The Highest Form Of Prayer
Dear ones,
I am certain that you can change your life by changing your thinking. The moment you change your thoughts, you change your world.
If you are unable to achieve the life you desire, start being grateful for what you have and whom you have in your life today.
When you wake up in the morning, thank God for another day of life. Each night, before you go to sleep, thank God for the peaceful, uneventful days that you have had. When you go to sleep at night, give thanks for the ability to rest and restore your body and mind.
Yes, there are many challenges in life, but there is no condition in which we cannot be thankful for the good things that have come into our lives. Gratitude is a spiritual law by which we open ourselves up to receiving more from the Universe.
It has been said that gratitude is the highest form of prayer. It is a way in which we can communicate with God because it is a language that God speaks through His Angels and His Sons and Daughters.
An attitude of gratitude opens our hearts to new thoughts and feelings. We begin to appreciate all we have received and all that God has sent us on this journey called life.
Gratitude is a powerful force that allows us to appreciate what we have in our lives and avoid focusing on what we don't have or feel we deserve more of.
When we practice gratitude, it will become a way of life, and the feeling will be unstoppable. You will start to see all the love, happiness, and abundance that surrounds you, especially now when times are tough.
Truly thankful people are, in a sense, "blessed" because they have an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). The Bible says in Romans 12:8, "Let us be grateful." It also tells us to give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Being grateful renews our relationship with God, ourselves, and others. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus says we are to be "abundant in (our) thankfulness." To be abundantly thankful means glorifying God by being thankful all the time!
We are so lucky to be alive at this time in history and fortunate enough to have an abundance of food and shelter. We should never take anything for granted because there are always others who are less fortunate than we are.
I challenge you to express your gratitude often; write down everything in your life that makes you happy, thankful, and appreciative every day until it becomes a habit. Be grateful for all the family members, friends, and acquaintances.
A positive attitude of gratitude can open our hearts to receive more happiness, love, and blessings. Being grateful opens the door to positive change and abundance, while an ungrateful heart closes the door to blessings that are available to everyone. The Bible says, if you give out love, peace, and joy, you will receive love, peace, and joy in return. Love, peace, and joy are free gifts that anyone can accept and enjoy.
The Bible tells us to be thankful for everything and everyone: "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Every day, we should be thankful for all the good things that God sends us every day as part of His divine plan. We should also be thankful for the challenges we face because they help us learn important lessons in life.
Being grateful is a way to renew your relationship with God, yourself, and others. It is something you can do anywhere at any time.
Gratitude includes three basic ingredients: appreciation, recognition, and thankfulness. Appreciation is the discovery of beauty in everyday life. Recognition is acknowledging our blessings. Thankfulness is returning thanks to the giver of those blessings. Being a thankful person means being joyous, peaceful, and contented.
Being grateful helps you recognize that you have received many gifts from God. Just look around you and see what he has given you.
A grateful heart is more than just a feeling. It is a choice. In fact, it's a decision. It makes us aware of all that we have and what we can offer to others. It helps us to be humble, thankful, and hopeful.
A grateful heart brings much happiness into our lives and the lives of those around us. The more we say "thank you" and the more we truly mean it, the better our day will be, but most importantly, the better our life will be.
When I reflect on all God has done for me in my own life, I am truly blessed. I don't always realize how many opportunities that he has given me or how many people are in my life because of Him alone. My family, my friends, my health, and everything else that I have been given is because of him. Let me tell you how much I appreciate all that he has done for me and continues to do for me on a daily basis.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful mood-enhancers known to humans. It can change our whole perspective, raise our self-esteem, and even improve our health.
Treating ourselves to an attitude of gratitude is a simple way to release the emotional baggage that keeps us from being happy, healthy, and successful.
When we truly appreciate what we have, it becomes more valuable to us, and we appreciate its worth in the eyes of others.
A genuine attitude of gratitude is not about asking for more than we deserve or demanding something for nothing. Instead, it's about being thankful for all that we do have. A grateful heart gives thanks no matter what the circumstances are.
When we are grateful for what we have, we feel blessed. Gratitude acts as a magnet, drawing more gifts and blessings into our lives. The more gratitude we express in our lives, the greater our sense of well-being and contentment.
Tapping into it never seems to fail us, yet so often, we take the good things in life for granted. Take the time to be thankful for what you have, and your world will be filled with even greater abundance.
Expressing gratitude toward others is one of the most powerful ways to create an atmosphere of harmony and peace in your home or workplace. Grateful people are happy people who live in a state of joy that is contagious.
Not only do you receive more when you express gratitude, but it also makes the other person feel good about themselves because they have had such a positive impact on your life. Expressing gratitude toward those around you helps build stronger relationships, family ties, and friendships.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.