divine is counting on the energies to bring a big number of souls home. The last soul groups that need the big boost have ascended. Now this time around, we, the Divine have decided to bring yet other big groups to the 5th dimension.

miércoles, junio 17, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The planet has been getting the most deepest, darkest energies out and released - June 17, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God. I come today with news. The planet has been getting the most deepest, darkest energies out and released. In doing so, Mother Earth will have a little breathing room. In the process of letting go of these energies, the planet has to let these energies influence the human energy field, so that the lessons can be leaned.

miércoles, junio 03, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The final announcement is coming dear ones - June 3, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Divine Mother God. I come to give you a quick update. The final disclosure process is moving forward dear ones. The process is being accelerated and now, the process is at a moment of breakthrough.

What the breakthrough Is is that the final announcer has moved forward with his part of the Divine plan. The Divine plan for the final disclosure has involved a group of personnel. These souls work together in order to accomplish the whole of the Divine plan. One of these souls is now moving forward with his part of the plan, and as result, the Divine plan as a whole is moving to the finish line, And the end result will be the final announcement of the disclosure.

martes, junio 02, 2020

Linda Li - The current energies that are coming to the planet are designed to bring down Gaia’s old structures and tear down the unnecessary energies - June 2, 2020

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today to share news. The current energies that are coming to the planet are designed to bring down Gaia’s old structures and tear down the unnecessary energies. The design of this particular energy pattern is Specifically for Gaia’s restoration phase. The energies of the restoration process have arrived on the planet and have started tearing down the outdated patterns and structures. Gaia’s old patterns will be totally removed so that the new structures can be installed. In the process, the planet earth and humanity will go through an overall makeover. The new earth will emerge and Gaia’s Old structures will be torn down completely. That is the restoration phase.

viernes, mayo 22, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - ... a little update on the clarion call - May 22, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother Divine. I come today to share some feedback with you. Since the Divine sent out the clarion call, hundreds of light workers responded with great enthusiasm. The Divine is indeed very happy about it and appreciates your attention.

Linda Li - Mother Divine - I know that the energies are high - May 22, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God. I know that the energies are high. Some of you feel that you are having a hard time absorbIng the energies, not to mention working and integrating the energies. The physical body is at full capacity. That is the case for most souls on the planet. Gaia too, is having a higher than normal frequency and that is partially influencing all souls on the planet. Humanity, under the current intense energies, is vibrating at a high level of frequency that has never been seen in recent history. That being said, we, the Divine are determined to continue bringing in the high frequency ascension Rays for the planet and humanity, because both need these high energies at this juncture.

jueves, mayo 14, 2020

Linda Li - The planet earth has arrived at the higher realm, and so did humanity - May 14, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. The planet earth has arrived at the higher realm, and so did humanity. The ascension of the masses has achieved. Souls on the planet are almost all ascended. Yes, there are souls who have not ascended and yes, there are souls who will not ascend but that is their soul contract.

sábado, mayo 09, 2020

Sandra Walter - Divine Mother Focus & SUNday Meditations - May 9, 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

:: DIVINE MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND :: Honoring the Cosmic Mother in all of Creation!

Can you feel the deep shifts happening in this Now?

We unify hearts in Service to infuse the forgiveness, gratitude and compassion of Divine Mother in this Now.

SUNday Unity Meditations: Three synchronized sessions of unified heart intent

viernes, mayo 08, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The planet wide ascension has been going well. - May 8, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today to share news with you. The planet wide ascension has been going well. Souls are ascending nicely. Souls are going upward in wave after wave. The entire human race has basically ascended.

miércoles, mayo 06, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine- In this quiet and yet powerful moment... - May 6, 2020

In this quiet and yet powerful moment, in the void, something big is about to burst into being. We, as a human race are about to jump a timeline and become a brand new human race and human existence.

That moment of evolution is under way. And humanity is about to take the leap and move on to the next level of existence.