Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consciencia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consciencia. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, julio 03, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Unraveling & Untangling Your Mind & Entire Matrix Program(s) from Inside in order to Clear Your Cosmic Akash Where all Matrixes are Stored/Housed/Held...- 7/2/2018

As "old" REALities are unraveled, it's important to understand certain things, for this journey of exiting/transitioning over to all new REALities can be done consciously or unconsciously, which dictates HOW all is EXPERIENCED by each.

These increases in PHOTONIC LIGHT/ACTIVITY "work through" all. They "work through" and "weave through" and "seek out" our CONSTRUCTS and FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR REALITIES and completely RE-WORK THEM for/with/within us.

lunes, julio 02, 2018

Patricia Cota-Robles - THE NEED OF THE HOUR - JULY 2, 2018


Patricia Cota-Robles

JULY 2, 2018

In the silence of every person’s newly recalibrated Heart Flame, our Father-Mother God are sounding a Cosmic Tone with the Divine Intent of awakening within each of us the KNOWING that we are ONE and that there is no separation. Through the wondrous activities of Light that the Company of Heaven has guided us through, step by step, this year, Humanity is awakening and lifting above the chaos. People around the world are volunteering to be the Open Door for the Light of God. This is pushing everything that conflicts with that Light to the surface so that it can be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. This accelerated purging will allow us to complete our Ascension into the full embrace of the New Earth much more quickly. However, our assistance is needed now.

domingo, julio 01, 2018

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group . July 1, 2018

JULY 1,2018

Dear readers, it is with a great deal of love and respect that we once again speak about the present and increasing energies of Light that Gaia and all forms of life upon her are experiencing.

Try not to slip into fear, but rather understand that great change is taking place both within and without. Every day more and more individuals awaken and realize that the "Me first" world that they are so familiar with, no longer feels right. As a result, many who have been fully three dimensional in their thinking are now finding themselves to be no longer in agreement with much of the status quo. Although most are not aware of why they are having these feelings, it represents their first step toward a higher state of consciousness.

viernes, junio 15, 2018

Lisa Renee - Crystal Core - June 2018

Dear Ascending Family,

Currently, there is immense activity occurring underground as the result of the earth’s Crystal Core activation. This has ignited new arterial pathways running liquid crystal frequencies throughout the earth’s crystalline grid, establishing new circuitry and lightbody code in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal intergalactic communication lines. This is very encouraging and seems to be a part of the morphogenesis happening now, where changes in the quality of energy in a system allow profound changes in the expression of that energy into a variety forms and structures.

viernes, junio 01, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Our Photonic Light Bodies Continue to Evolve... and our Quantum Multi-Dimensional Realities are Constantly Restructuring; July Focuses on Inner-Connected Courage & Holding Your Dreams as REAL, while Birthing Your NEW from DEEP Within and Realizing How it - 6/30/2018

The Only TIME you will not be happy and free, is when you have an unconscious Matrix Program to clear fully from within... Every "Real"ity you experience has a Matrix to it and it's held within the/your/our physical bodies. The entire Old Earth Matrix program is held within each's Cosmic Akash, which correlates to Gaia's & Our Universe/Galactic Cosmic Akash). In order to transcend the entire Matrix Program of Old Earth, each must fully clear all "levels" of (your) Akashic Records, that make up the different "levels" of the Matrix (Programs, Systems, Structures) and how all is housed in your physical body form, linking up to the Dimensions of Earth that you occupy physically, as well as vibrate in and out of on a cellular level.

jueves, mayo 31, 2018

Lisa Renee - Denial and Blame Shifters

Denial and Blame Shifters

When we understand how fear is created in the body, it is helpful in releasing the grip of anxiety and fear patterns. People that are triggered into fears and mental anxiety may impulsively turn to blame shifting or the projection of their fears onto others. When people are in deep pain and they are suffering, many times they will move unacceptable impulses in themselves and place them onto someone else. Sometimes, if another person or situation makes them feel uncomfortable, the person will blame them for their own discomfort. In this way, it is a denial of personal responsibility by attributing to others their own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or emotions.

lunes, mayo 28, 2018

Brenda Hoffman - Why Hoard it or Give it Away? - May 28, 2018

Dear Ones,

Likely, you cannot sense any global connection with the phrase, “we’re one.” Even though the phrase is something you contemplate, your news and personal experiences do not reinforce your need to actualize it.

You hear the phrase, we’re one and agree with the concept; yet, you believe such will never come to fruition in your lifetime. For those pieces that seem to reinforce accepting all without concerns for gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or creed are being removed – you believe – one by one.

jueves, mayo 24, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - Energía materna, karma y sanación - 14 de Mayo 2018

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El pasado fin de semana se celebró en muchos lugares del mundo el Día de la Madre, un día que suscita opiniones muy diferentes. Para quienes han perdido a su madre, tal vez fue un día de tristeza o de arrepentimiento. Otros, quizás se sintieron incómodos por tener que mandar una postal o un regalo, o de tener que pasar tiempo con su madre porque aún se sienten enfadados, resentidos y heridos por lo que hizo (o no hizo) por ellos. Otros, desearon haber elegido una madre diferente a la suya, y también hay quienes disfrutan de ese día porque aprecian a su madre y les gusta pasar tiempo con ella.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - De Cuerpo Humano a Cuerpo de Luz: De Denso a Sutil a Fuerte y Poderoso y Estados Cuánticos de Conciencia - Mayo 18, 2018

Veo a muchos “cuestionando” cómo o cuándo o si están siquiera experimentando “esto”... Ascensión del Cuerpo Físico, Encarnación de la Luz Pura de la Fuente/Yo Superior/Galáctico, y si son parte de este “movimiento” o enorme paso a una existencia de mucho mayor dimensión.... Por eso escribo/comparto un poco aquí para ayudar con el “cómo”, que es sólo una porción pequeñita de este inmenso proceso, mientras todos REGRESAN por medio del Despertar a Recordar.... Ascender con sus cuerpos después de su propia “Caída de Conciencia” hacia los Reinos Inconscientes de Amnesia... conforme los velos y cimientos de las realidades se disuelven enormemente y adquieren toda una forma nueva.

domingo, mayo 06, 2018

Marilyn Raffaele - The Arcturian Group - May 6, 2018

Marilyn Raffaele - The Arcturian Group - May 6, 2018

MAY 6, 2018

Dear ones, welcome once again to the Arcturian Group messages. Know that you are rapidly progressing into new levels of awareness which for some of you has resulted in discord with family and friends upset and disappointed because you have changed and are no longer the same person they knew and want you to continue to be.

Spiritual evolution often forces those closest to the one awakening to question their own belief system giving rise to emotions of anger and defensiveness. Seeing and believing differently than you have in the past will often "rock the boat" of those closest to you because the energy alignment you previously held with them is dissolving.

sábado, mayo 05, 2018

Daniel Jacob -- Padre, Padre... -¿Por que me has abandonado?

Padre, Padre .. ¿Por que me has abandonado?
por Daniel Jacob

Ni bien terminé una serie de artículos para Niños de la Nueva Tierra llamado Enfrentando la emergencia espiritual, Estados Unidos clavó sus dientes en otro más y mordió con ganas. La masacre del Virgina Tech nos conmocionó a todos. Contenía todos los puntos destacados (highlights), o debería decir los más oscuros (lowlights) que una nación herida necesita, no solo para construir una serie de nuevas historias emocionantes, sino también para despertar nuevamente a las personas a la necesidad urgente que moviliza cuanto nos rodea, una necesidad que en gran medida pasa desapercibida y sin abordar.

La esencia de la paternidad es la iniciativa, la sabiduría y proveer a las necesidades diarias. La esencia de la maternidad es la sensibilidad, la hospitalidad y el sustento para el corazón y el alma. Esos son los roles, no las personas. En una economía de Unidad, cada persona lleva en su interior su propio conjunto de “padres,” sin tener en cuenta el género. Pero en la Separación, siempre parece que falta alguien o algo, que hay algún VACÍO que buscamos llenar.

En este momento, la humanidad está vacilando, yendo y viniendo, entre las perspectivas de la Unidad y la Separación. Las Reconexiones se refieren a esto como un “Cambio de Fase.” Nos enfocamos AQUÍ, luego nos enfocamos ALLÁ, tratando de decidir quiénes y qué somos. Tarde o temprano, encontramos un lugar intermedio, donde tiene lugar una armonización de atributos. Cuando esa mezcla ocurre, se desarrolla un nuevo “aquí” y “allá,” una escalada, adentro y afuera, de varios rasgos, habilidades y conductas.

Se informó que este individuo que disparó en Virginia Tech era un "lobo solitario." No importa cómo lo abordaron, realmente fue muy difícil establecer contacto. Hay consejeros que se refieren a este tipo de situaciones como un "trastorno de apego." Aunque todavía parece un poco pronto para tener ideas serias sobre el origen de las acciones de este joven, tenemos sus palabras, dejadas en un video que fue enviado a los medios durante su asedio asesino. Fue una diatriba contra la conciencia de clase en los Estados Unidos, la riqueza concentrada en pequeñas porciones de la sociedad y los "niños ricos y malcriados," que solo podemos asumir que estaban entre sus compañeros de clase.

Judith Kusel - The floodgates have opened...- May 5, 2018

The floodgates have opened up with energy upgrades and it is working very deeply on the following levels:

1. It is coming through the Stellar Gateway and Soul Star Chakras, into our brain area, and it is dissolving all the stuck, and old programming there, accumulated through generations, and is dissolving it, opening us up for the activation of the new human mind, which has a much higher capacity to function in the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency band.

2. It is working deeply with the dissolving of old family karma and generations of genetic codes as programmed into us at cellular and DNA levels. It is therefore showing us what needs to be released along ancestral lines, and along the place or country lines (meaning that every family and every country holds collective karma or sluggish energy created over its existence as a group or tribal group, or whatever you wish to call this, over centuries. Remembering that there were also the conquerors and those being conquered and those being enslaved etc.)

3. It is working with us at now to release whatever shackles and bondages have kept us bound to the 3D. Remember that a lot of the false programming, the shackles of emotional charges, etc. lie at very deep subconscious levels. It will now start surfacing and we will have to deal with it, and ask for its release. We are allowed to make a Divine dispensation, asking for whatever that needs to be released, to be released, by calling in the Lords of Karma.

martes, mayo 01, 2018

Jim Self - El Silencio - Una Poderosa Herramienta para el Cambio

A medida que este asombroso Cambio de Consciencia continúa desplegándose dentro y alrededor de nosotros, el ruido y el drama se vuelven más estrepitosos y distractivos en tu imaginación; toma una foto de la energía del mundo ahora y compárala con lo que estaba sucediendo pocos años atrás. El ruido y el drama ciertamente aumentan y se hacen más intensos. Pero no necesitas verte afectado por eso. Tu poder es el silencio. Es al mismo tiempo la herramienta y el refugio que te mantendrá cuerdo e intacto.

domingo, abril 29, 2018

Daniel Jacob - Las Reconecciones - Cuando Alguien Muere

Cuando Alguien Muere
Las Reconecciones canalizadas por Daniel Jacob

Mis queridos amigos:

Éste es el momento de una gran partida del Plano Terrestre. A algunos de ustedes les resulta muy difícil permanecer en el cuerpo físico a medida que aumentan estas energías transformadoras. Cada nueva “ola” de energía se siente como una amenaza de inundación que sobrepasará y consumirá todo lo que son y tienen. Para algunos, las mareas crecientes de la emoción y de las penurias personales y físicas son un desafío demasiado grande. Las “aguas” irrumpen y repentinamente son barridas, dejando detrás a muchos seres amados en estado de aflicción y conmoción.

lunes, abril 23, 2018

Lisa Renee - Illuminating the Darkness - April 23, 2018


Illuminating the Darkness

Dear Ascending Family,

Perhaps the topic of this week’s blog is for my own catharsis, in bearing witness to the destructive behaviors and hate filled emotions of unstable people that I’ve witnessed in the environment that have escalated into the incredible depths of fragmented psychosis, from what appears to be an incredible amount of unhealed inner pain, fear, trauma and confusion. Over the years, I’ve been open and transparent about how being a public person with an online presence known for disseminating a range of unapproved topics related to planetary ascension, sets one up to be targeted and harassed by both humans and nonhumans. The masterful methods used by the negative ego and dark forces to manipulate and gaslight people through divide and conquer strategies, to purposely confuse, defame and intimidate, really cannot be overstated, especially during these tumultuous times. These dark attack methods are generally used to get someone like me to shut up, because something that has been disseminated for the public has touched a nerve and that piece of larger truth ripples out into the collective consciousness field. And they don’t like it.

martes, abril 10, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - Obligations, Excuses and Action - April 10, 2018


To what extent are we obligated to others’ well-being, happiness, and security and do we have a choice in our obligations? In this article, which answers a question asked by a reader, I bring up the idea that meeting this obligations is something we can choose to do, or not and sometimes the obligation we assume can be the excuses we need to not move forward with our own lives.

Selacia - Energize a Breakthrough-Living as Soul - April 10, 2018

Did you know you have the potential to rewrite your life script with more ease now? This means that you can create a new path forward and energize breakthroughs involving your life purpose. Most likely, this involves relationships, naturally interconnected with everything you manifest here on Earth. Continue reading to better understand these energies and how they apply in your life.

lunes, abril 09, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - March & April Quantum Cosmic Multi-Dimensional Energy Update, Overview and Vision - 4/9/2018

Normally I have a "monthly" Energy Report, yet this one is a multi-month, because of the magnitude of these Cosmic StarGate/Gateway Openings, Activations, Symphonics/Harmonics & Gravitational Re-Alignments that we are DEEP in the midst-of, as a part of a NEW CYCLE for Higher Consciousness HUmanity and processes to shift entire collectives to much higher timelines continually now. I have to weave all, because of how all is connected, in order to assist each preparing to be able to energetically handle what comes "after" and as we continue our UPWARD SPIRAL out across our Cosmos from deep within the SEAT of our SOUL and entire BEing here....

viernes, marzo 30, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - ¿Podemos hacer daño a los demás? - 13 de Marzo 2018

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

A menudo oigo decir a mis lectores, a mis clientes y alumnos que temen hacer cambios en sus vidas porque no quieren hacerle daño a alguien. Es algo que les preocupa enormemente y es lícito que así sea.