Blessings Everyone, Cosmic Shift A Cosmic Frequency Shift is now in progress. This has been building since my last article reporting on the dimensional shift taking place on my you tube video on July 22nd. You can find that on my youtube channel.
Blessings Beloveds, For the Equinox, the Advanced Interplanetary Council Of Light wants to deliver a special message to everyone on Earth. Message Below: Greetings of Love, The Equinox is a great time of energy transfers on your Earth and as such we would like to give you a Special message to all human kind. We have been working behind the scenes to help expose the dark players on your planet. You will now start to see more and more darkness exposed as we Shine more uplifting frequencies and vibrations on you and your planet. This is natural for us as we exist in these higher level frequencies. All we need to do is to set our intention and it takes place.