Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Educación Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Educación Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, agosto 14, 2024

Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation Transmission to Humanity - Aug 14, 2024

Galactic Federation Transmission to Humanity

Dear ones,

Be awake! Be ready! Be focused! Feel it inside you, with conviction. You know that the moment of awakening is near. You are right on the threshold of a powerful new wave. So, now is the time to prepare yourself.

Are you ready to move on from your life as it has been and step into a new reality?

miércoles, junio 09, 2021

Lisa Renee - Sophianic Female Coding

The Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, through the advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone and 13th Pillar.

Recent Guardian Gridworker projects related to the return of the Emerald Order have revealed the Emerald Goddess Green Tara has returned to this dimension of the planet to restore balance to the planet's organic magnetism and offer active compassion from the Holy Mother. She has returned to embodiment in the Asian grid between Sri Lanka and India during the May Electrical Peak cycle 2021.

jueves, enero 07, 2021

Linda Li - Mother Divine - Divine updates on human origin and the education of the Galactic - January 7, 2021

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God. I come today to share my love and sentiment.

The planet earth has been uplifted to the higher realm dear children on earth. As result of that, the planet will need to go through transformation. The low density energies will need to either migrate to another low vibrational planet or in some cases, some children of Gaia will have to be rebuilt and recalibrated so that the soul will be intact again.

viernes, noviembre 01, 2019

Morag - How To Ignite Your Inner Galactic Warrior - Nov 1, 2019

by Morag,
Contributing Writer,

This cosmic crossroads we have reached has shown us we can transform our reality by transforming ourselves. To delve into our psyche, to welcome activation of our chakra system, to seek inner peace and stillness. We can soar through the clouds as birds, play in the oceans like dolphins, we can set our spirits free.

lunes, febrero 26, 2018

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Conscious Communication with Your Galactic Family - Feb 26, 2018

                   Conscious Communication with Your Galactic Family

Perceiving what you imagine and Imagining what you perceive!

By the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians, are here now and feeling joyous to talk with you about the experience of Conscious Communication with a member of your Galactic Family, and/or with your beloved Earth Mother, Gaia.

Only Unconditional Love can create a deep enough state of consciousness within your being for you to be able to receive, interpret and understand a fifth dimensional communication.

domingo, septiembre 17, 2017

Lisa Renee - Preparing for Cosmic Citizenship

Preparing for Cosmic Citizenship

Humanity is evolving into learning how to better function within group consciousness through many different social settings that present an array of personal challenges as a byproduct of the bifurcation and Ascension cycle. The higher frequencies and new chakra orb body configurations are thrusting us into a whole different energetic foundation, which pushes us to get the highest lessons of our evolving consciousness, that content that we are being forced to learn at this time. Before we can achieve personal sovereignty and join the Universal Consciousness Community, we must be developed in our ability to navigate in alignment with heart based group consciousness, in service to others. This requires us to learn how to live honestly, transparently, authentically, we cannot hide behind any masks of deception or still use manipulation forces to get what we desire, to take the upper hand over other people. If we use manipulation and force our personal will into the reality to serve the self, or to feel more comfortable, these energies feed the fears of the predator mind to grow. In order for us to become Cosmic Citizens, if we truly want to live God, Sovereign and Free, in the Law of One, we have to obey these laws and practice them right now in the physical world, so that when the GSF timeline opens, we have the full opportunity to join the rest of the Galactic Community, if we are not of criminal or predatorial minds.

miércoles, abril 09, 2014

Christine Meleriessee - Mastery Tool of the Day - Ascension Techniques - Apr 9, 2014

blue violetAscension Techniques

Walking Terra Christa will be providing some ascension techniques that can be used to accelerate your light body infusion.  These techniques are provided through Dr. Joshua David Stone; we have added additional information for the present energies coming into the planet.
Anytime during your meditation you can ask the Ascended Masters to increase your Light Quotient by 12%. Please make sure that you use only the 12% ratio as too much could be an overload in your 4-body system.

jueves, julio 04, 2013

¿Qué es la Ley del Tiempo?

¿Qué es la Ley del Tiempo?

Es un descubrimiento de un sistema completo comprensible el cuál demuestra que el tiempo es el factor universal de sincronización. La fórmula principal de la Ley del Tiempo – T(E)=Arte, Energía factorizada por el Tiempo es igual al Arte – se refiere a la elegancia intrínseca de todo fenómeno natural.
La formulación corolaria de la Ley del Tiempo afirma que la velocidad del tiempo es instantáneamente infinita, un factor que se relaciona con la telepatía y varios fenómenos paranormales. Sí, el tiempo es más rápido que la velocidad de la luz! Y debemos investigar la mente para poder entender el tiempo.
En su esencia, el tiempo es una frecuencia expresada como una constante, 13:20. Esta constante define un nuevo reino de la realidad, el orden sincrónico. Este es el reino cuatri-dimensional donde la sincronicidad es la norma y puede ser mapeado por códigos matemáticos basados en la constante 13:20.

martes, junio 18, 2013


VisitShip dos

HABLA MYTRA: Ya que Sandy y Jason tuvieron la discusión sobre sus sueños, se han vuelto mucho más conscientes sobre mi presencia.

De hecho, han estado meditando juntos y pidiéndome guía. Mi guía primaria ha sido en formas de que ellos recuerden mejor su tiempo en la Nave.

Muchos de nuestras Naves Inter planetarias han estado en la cuarta dimensión superior de la Tierra desde antes del 11 de setiembre del 2001.

La Federación Galáctica estaba muy consciente de que un mundo en guerra podía surgir fácilmente desde aquel incidente.

lunes, junio 17, 2013

The Arcturians ~ All the Galactic Civilizations, all Beings and the collective of You are becoming this giant group of consciousness on a Solar and Universal level ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont


Arcturians by Méline Lafont

Greetings, we are the Arcturians and we greet you from our perspective of Being.  We flow forth as a collective form from Source and our essence is Love.  From our perspective and point of view, all is forming the new wave of Being in all Light and Love of essence.  This energy is hitting this planet and her reality in the most effective way, to bring all hearts into connection and into more self-awareness, for each and every one of you is a God Presence of Light in the heart.

viernes, junio 14, 2013

Wes Annac - Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light – Part 4 - June 14, 2013

SaLuSa’s material collected and presented by Steve Beckow
pleiadians1(Concluded from Part 3.)

We Promote Peace and Cooperation

Just think for a moment how, as visitors to your Earth, we are maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you and stealing your lands. We are described as ‘aliens’ when in fact we are your true family and have never lifted as much as a finger against you in anger.
Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light. (1)
We continue to draw nearer to you, not that you may necessarily notice as we keep many of our craft shrouded in a cloak of invisibility. How exciting it will be when we can at last be open in our activities on and off your Earth. Our mission at present is one of a holding nature, until we have secured a safe environment and skies that are free of any threat against us. These matters cannot be dealt with very quickly, as it requires orders from people of the top echelons to ensure our safety.