lunes, octubre 05, 2020

Judith Kusel - Love is truly ever present and never absent - Oct 5, 2020

Love is truly ever present and never absent.
We simply sometimes only look for it in the physical sense and are not aware of it Omnipotent Presence.
I was made aware of this intensely lately.
So many people feel themselves cut off from others and from themselves in a much deeper and profound way than ever before. Yet at the same time, souls are moving closer towards each other, and there is a deepening of love. Again, a paradox. In truth, when the heart center is closed, we are closed off of all of Creation and most often it is fear, which blocks it.
For the more the heart center opens, the more we communicate from the heart and thus our heart center is in constant communication with all around us. Read that again!

You do not even need to speak a word: - the energy projected from an open heart center, filled with pure unconditional love, radiates forth like the Sun. It touches the heart and soul center of others, in whatever form and whatever existence. It strikes or strokes the heart strings of others, just like harp player plucks the strings, the vibrating string emits the chords which touch the hearts of those listening.
We are not only asked to open the heart center more, and to move into the Unifying Energy of Love, which is all-embracing, but we may ask for an outpouring of Divine Love, to completely fill us.
All you need do is ASK.

Imagine yourself standing under a shower, or under a waterfall is you like, and the waters of Love, the Living Waters of Life, pouring onto and into you. Pouring into your heart center and from there pouring out into everyone. You are a living vessel, a fountain, and the waters cascading into and out of you, of Purely Divine Love and thus every drop is there filling every single cell in your physical body, your emotional, mental, spiritual and all your bodies into overflowing. 

Or you may just stand in a Tube of cascading Love energy and allow this to expand your heart center, and then see how your heart center ignites and then radiates forth, like a sun. 

The more you ask for outpouring of the Divine Love, and are receptive, the more something within you will change, as you find love and unity everywhere. For what is within you, will manifest outside of you.

The heart center connects to the heart center of every living being, and that of planet earth, and the cosmic heart.

That is how powerful your own heart center is.
When is it filled with Divine Love to overflowing, you cannot be other than love, unconditional love. You cannot be other than ONE with All-That-Is! YOU ARE IT!

Love is ever present, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and eternally.

Judith Kusel