We are now stepping into the higher resonance energy fields of our higher heart and therefore now connected at a much higher and more powerful unity fields of pure Love.
Crystal clear clarity.
It enables us see now with the eyes of the Soul, amplified by our Monad, our Soul Group.
We will see through illusion, lies, deceit etc. with crystal clear clarity, as our ability to tune into all things, seen and unseen and know the truth.
The resonance fields are such that whatever resonates with our deepest heart/soul knowing will amplify our expansiveness, and whatever does not, will simply fall away, whether this be people, places, things etc.
With it our capacity for love, peace and unity expands in ways we never experienced before.
It is like we finally are returning home to our innermost cosmic soul, and finally embracing all that we are, in truth, and living it fully!
Expansion is the key word.
No-thing is the same anymore.
Everything and everyone is rapidly changing form and losing density.
Now we expand into higher Love. Divine Love.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Source unknown. If you know the Source please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source.