Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Divina Madre. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Divina Madre. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, junio 27, 2024

Natalia Alba - At this time of our ascension journey - Jun 27, 2024

Beloved Ones,

At this time of our ascension journey, especially with Cancerian energies, and many other energies outside of our time-space supporting us, we are embracing both the divine masculine and the Creatrix, the Divine Mother, the Feminine Aspect of Creation that nurtures us and knows what is best for us, and our unique path.

viernes, junio 14, 2024

Aurora Ray - Merge With The Frequency Of The Divine Mother - Jun 14, 2024

Merge With The Frequency Of The Divine Mother

In the realm of spiritual awakening, there exists a profound and transformative force known as the Divine Mother, or Adi Shakti. Symbolized by the fusion of the Sun and Moon with a sword, Adi Shakti represents the warrior of light and is revered as the most powerful symbol one can wear. This symbol not only offers protection but also activates profound energies within.

sábado, febrero 26, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Divine Mother - Apples not Oranges! - Feb 26, 2022


Beloveds, you consider that you are partitioned, that you come in segments, that you are not whole, not a perfect entity.

You imagine that you have bits that are ‘good’ and bits that you consider ‘bad’, bits that are appropriate and bits that must be rejected.

You imagine that there are parts of you that are Divine, and parts of you that are human. You are like an orange that sees only the segments. Truly, that is not how I see you. You are one. You are whole.

miércoles, febrero 23, 2022

Judith Kusel - The Great Mother Healing - Feb 23, 2022


The Great Mother Healing

In the last few days, an intense Mother Healing has occurred within humanity. It is a deep healing of the “Mother” aspect of the Feminine Divine, and indeed within the Masculine and Feminine.

This mother healing extends down the whole ancestral lineages, as well as through what has been encoded in our DNA.

miércoles, marzo 03, 2021

Celia Fenn - 3/3 Portal and Divine Feminine Grace : 3rd March - Mar 3, 2021

3/3 Portal and Divine Feminine Grace : 3rd March

Today is the 3rd of March, the 3/3 Portal.

Following on the Virgo Full Moon, the 3/3 portal is all about the energy of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine.

It is the energy of the Goddess in Nature and Abundance through Nature, perhaps a fitting energy for this time as the seasons begin to change.

jueves, enero 14, 2021

Isabel Henn - Divine Mother - My Will is LAW and my Will be done - January 14, 2021

My beloved child, I know you feel more desperate now that the impeachment process on President Trump has started. Trust my child. All is well. Trump is our man and he is doing important work for us fighting the deep state on your planet. He will be successful because my husband and I, we are behind him. We have his back.

jueves, enero 07, 2021

Isabel Henn - Divine Mother - Remain in Hope - January 7, 2021

My dearest child, I feel your desperation, your pain and confusion over what happened yesterday in the United States of America. You think all is lost now but let me comfort you.

This is all part of my plan to help free your planet and all that is on it. My beloved twin and I we could have end this evil game of what you call the deep state in a blink of the eye but what sense would it make for your future, what effect would it have?

lunes, agosto 03, 2020

Linda Li - Mother God - Humanity has grown enough to handle the intensity - Aug 3, 2020

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God. I come today to share my love with you. I know that the energies are intense. My angels are being bombarded by the intense energies. That is understandable dear ones. The current energies are designed for this time. The energies are for the planetary ascension. Gaia has been asking the Divine to bring these energies in for quite some time. And finally, we, the Divine have decided that it is time for the intense energies to come to the planet. Humanity has grown enough to handle the intensity. And that is why you feel the energies and feel the energies becoming more intense every day.

lunes, julio 27, 2020

Isabel Henn - Divine Mother - Something about genders - July 27, 2020

My child, I think you are a bit confused about the number of genders. There are only TWO! Masculine and Feminine – I don’t want to speak here about hermaphrodytes as they are really rare exceptions – and this is defined solely through your DNA. Even if you don’t feel as a woman or a man, you can’t change your true gender, not through wishful thinking, hormone therapy or surgery.

martes, mayo 19, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The energies are for Gaia’s ascension and humanity’s restoration

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God, Mother of all creation. I come today to share news. As you know, the incoming energies have been extremely high lately. The energies are for Gaia’s ascension and humanity’s restoration. The planet earth has been in a position Such that she continuously needs high Divine energies for survival. Even though the planet has been uplifted to the Photon belt and continuing to be uplifted, her core energy has not yet recovered. In other words, the planet still needs the energies to support her. She is not in a position to sustain herself. That is why sometimes, we, the Divine will bring in high energies to the planet and humanity to maintain the peace and calm while the planet is ascending.

sábado, mayo 16, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - Clarion Call - May 16, 2020

Clarion Call

The Divine plan is unfolding nicely dear ones. The planet is about to go into the next phase of the ascension process. The Divine has already started and now is the time to get the Divine team members together.

There are about a few hundreds of the Divine team members who are needed to hear this important message. Even though some of these light workers may have been picked by your Father Christ and now is in the training process. Their training is coming to an end soon. The purpose of their training is to get them ready for the next phase. These souls are now being called to listen up and getting ready for their next big job.

viernes, mayo 15, 2020

Linda Li - The Divine has started yet another push for the final disclosure - May 15, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Divine Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today with good news. The Divine has started yet another push for the final disclosure. Although, this time around, we, the Divine, are pretty confident about the whole thing. Energetically, We know the outcome has happened and the outcome is exactly what we, the Divine, want it to be and exactly how it serves the greater good. We have the outcome in the inner plane, and now it is manifesting in your reality dear ones.

viernes, mayo 01, 2020

Linda Li - Mother God - The Divine has decided to move forward, again, with the final disclosure - May 1, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God. I come today with important news. The Divine has decided to move forward, again, with the final disclosure. I know that we have tried it before and now the opportunity has arrived and the Divine decided to give another try.

lunes, abril 27, 2020

Linda Li - Divine Mother - ...a brand new system on the planet - April 27, 2020

·Dear angels, I am your Divine Mother. I come to remind all of you that the Divine is working with the planet to get her newly implemented system going. The Divine has installed a brand new system on the planet. What this system does is to make sure that all Gaia’s children will respect her rules and laws. Gaia has been mistreated and the Divine decided it is time to correct the course and make humanity accountable for its behaviors.

Linda Li - Mother Divine - ...another round of the ascension related upgrading...- April 27, 2020

Dear beloveds, the planet is going through, yet, another round of the ascension related upgrading. The current situation on the planet requires the upgrade and repair work. What the Divine is doing now is to take down the old supporting structure of the planet and replace it with the newly created crystalized structure. In doing so, the planet finally can get rid of diseased old patterns and unwanted thought forms, replaced with a brand new crystalized Divinely

miércoles, abril 22, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - Recently installed spiritual laws - April 22, 2020

Dear beloveds, I would like to share some recently installed spiritual laws with you so you can understand what the Divine requires us from this point on. One of the newly implemented laws is the law of Ascension. It is said that all souls on the planet are required to ascend. The ascension of the planet and all souls on the planet is a universal law now on the planet earth. All sentient beings need to ascend to the 5th dimension, where Gaia is.

martes, abril 21, 2020

Linda Li - Mother God: New System Installed on Gaia - April 21, 2020

Mother God: New System Installed on Gaia

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today to share with you what is happening behind the scenes. on the surface, things seem to be chaotic and not much more than that. But at the energetic level, in the higher realm, the planet earth, and the Divine team have been busy. We have not only take Gaia’s next step further, but we also have crossed yet another threshold, Gaia’s ascension has reached another milestone, a victory of light.

domingo, marzo 22, 2020

Isabel Henn - Divine Mother - Don’t be afraid - March 22, 2020

My child,

don’t be afraid. I am with you.

All will be well because all IS already well.

I have all under control.

There are and will be losses but they have agreed to this before they incarnated. They are helping to bring the truth to the light and to help fight those who wish to hurt you. We are celebrating these brave souls and we will celebrate together with you too when all is done.

domingo, febrero 23, 2020

Isabel Henn - The Divine Mother - I am with you - February 23, 2020

My beloved child, it is necessary that I talk to you again in these difficult times for you.

Don’t be afraid of anything, not of any virus or agent that might be able to make you sick, not of any catastrophe or the revelations that are being made now and in the future. Don’t worry and don’t be afraid of any change because change is happening all around you. It is what you are working for since decades, at least some of you. Change is what is necessary for humanity to go through the transformation that is occurring as I speak to you. Change is the only constant in Creation. Be ready and willing to change yourself, your beliefs, your religious opinions, your politics, your ways of life, maybe even your profession, your diet and no you can still eat meat as your body needs some elements of animals in your diet to thrive. You might have to change the place you live and also the choices you have to make be it family, friends, relationships.