jueves, enero 04, 2024

Judith Kusel - Make some time for to be quiet and still - Jan 4, 2024

Make some time for to be quiet and still.
Breathe deeply into your heart.
Feel into it.
Now connecting with your soul, ask your HIgher Self, what you most would love to lovingly, inspiringly manifest into form being in the New Earth, which would not only benefit you, but indeed be a blessing to all. 
It is time to truly ask yourself these questions. 
I always write them down in longhand in my journal and record them, sketch if necessary, and then go deeper into my heart, feel the love and loving intent, and then project that picture, plus all the love and loving intent, into my third eye and when the pictures and love become as one, release it through my crown chakra, causal, soul star, stellar gateway and solar junction, where it merges with my monad, and then gains momentum as it is released to Source.
In the higher dimensional state, love and loving intent, and manifesting for the greater good are essential. Indeed you would not wish to have it in any other way. 
2024 is all about harmony, balance, equilibrium.
For the heart filled with love and loving intent is the central key, unlocking the rest.
Please note, when you do so to never have a specific soul in mind, for every soul has free will and choice. You may not project your will onto them.
Therefore, it is good to whatever you wish to manifest or pray for to always add: "That this manifests in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all."

Judith Kusel


Photo: Source unknown. IF you know the artist please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the artist.