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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Familia Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, agosto 25, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Something new is coming in! - August 25, 2020

SOMETHING NEW                                                                               

Something new is coming in, 
That's free of guilt and free of sin

The guilt that once did rule your life 
filled you all with fear and strife

But..what if you knew 
what would come true

sábado, agosto 22, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Message From Your Galactic Family - August 22, 2020


Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

We, the space bound members of your Galactic Family, wish to speak with the many humans who are now located on the surface of the beloved planet Gaia. We, the members of the higher dimensions of reality, are often known as “Your Galactic Family” because we are, indeed the higher dimensional expression of the awakened and awakening “humans.”

martes, julio 14, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians and YOUR Galactic Family - HOW COULD YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN - July 14, 2020


The Arcturians and YOUR Galactic Family
Through Suzanne Lie

How could you, the humans who now inhabit planet Earth, have ever known that your lives would be the way they are within this NOW. It is difficult to even describe WHAT this NOW is about, WHERE it came from, WHY is it happening, and HOW long it will last?

sábado, julio 11, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Galactic Family - CHANGES, CHANGES, AND CHANGES!! - July 11, 2020


Greetings from Sue Lie,

Welcome to this new version of Blog. I have used the old Blog for many, many years. Therefore, please be patient with me while I figure out how to work with this blog.

How are all of you doing with this time of many changes? I know that sometimes I am feeling a bit 
"up side down." It is difficult to have to change how we feel about our reality, our life, and our selves.

sábado, junio 20, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Galactics - June 20, 2020

To View Newest Video from Suzanne Lie and Danny L.
Please click the below link:

We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to remind you that it is the NOW for all of you to remember that you have chosen to take an earth vessel during this NOW to better assist dear Mother Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.

lunes, junio 15, 2020

Suzanne Lie - GalacticFamily - Remembering, Returning to, and Becoming your true Fifth Dimensional SELF - June 15, 2020

Remembering, Returning to, and Becoming
Your True Fifth Dimensional SELF

Your GalacticFamily though Suzanne Lie


Phase One of returning to your True Fifth Dimensional SELF is remembering that you have a fifth dimensional SELF. In fact, phase one of returning to your fifth dimensional self is to remember that you have a fifth dimensional self.

viernes, junio 12, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - You are NOT alone - June 12, 2020


YOU are ALWAYS with your
Higher Dimensional SELF
Through Suzanne Lie

In fact, whether or not you are thinking in terms of your daily third dimensional self, or your meditative and creative, fourth dimensional self, or even you fifth dimensional Galactic Self, all of these are different versions of your deeply complex and more highly evolved, Multidimensional SELF.

lunes, junio 08, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Floating Thought Forms - June 8, 2020

Floating Thought Forms

Through Suzanne Lie

Nothing in Nature travels alone.

All Life is intertwined.

We all work on an elemental level. The elementals are the foundation of all matter. The elementals create the frequency of matter, which is the frequency of our thought forms, the frequency of our brainwaves, and the frequency of our consciousness.

viernes, mayo 22, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - Taking Care of Gaia - May 22, 2020

Taking Care of Gaia

It is the NOW for all of humanity to take responsibility for the health of our planetary Home!

We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to tell YOU, our grounded family members who bravely chose to take an incarnation during this challenging NOW of Planetary Change. Just as humans often have a difficult time making a difficult transition, Gaia is also having a difficult time with your Human Transmutation.

miércoles, mayo 20, 2020

We are NOT Alone by The Galactics through Suzanne Lie and Danny L.


Please click the below link to see the video for this Blogpost

It is the NOW for all of humanity to
Take responsibility for the health of their planetary home.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to tell YOU, our grounded family members who bravely chose to take an incarnation during this challenging NOW of Planetary Change. Just as humans often have a difficult time making a difficult transition, Gaia is also having a difficult time with your Human Transmutation.

viernes, mayo 01, 2020

Suzanne Lie - WHAT DO YOU SEE OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW? - May 1, 2020


Most of us are in our home, office, or some other building.
Since we must be so careful if with going out side
Try taking a moment to look out your window!
The humans are having many problems,
but Nature is as beautiful as always!

martes, abril 14, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Our Galactic Family - The YOU that you are within this NOW - April 14, 2020

The YOU that you are within this NOW
Our Galactic Family through Suzanne Lie

Dear members of our Galactic Family,
Please tell us how we can “Live in the Flow?” In fact, what is the ‘Flow?” It is important to understand exactly what “The Flow” is before we can commit our self to live within it.

On the other hand, “Impatience” is something that is quite common. Therefore, we will begin by examining “impatience.” What is “impatience?” Is it a hurry to do, have, need, and/or want something that is not yet yours? And, even more important is, “How do you “Release your impatience?”

jueves, abril 02, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - The Violet Fire and Our Expanding Consciousness - April 2, 2020

The Violet Fire and Our Expanding Consciousness

Please click the above link to view the newest Youtube video about
The Violet Fire and Expanding our Consciousness during a challenging time, such as RIGHT NOW!

Blessings to you all from your Galactic Family.

Judith Kusel - The planet and humanity is surrounded by so many Cosmic Beings, the Angelic, Archangelic realms and the Galactic Federation and Universal Counsels of Light and their Motherships - April 2, 2020

The planet and humanity is surrounded by so many Cosmic Beings, the Angelic, Archangelic realms and the Galactic Federation and Universal Counsels of Light and their Motherships.

The Divine Presence is there is such amazing and miraculous ways, such as has never been felt before!

lunes, marzo 30, 2020

Suzanne Lie -The Galactics - Spending a moment of Every Day Life To Remember your Multidimensional SELF - March 30, 2020

Spending a moment of Every Day Life
To Remember your Multidimensional SELF

Suzanne Lie and the Galactics

You may wonder why I did not sign by the Arcturians or other Galactic friends, but this message is about our human self, our third and fourth dimensional expression of our human self.

Yes, we are not JUST human, and right now our Higher, Galactic Self may be coming into our awareness because we are in the process of “putting one foot, and then the next foot” forward as we try to “Calmly” walk through our “Every Day Life!”

domingo, marzo 29, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - What To Do When you are Doing Nothing Part ONE - March 29, 2020

What To Do When You are Doing Nothing
Part ONE

Within these difficult times, don't we all wish that we could sit in the woods to find peace and beauty.

However, our lives have ALL been changed in one way or another. Therefore, I, Sue Lie, will call in the Arcturians to assist us with the difficult challenges that we are ALL facing.

viernes, marzo 13, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Blessings from your Galactic Family - March 13, 2020

Blessings from your Galactic Family


The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie


Dear Galactic Family,

Do you have any information that would assist those of us who are still wearing a third dimensional vessel?

Dear Ones, We, the Arcturians, are happy to address this issue. It is interesting that you would say, “Those of us who are still wearing a third dimensional vessel.” In fact, it is a helpful manner for your self and for others to realize that you are NOT just a third dimensional human. In fact, many of you are Galactic Beings, just as we are, who have chosen to take a third dimensional “earth vessel” during this now of Gaia’s great planetary transmutation.

domingo, marzo 08, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Remembering Your Galactic Family - Mar 8, 2020

Remembering Your Galactic Family

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians 

Do you have a message that I can share today?

Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, has a message for each and every one of our brave, grounded ones. These Grounded Ones took on an earth vessel during this NOW of great planetary challenge.

sábado, marzo 07, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Remembering Your Innate Multidimensional SELF and Multidimensional Planet - Mar 6, 2020


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

First, please allow yourself to remember that you have a Higher SELF who resonates to higher frequencies of reality.

Then, remember how your Higher SELF can align your thoughts and emotions to recognize and create thought forms.

As your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies, feel how your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with you higher dimensional thoughts and emotions.