
A few years ago I wrote that ‘We cannot heal the world by putting ourselves on the cross’. This refers to the end of the Martyred Healer paradigm in which we sacrifice ourselves, our joy, peace of mind and heart in the name of our ‘light work’, and open ourselves to the Christed Awareness paradigm.
It’s a graduation where we become empowered, joyful, light leaders, embodying the sacred and powerful divinity that forces us to choose between being in service as a servant to others in self limiting sacrifice and the Martyred Healer or of service as a source of inspiration in empowered mastery. We make this choice, usually unconsciously, every day and in every situation. The choices we consider as being possibilities are determined by our beliefs, what we believe is true and what we believe is possible.
To achieve transformation we must be willing to embody new beliefs – not just think they are a good idea but truly align with, integrate, and embody them as our new belief path.
To embody new beliefs we must be willing to let go of our ‘sacred cows’, ingrained beliefs whose release comes at the cost of changing everything we know about ourselves and the world. It’s a tough choice.
A few people accused me of being disrespectful of Jesus on the cross with my comment and that’s not what I meant at all. But the image of the crucifixion is the Martyred Healer’s logo and that is one of the ‘sacred cows’ we’re going to have to let go of now. Why, with everything else that Jesus did, is the cross his enduring legacy?
Why not focus on the miracles, the insistence that he was no greater than any of us, the ‘many mansions’ that we have access to, and the divinity which was his parting gift to us? Because Jesus didn’t come to be ‘the Christ’, he came to teach us about being ‘Christed’, which is the difference between the martyr and the victor, powerless self sacrifice and empowered self awareness.
If we adopt the Christed Awareness paradigm, which is one of the 5D energy models, we have to let go of many sacred cows, including the beliefs that we must suffer, that we aren’t powerful, and that we have no control over our lives.
It means that we must take responsibility for our energetic integrity, use our energy wisely, to bring our energetic sovereignty to the forefront, and to be aware, in each moment, that we’re constantly creating the world we live in. There is no ‘they’ who rule the world, other than those who have amassed all of the money while we were watching reality TV. The real power is something that cannot be controlled but it can be manipulated, only when we’re unaware. Being powerless is another ‘sacred cow’ that we must be willing to release, at the cost of taking total responsibility for our lives and our reality.
And then we have to release the belief that we are not worthy, deserving, or capable of a personal, individual Source/God connection, and that we need religion and church for that purpose. Church was once a communal gathering place for like-spirited believers who shared a philosophy. Now it has become an institutionalized corporate pulpit for power, greed, control, and manipulation. We don’t need religion for God but we can create belief-based communities where our God-selves can connect, that are spiritually aware and embody the best of our divine desire for connection, community, cooperation, and compassion.
The ‘second coming of Christ’ isn’t going to be Jesus’ rebirth, another one of our ‘sacred cows’, it’s our awakening to our own Christed Awareness and that is part of this ascension cycle phase 2, which we are in now as of January 2022. We are the resurrection, the ascension, and the second coming. And no, we don’t need to get our white robes and halos out, but we do need to start thinking about doing some emotional and energetic housekeeping to make room for this new paradigm.
How about releasing some of our own sacred cows, the personal beliefs that are the reason we allow guilt and shame to run and direct our lives, so that we doubt, second guess, and are paralyzed with fear and anxiety over our choices and what is going on within our lives.
We seek validation, acknowledgement, redemption, and confirmation from those who we think know more than we do or are more enlightened than we are. These ‘sacred cow’ beliefs like I am not good enough, I can’t, I do not believe, I will never, keep us mired in beliefs that we will never become any more than the smallest, most scared, least obvious version of ourselves.
What about the belief that everyone can and should love us in the way we want to be loved and then blaming ourselves, our inadequacies, and our obvious lack of ‘lovability’ when they don’t? When I first introduced the affirmation ‘Everyone in my life loves, honors, and respects me” in 2005, I also said that this was an energy boundary and it did not mean that there would be a transformation in people who currently are not loving, honoring, or respecting you. It is a strong energy boundary that defines the kind of energy you want in your life. And people around you will respond either positively or negatively to it.
What about our sacred cows of anger, resentment, and victimhood? Something can make us angry and our anger is justified but how long do we stay angry and do we really believe that our anger at one thing does not pollute everything else?
We can be victims of situations but we do not have to become victimized for a lifetime by them. And yet we can wear our trauma like a badge of honor, reminding ourselves of how badly we have been treated. I am not marginalizing or trivializing the impact of trauma and abuse, it is very real and can be severe. But how long do we carry the belief in our own victimhood until we get tired of living life as a victim? This is something I have expert knowledge of and I wrote about it in my book ‘From Victim to Victor’ which you can read about on my book website, jenniferhoffmanbooks.com and purchase from amazon.
Of these three I think that resentment is the worst because it is anger that has been allowed to simmer, stew, and fester for a long time. Resentment is the opposite of forgiveness and it comes from the French word ressentir, which means to feel again. Resentment is what gives anger its superpowers so we can use our resentment to justify our trauma, victimization, and belief in our own disempowerment and resentment is what justifies our desire for revenge which we can express as self sabotage.
Listen to the podcast for some examples of this. These are long-standing responses to emotional and energetic trauma that we have been our sacred cows for far too long. Are they true? Yes they do represent the truth of our reality at the time related events happened. They are one aspect of truth based on the past that we can either carry forward into the present or change that truth and the beliefs that it creates.
But changing beliefs requires that we allow ourselves to align with and integrate new truths, no matter what we believed was true in the past. And to do that we have to change what we once believed was true (which it was) for a new truth that is empowered, masterful, enlightened, and expands our energetic sovereignty. The sacred cows of energetic poverty, victimhood, guilt, shame, fear, and trauma have to be replaced or we will never escape the energy prisons we have allowed them to become for us.
What about the sacred cows of our expectations, the beliefs that compel us to hold energetic space for the people we desperately want to ‘love, honor, and respect us’ until they become what we want them to be for us? Letting go of these beliefs is challenged by the truth that we fear – that they were right, we are not worthy of their love, respect, consideration, or validation and not only is this true of them, it is also true of everyone else.
Why is it that one traumatic incident around relationships and love can compel us to believe that we are just unlovable, based on our interaction with one person?
But this is an adulteration of the truth because in reality, everyone gives us exactly what they have, can align with, and how they can resonate with our energy. We also have to release the sacred cow of believing that there is a higher potential in everyone and we can allow them to show it by loving them, believing in them, by encouraging them, dimming our own light for them, and sacrificing our joy for them? When do we release our expectations and stop living in a potential future instead of setting our energy boundaries and living in the empowered reality of the present? Our joy doesn’t lie ‘out there’ or in some distant future that will become the present when someone loves us. The only empowered moment is the present and it is in the present, the here and now, that we establish the truth of our energetic sovereignty and set our energy boundaries to have the love, honor, and respect that we want in all of our connections?
Think back to when you know you began your spiritual path, any time around 1979, 1991, and 2003, after 2012, or around 2020. Was it hard and full of challenges? I know mine was. That’s because we started this journey as Martyred Healers. Now we’re graduating into Light Beacons and our Christed Awareness demands service at a new and higher level. This is about giving and receiving, filling our own plates with the love and compassion that we so joyfully and generously give to others, creating connects that are empowering and uplifting, instead of being the sole source of empowerment and enlightenment to others, and giving from our extra, once our own cup is full, instead of from our limited supply. We cannot deplete our energy resources because of a belief that we are here to serve rather than having balanced relationships and connections that are a revolving door of giving and receiving.
But as we embrace the new beliefs that are part of these new paradigms, we also have to put our ‘sacred cows’ out to pasture. And any belief that exists to support our limitation, unworthiness, lack of divinity (profanity), weakness, and disconnection that we have once relied upon to is a sacred cow and it cannot be supported in the energy and light of our Christed Awareness life models. Releasing these ingrained beliefs which have been a source of empowerment, in many ways that include disempowerment, for us for a long time, will require careful consideration because as we embody and embrace a new empowering belief, we have to also release an old, sacred cow that has served to limit us in some way, to dim our light, usurp our power, and hold us in subservience to a belief that we are unworthy of the divinity that is the core of our being.
Some people will reach their ‘release limit’ and won’t be able to release some beliefs; others won’t want to release anything — they’ll be waiting for Jesus to appear out of the sky and whisk them away, and some of you have already released every belief and stripped your emotional and energetic house to the bare walls because you’re so ready for this.
Remember that evolution and ascension are a collective journey, as well as an individual path. Everyone does what is right and best for them. Decide how empowered you want to be, then let your sacred cows go so you have room in your life and heart for your new Christed Awareness. You have earned it and you deserve it, so get ready for the next phase of your ascension path and humanity’s collective ascension journey, which can be much more fun, fulfilling, and enjoyable than the previous one was.
What ‘sacred cows’ are you willing to release to allow your Christed AwarenessTM to shine brightly?
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