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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Gran Cambio. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, diciembre 17, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Shift is Real: Clear Signs That the Epic Dimensional Shift is Happening Now! - Dec 17, 2023

The Shift is Real: Clear Signs That the Epic Dimensional Shift is Happening Now!


The world is currently undergoing a monumental shift in consciousness as we transition from the 3rd dimension to the 5th. For centuries, ancient spiritual traditions have prophesied this time of planetary evolution. Now, the long-awaited dimensional shift is finally happening, and the very fabric of reality is transforming as a result!

Judith Kusel - It is most important in the next days and weeks... - Dec 17, 2023


It is most important in the next days and weeks to make time to be quiet and still and to ask to be prepared on soul and all levels for 2024, which is a crucial year of immense changes, as the ascension process accelerates.

All the navigational tools you need are within yourself and amplified by the Divinity within your own soul as one with your monad and All That Is.

miércoles, diciembre 13, 2023

Aurora Ray - Earth's Impending Transformation: Dynamic Signs of a Great Shift! - Dec 13, 2023

Earth's Impending Transformation: Dynamic Signs of a Great Shift!


In recent times, some massive changes have happened to our Earth. Scientists are seeing signs that show something major could be going on. These unusual events are making people believe our planet is going through a huge transformation!

These signs of the great Earth shift are becoming more noticeable, sparking curiosity and discussions among scientists and curious minds alike. Let's explore what these signs could mean for our planet.

The Great Shift: Unveiling the Secrets of Interdimensional Convergence

martes, diciembre 12, 2023

Judith Kusel - With accelerated ascension - Dec 12, 2023


With accelerated ascension, we will find that our consciousness rises as well, with this our psychic, and intuitive powers will increase. We will be able to see through lies as we become more and more discerning. More than this, not allowing ourselves to be pulled into any of the conjured up dramas those choosing to stay in the old earth and disintegrate with her, try to throw at us.

domingo, diciembre 10, 2023

Aurora Ray - Epic Day Approaching: Pleiadian Crafts Set to Grace Our Skies and Propel Ascension! - Dec 10, 2023

Epic Day Approaching: Pleiadian Crafts Set to Grace Our Skies and Propel Ascension!


The Pleiadians are a group of extraterrestrial beings who originate from the Pleiades star system. They are deeply involved with humanity's spiritual evolution and ascension.

The Pleiadians are highly advanced spiritually as well as technologically. Their civilization is thousands of years ahead of ours, and they are intimately connected with Earth's history. Some say the Pleiadians were the ancient gods of mythology, while others believe they influenced early human civilizations.

sábado, diciembre 02, 2023

Aurora Ray - Uplifting Earth: Extraterrestrial Light Transmissions and Planetary Ascension - Dec 3, 2023

Uplifting Earth: Extraterrestrial Light Transmissions and Planetary Ascension

Encounters with beings from other planets and dimensions can catalyze tremendous spiritual growth for humanity. As we expand our notions of what is possible, we open the doorways of perception and step into new realms of consciousness.

Interacting with advanced extraterrestrial intelligence provides a glimpse of our untapped potential as a species. Their wisdom and perspectives allow us to see ourselves and our world from a higher vantage point. We realize how much more there is to know and how far we have yet to evolve.

miércoles, noviembre 29, 2023

Aurora Ray - Elevate Your Energy: A Guide to Raising Your Vibration and Joining Earth's Grand Shift! - Nov 29, 2023

Elevate Your Energy: A Guide to Raising Your Vibration and Joining Earth's Grand Shift!


Our Earth, Gaia, is essentially a living, self-regulating organism. The entire planet is one superorganism with self-sustaining processes that automatically work to enable life to flourish.

The Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, and geological systems interact in a complex feedback loop that maintains homeostasis and optimal conditions for life on Earth. All organisms and their inorganic surroundings have closely coupled relationships, with living creatures and their physical environments evolving together as a single, self-regulating, complex system.

martes, noviembre 28, 2023

Aurora Ray - Awakening the Golden Era: Unlocking the Secrets of Extraterrestrial Connection! - Nov 28, 2023

Awakening the Golden Era: Unlocking the Secrets of Extraterrestrial Connection!


For a considerable time, beings from outer space have been helping humanity grow. People call them "cosmic allies" or "star friends." These friendly beings often come to Earth, connecting with us to boost both our spiritual and technological progress.

Extraterrestrials see innate potential in humanity, even if we cannot always see it in ourselves. By making contact with selected individuals, these cosmic allies impart wisdom and insights to help accelerate our transition into a more enlightened galactic civilization.

sábado, noviembre 25, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Dawn of a New Era: Co-Creating the Golden Age of Gaia! - Nov 25, 2023


The Dawn of a New Era: Co-Creating the Golden Age of Gaia!


We are all spiritual beings undertaking the human experience. Though our journeys differ, we all wish for the same basic things - joy, connection, fulfillment. When we recognize this truth, we see all people as fellow travelers rather than strangers or opponents.

The more we transcend duality in our individual lives, the more humanity will transcend it as a whole. As we raise our consciousness and vibration, so too will that of the planet. The era of separation is ending, and a new age of unity is dawning. We each have a role to play in manifesting this shift.

jueves, noviembre 23, 2023

Aurora Ray - It's Your Turn: Join the New Earth Evolution Movement Today! - Nov 23, 2023

It's Your Turn: Join the New Earth Evolution Movement Today!


This is a pivotal moment for humanity. The ascension of Gaia represents an opportunity for each of us to step forward and serve something greater than ourselves.

Though the coming changes may seem daunting, we must embrace this transition with courage, compassion, and readiness to act.

The call has sounded. How will you respond?

miércoles, noviembre 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - Becoming Whole: Preparing for the Earth's Great Shift - Nov 22, 2023

Becoming Whole: Preparing for the Earth's Great Shift


The shift in consciousness and energy that is occurring on Earth presents an opportunity for profound growth and awakening.

However, in order to fully participate in this ascension process, we must prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Enter a Realm of Transformation: Fueling the Grand Shift with Enlightened Thoughts

martes, noviembre 21, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Great Awakening is Upon Us: Earth's Vibrational Shift Is Happening Now! - Nov 21, 2023

The Great Awakening is Upon Us: Earth's Vibrational Shift Is Happening Now!


The term "Great Awakening" refers to a spiritual awakening or evolution of human consciousness predicted by many spiritual teachers and philosophers over the ages. The idea is that humanity will eventually undergo a collective shift in awareness, ushering in a new era of peace, unity, and heightened perception.

Beliefs in an impending awakening can be traced back thousands of years to ancient spiritual texts and indigenous prophecies, which speak of a time when humans will transcend the ego, materialism, and separation. Many modern thinkers also believe we are on the verge of this shift right now.