"Yes, you may have had great lifetimes on earth, as you had somewhere you had sunk into the deepest depths – those were but learning experiences of your soul. You may be a master elsewhere; this does not matter. What matters now is that your soul and all souls on earth are now going through the greatest and most powerful initiation in the Mysteries of Mysteries such as never before. In ancient times on earth, those who were highly trained initiates, in the Mystery School went through three days and nights of near-death experiences and transfiguration, in order to attain gnosis. When they awaken after such a state, they were so filled with light that they no one could touch them for a while.
You are now going through this as a collective and this means that every soul now needs to take full responsibility for its own soul self and its experiences during this huge initiation. Each soul in the degree that it can handle it. Without exception. Some souls have already come through such initiations in the last few years particularly and thus are the forerunners who already are in the 5th dimensional state and chose to remain involved to assist other souls by not holding the Light steady but also to speed up the process of awakening, yet never allowing themselves to be pulled back into the old paradigm. Some are called to work on multi-dimensional universal levels, as this transmitter does, and these souls not only work with human souls but will all life and life forms and with it Mother Earth as well!
Do not be deceived by appearances nor where the greatest noise is, and where the most seem to gather – but keep on being true to yourself. There is no need to compare yourself with any soul, and more than this your own seeming growth or not. Ego has no place in this. Only the total Oneness and Unity and immense Love which knows that in truth All is One. One needs the Way Showers, the Healers, the Teachers, the Forerunners in all levels of Creations and it is often the Forerunners who are given the most to overcome within themselves in order to be able to step fully into the vast unknown and in utter faith, so that they can assist the rest of souls to do the same. "
Copyright Applies: excerpt from a SouL Reading done by me.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Source unknown. If you know the Source please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source