The morning of Thursday October 8, 2020, we were having discussions in the Comments area under the previous article and I mentioned the full fracturing that happened in the ascension community with the start of Phase 2
of the Ascension Process in January 2020. That however is not the focus
of this article. I’m going to quote myself and include some of what I
said in those two Comments here.
First however it needs mentioning that some Volunteers are capable of emboding and Emboding more higher frequencies, more NEW, more and higher Light energies, NEW codes etc. than other Volunteers and before them as well. There is zero better than, less than to any of this, only simple facts. Every Volunteer is different and has their unique individual abilities, talents, focus, ascension mission Work and so on. Like I’ve said many times over the years, not all Volunteers, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Pathpavers, Embodiers etc. are all plumbers or roofers! All are needed with their individual specific abilities and focuses.
Another thing I need to mention is that I’m not always able to express and write about everything I’ve perceived about certain Ascension Process events and changes. Just because I’ve perceived something does not mean I’m allowed to instantly share every aspect about what I’ve perceived at that time. In many cases I am able to write about some of them immediately, then a little more a few months down the road, then some more even further into the year but always only when it is energetically appropriate to do so. This is a higher Law and necessary safeguard and how it’s always been, but sometimes even I forget this, and in my enthusiasm and desire to share information in my articles I’m given a strong red light STOP! awareness about sharing certain information before it’s time for me to do so. The physical external must be ready and able to have certain information expressed on the physical level first, and the moment it is I’m given a green light GO! awareness letting me know it’s energetically appropriate for me to now share whatever it was I may have perceived days, weeks, months or years earlier.
The times I’ve forgotten this higher
safeguard and tried to write about certain information before it was
energetically appropriate to do so, I’m painfully aware that I didn’t
express what I wanted to in an article the way I’d intended but am
unable to correct the situation and express the information fully no
matter how hard I try. In other words, I am
prevented from fully expressing something I’ve perceived, known, deeply
felt and understood yet I fumble around getting frustrated with myself
until I realize (again) that I’m being prevented from adequately
expressing some specific information. What I’m going to discuss has been
exactly this for me since January 2020, but the green light GO! arrived for me concerning this particular information early morning October 8, 2020.
- Most Volunteers repeatedly changing different timelines throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process
- Most Volunteers repeatedly changing different ascending Earth worlds which are themselves slightly different timelines
- Most Volunteers repeatedly exiting lower frequency “past” linear time to Work from higher frequency quantum “future” levels then intentionally go back down and reenter linear time physical reality on ascending Earth
Most Volunteers have repeatedly throughout Phase 1 changed or “jumped” from one to another and another and another timeline. That automatically also means that they have been changing or jumping or shifting repeatedly from one ascending Earth world to another and another and another for many different personal and overall collective ascension reasons throughout Phase 1. Lastly and most importantly really is that most Volunteers have also been intentionally and repeatedly leaving linear time to Work from higher quantum levels. Some would call this intentionally moving into the future and/or near future and then intentionally back down again into what we call our present time, lives and awareness here now on what I’m calling primary ascending Earth world.
“This next part is what I’ve felt I’ve NOT expressed or explained well so far this year. Deep breath because it’s quantum and about the Separation of Worlds & Timelines and about how we Volunteers are capable of repeatedly changing or “jumping” different timelines and ascending Earth worlds.
You know how the the unaware humans have rebelled against being forced to stop running around wherever and whenever they’ve wanted to in pandemic and economic collapse 2020? They’ve been frustrated, irritated, angry and rebellious about their old familiar “freedoms” having been taken away from them this year due to the pandemic and economic collapse etc. They don’t have the old usual money and/or incomes they’re used to having plus they’re not able to run around, drive around, fly around and do all the things they’re used to doing and so on. Cease & Desist for them at those levels.
Now consider the different was the Volunteers have been affected by the 2020 Divine Cease & Desist Order. We too have been forced to STOP our old Phase 1 AP habits and routines but it’s the why of this that’s so important and needs to be consciously understood by us all.
Most of us Volunteers are used to — even if you’re not acutely consciously aware of it — changing ascending Earth worlds and timelines, PLUS jumping or more accurately just moving forward/upward and then dropping back down in frequency and time. Like the unaware humans are used to going anywhere they want whenever they want, so too have the Volunteers been used to going anywhere we wanted and needed to whenever it was required we did so. ” — by Denise from October 8, 2020 Comments.
From the start of Phase 2 in January 2020, and even more so with the one and only Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction of January 12, 2020, I’ve felt a tremendous need to stop doing all the old and familiar ascension related multidimensional hopping, linear time exiting to intentionally enter higher quantum levels to Work the Ascension Process from quantum levels, and then reentering lower frequency physical linearity and slightly existing in the “past” which is our current time, life and reality. The Phase 2 2020 Divine Cease & Desist Order was felt like an incredibly important red light STOP! message from On High to all Volunteers to abruptly force us all to stop doing what we’d been doing in Phase 1 and pay attention because we’d just entered a very NEW and different level of the Ascension Process and Embodiment Process. I cannot express how strong and important a sense this Divine Order was and I’ve felt it inside my being and body since January 1, 2020. Despite all that, I haven’t been fully able to perceive all of the why’s to this, and I’m not saying I now am because I know there’s much more to come.
Because the Cease & Desist Order was a potent as it was for not only humanity but also for every Volunteer, I’ve felt a tremendous need to fulfill this NEW change and, as the Volunteer that I am, stay-at-home physically and stay-at-HOME internally in my HighHeart as much as I’m able and Work this primary ascending Earth world from it and not from other locations, other dimensions, other timelines, or from the quantum “future” and/or “near future” levels. This NEW Phase 2 demand for me and any other Volunteers that are capable of doing this in 2020, was so strong that I knew it was seriously important, plus that not everyone could do this particular ascension job in this way. It was the whole WHY of this that’s taken me all year to more completely understand and finally be able to write about finally in October 2020. When it’s time it’s time and not a minute before!
“So we all know why the unaware humans have been placed in the 2020 “lock-down” Cease & Desist Order, but have you figured out yet why you and all the rest of we Volunteers have been too this year? It’s clever as they always are!
We Volunteers have been placed in the 2020 Phase 2 “lock-down” Divine Cease & Desist Order because we’ve been needed to “stay-at-home” meaning remain in THIS timeline, on THIS ascending Earth world and constantly Stay-at-HOME within ourselves and our HighHearts no matter how difficult and trying that has been at times this year. Why? Because who else is capable of embodying, anchoring, stabilizing and maintaining the primary ascending Forerunner of the Forerunner NEW Earth world than we Volunteers?”
Throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process many of the Volunteers have been repeatedly needed to energetically Work and go into different timelines, many ascending and many not, and to repeatedly and intentionally exit linear time and enter higher and “future” and “near future” quantum levels and states and Work from there, and to repeatedly Work from multiple different dimensions on the overall Ascension Process. In other words, we Volunteers have lived our lives and done the Work from linear time, quantum levels, other dimensions, from the future, from the near future, from the past, from the current now moment that we call our current lives and so on. To go from all that which is perfectly normal to us, even if you don’t have conscious memory or awareness of all your different jobs in different locations, to suddenly needing to stay-at-home in 2020 and NOT freely run around the galaxy, the cosmos, multiple dimensions, change timelines repeatedly, shift into quantum levels and frequencies well above linear time space repeatedly to Work the Ascension Process from there for “a while” then reenter lower “past” our current ascension linear time space now is one hell of a change. One hell of a job change. One hell of a freedom restriction.
Like probably all of you reading this, I too have long wondered, pondered and considered how in the universe is the final big deal shift from old Earth, even if it’s ascending, to NEW Earth going to happen? Will it be like so many believe, something that happens in a flash and a boom and then ta da!, we’re there! ? Will Jesus show up and ta da!, it happens somehow that way? I could go on and on with this but I’ll spare us all these incorrect speculations about how this is most likely really going to happen. And please know that I’m well-aware that what I’m going to say about it may be wrong fully or partially and/or that it may change the closer we get to it, and/or will change the more the Embodiers Embody in themselves individually and so on. But nonetheless I’ve got to share what I’ve perceived, finally, about this particular aspect of all this.
A small group of close to completion Embodied Volunteers have been needed in Phase 2 2020 and 2021 to physically remain with and live on this primary ascending Earth to aid and hand deliver, HighHeart deliver, Embodied deliver, Earth Currier, walk, ride, steer, fully participate and HOME deliver this current primary ascending Earth world to already existing and awaiting us NEW Earth where the current one becomes NEW Earth.
A small group of Volunteers have been needed to abruptly change their personal ascension mission jobs from what they were throughout Phase 1 to what’s needed now in Phase 2, which is for some of us to stay-at-home on THIS ascending Earth world and not bounce around, shift, jump, change timelines, dimensions or exit linear time and this ascending Earth world and hand deliver it and ourselves on it to that level where our “past” ascending Earth world instantly becomes the “future” NEW Earth. This process is very much intertwined with our individual Embodiment Processes which you can feel into for yourselves. It’s all there in your HighHeart knowing.
Just like every Volunteer did NOT have the same exact ascension mission jobs or energy Work when Phase 1 of the Ascension Process began over two decades ago, the same is true when Phase 2 began January 2020. Every Volunteer is not needed to remain on only this ascending Earth and timeline this year into next to physically hand deliver, transport and merge with and become the NEW Earth. Those of you who’ve left like this year has hobbled you in place, kept you in an abnormal lock-down on this particular ascending Earth world and timeline, this is most likely the reason. You are one of the small group of Volunteers who are capable of staying-at-home and NOT changing timelines, NOT changing ascending Earth worlds, NOT exiting linear time for far more fabulous quantum levels and stay physically with this amazing process of primary ascending Earth becoming NEW Earth. As many of you have discovered this year, it’s easier and a lot more fun being the multidimensional, timeline jumping, quantum and Spherical Consciousness and reality gypsies we naturally are instead of hunkering down this year into next on primary ascending physical Earth world to, like professional armed guards delivering something profoundly rare and extremely valuable, stay very close with it every minute all the way to its final destination. And we’re close now. We’ll continue this topic in Comments under this article if interested in further discussions about this.
Denise Le Fay
October 10, 2020