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miércoles, enero 04, 2017

Dianne Robbins - Mikis de Telos - Todo en la Tierra Hueca está construido de Cristales - Diciembre 4, 2016

Canalización Mensual ~, Derecho de Autor / Copyright © Dianne Robbins

Todo en la Tierra Hueca está construido de Cristales 

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Soy Mikos, aquí, para hablar sobre nuestra conexión con el
Universo y su conexión con toda vida en todos lados. Nosotros amamos nuestra Tierra, y como vivimos en su interior tenemos conocimiento de toda la información que ha existido jamás — y sobre todos los eventos sucediendo actualmente sobre la superficie, así como en otros sistemas solares en nuestra galaxia.
Nosotros capturamos, o registramos, estos eventos en nuestros Proyectores Cristalinos y los archivamos para salvaguardarlos en nuestra extensa biblioteca.

Todos nuestros registros son antiguos según nuestros estándares, pues sus vidas son muy cortas comparadas con las nuestras ; pero estos “antiguos” eventos existieron en nuestra línea de tiempo ya que nosotros estamos eones de años en el mismo cuerpo, y por lo tanto, han ocurrido durante nuestra vida.

martes, junio 16, 2015

Mystery of the Crystal Sphere of Atlantis

Mystery of the Crystal Sphere of Atlantis

Theories about Atlantis mention the extensive use of crystals by Atlanteans. Crystals varied in slight, color, and harmonic frequencies. Crystals follow harmonic frequencies and could be used with an instrument that looks like a tuning fork.

Atlantis Seed Crystal

Atlanteans allegedly harnessed the energies of the pyramids, using harmonics linked to crystals to that end. As we have the Great Pyramid at the center of the planet linked to the grid matrix that creates our reality, so, too, did the Atlanteans.

Their pyramid allegedly sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which is a metaphor about returning to the collective unconsciousness or source of creation.

Atlantean crystals received power from a variety of sources, including the Sun, the Earth's energy field grid system or from each other.

Grids point are often marked by pyramids. The Atlanteans used this energy, combined with crystals, to transmit energy from one pyramid to another or, as aliens, to enter and leave the planet.

lunes, febrero 23, 2015

Celia Fenn - The Sirius Transmission and the Multi-Dimensional Light Body Upgrade - February 23, 2015

Star Seed Transmissions 2015
February has been a most intense month in terms of Energy shifts and transformations.  This seems to be a new pattern, as February 2014 was also intense and powerful. This year the energy has intensified through this month, culminating on the 22nd of February 2015. This has not been a Solar phenomenon alone, although the Sun has been in the process of activating a new Light Body structure as well, but the primary source of these transmissions is the Star system of Sirius.
Sirius has been a part of the creation and evolution of Earth for many star cycles. There is a "partnership" between the Sirian Council of Light and The Earth Councils that has been renewed to allow the Sirian Masters and Teachers to continue to provide their expertise and guidance on matters of Light Body evolution and design. The Sirian Master Teachers, acting through the Atlantean and Egyptian Sacred Schools, imparted to Earth an understanding of the nature of the creation techniques used by the Elohim and and the Archangels, as well as the design and function of the Human Angelic Light Body and its relationship to Time and Space within different Dimensional Frameworks.
In this most recent partnership, the Sirian Masters have assisted in transmitting into the New Earth Diamond Grids the Light Codes for the first Major upgrade of the Diamond Light Body. This upgrade is intended to fine tune the Light Body for its new function as a Multi-Dimensional Vehicle of Light. Intense waves of Light are being transmitted from Sirius that carry the wave patterns and frequencies of the new Light Body calibrations.

domingo, enero 25, 2015

Sandra Walter – Crystal Codes : Galactics Sending Love – 25 January 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Mid-way through the Gate passage today, I aligned with the Gateways and a few moments into meditation, Shazam – the bright flash of my Team coming through. They left us a new greeting in one of my Gate crystals! I felt the Team surround me, sending pure LOVE.
There is an incredible amount of lovelight washing through me with this Gate, and the crystal has anchored it, like a transceiver beaming Divine Love through my heart and my space. Thank you, beloveds! I feel this is a beautiful gift for all of us aligning with Divine Choice.

jueves, marzo 14, 2013

“White Crystal” Personalities

 “White Crystal” Personalities

For all the crystals out there. This truly resonated with me and I know it will with other crystals as well. Being a crystal can be extremely difficult and challenging at times. I hope this will help you to understand yourself better, if you don’t already :)
The following are the qualities and action words associated with White Crystal personalities:
Delicate, sensitive, fragile physical bodies, need lots of physical, private space, radiate lightness, brightness, transcendence
Sensitive, emotional chameleons, difficult to set boundaries, overwhelming and over powering emotions, healing and light
Mental X Intuitive, bright, learning, conservative,  adjust to their environment
Spiritual XX Transcendental, cosmic, healing power, higher dimensions of existence, meditation, high vibration, healing state of mind
By inner peace, connection with Spirit-God
Mission / Vision XX Teach healing and spirituality, channel healing energy
Growth X Cosmic flow, transcendent unity, connect to God source
Exercise XX Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Meditation
Recharge Battery X Meditation, visualization, tuning into  cosmic energy, spiritual force
Silent, soft, impersonal, transcendental  and spiritual values
Interaction X One-to-one or small groups, can tune into people very easily, takes on other qualities during interaction
Relationships X Strong God relationship, loners, soul-to-soul connections, spiritual values and belief determine friends and partners
Social, Friends
Shy, withdrawn, only a few close friends
Sex, Intimacy
Transcendental, tantric sexuality, careful in mixing energies with others, too sensitive and open, enlightening experience
Money X Security, secondary, careful in spending
Success XX To heal, teach and enlighten humanity
Work alone, quiet environment, with like minded people
Career X Healer, spiritual counselor, healing and teaching professions
XX – Most dominant; X – Important; blank – Routine
Mind /Body
Spirituality, transcendence and cosmic, universal concepts are familiar to Crystal personalities. They are closer to God than all other color personalities. They almost make an impression of being mirrors, or channels of divine and spiritual qualities, living in this physical reality. Crystals reflect the highest vibration of energy: White light, the universal life force. Crystal, or white light, is actually itself not a color. It is the quintessence of all colors of the rainbow or all colors combined.