Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
5 June 2022 21:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 5/6 21:00 The oscillations of the frequencies increased from 17 UTC and a movement of all four frequencies lasted about an hour until 18 UTC led to a peak of Amplitude which reached Power 28 just before 18. The four frequencies are in gradual decrease with an increase in oscillations.
Schumann Resonance Today 5/6 17:00 Not much to report today, 3 isolated peaks, two of which of very short duration and below Power 10, the third at 15 UTC reached Power 18. Frequencies are fairly stable on the respective base values, the Primary Frequency has left it to drop slightly below from 9 UTC. At the time of this update it reached around 7.50 Hz, at 15 UTC, during the only significant peak of the Amplitude, it reached 7.30 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today 4/6 17:00 After more than a month of continuous activity, today, so far, the situation has remained calm with the frequencies stable on the base value and very little movement of the Amplitude, only an isolated peak lasting about 30 minutes that at 00:30 UTC reached Power 16.