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jueves, marzo 14, 2013

“White Crystal” Personalities

 “White Crystal” Personalities

For all the crystals out there. This truly resonated with me and I know it will with other crystals as well. Being a crystal can be extremely difficult and challenging at times. I hope this will help you to understand yourself better, if you don’t already :)
The following are the qualities and action words associated with White Crystal personalities:
Delicate, sensitive, fragile physical bodies, need lots of physical, private space, radiate lightness, brightness, transcendence
Sensitive, emotional chameleons, difficult to set boundaries, overwhelming and over powering emotions, healing and light
Mental X Intuitive, bright, learning, conservative,  adjust to their environment
Spiritual XX Transcendental, cosmic, healing power, higher dimensions of existence, meditation, high vibration, healing state of mind
By inner peace, connection with Spirit-God
Mission / Vision XX Teach healing and spirituality, channel healing energy
Growth X Cosmic flow, transcendent unity, connect to God source
Exercise XX Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Meditation
Recharge Battery X Meditation, visualization, tuning into  cosmic energy, spiritual force
Silent, soft, impersonal, transcendental  and spiritual values
Interaction X One-to-one or small groups, can tune into people very easily, takes on other qualities during interaction
Relationships X Strong God relationship, loners, soul-to-soul connections, spiritual values and belief determine friends and partners
Social, Friends
Shy, withdrawn, only a few close friends
Sex, Intimacy
Transcendental, tantric sexuality, careful in mixing energies with others, too sensitive and open, enlightening experience
Money X Security, secondary, careful in spending
Success XX To heal, teach and enlighten humanity
Work alone, quiet environment, with like minded people
Career X Healer, spiritual counselor, healing and teaching professions
XX – Most dominant; X – Important; blank – Routine
Mind /Body
Spirituality, transcendence and cosmic, universal concepts are familiar to Crystal personalities. They are closer to God than all other color personalities. They almost make an impression of being mirrors, or channels of divine and spiritual qualities, living in this physical reality. Crystals reflect the highest vibration of energy: White light, the universal life force. Crystal, or white light, is actually itself not a color. It is the quintessence of all colors of the rainbow or all colors combined.