The September Equinox has now arrived occurring on September 22nd 6:54 PM Pacific, 9:54 PM Eastern, and 01:54 GMT/UTC. It brings with it a change in the seasons that will assist initiates to accept their journey of Rebirth.
As the Northern Hemisphere moves into the Autumn season and the Southern Hemisphere steps into the Spring season, it brings with it a sense of newness and clarity. This cycle is truly being considered the Re-birthing process for Gaia and all of her inhabitants.
This year of 2018 has given forth its promise of Mastery for each of us, even the awakened souls of this planet. Change is happening to each of us, but it depends upon our own personal experiences and reality of how we choose to work with the energies.
The Equinox brings to us 12 hours of daylight around the world. This means we are all experiencing the same light energies without any deviation of time zones being involved in the process. During this time, it is suggested to take time outside to truly allow these energies to assist in grounding the higher light energies that each of us has been feeling.
This month has been very instrumental with Mastery as it represents the number 9 which is completion. If we take the month of 9 with the year of 2018 in numerology and add the single digits, it equals the number 11 which is the same as found in the number of the year “2018”. This means that this month has a double intensity of the energies of Mastery.
Master Number 11 signifies Illumination bringing forth the bridge to connect with the higher self consciousness allowing for deep spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It also allows for the Initiate of Ascension Mastery to be able to transform the past and accept the challenges as open doorways to a higher consciousness.
We have been in a very intense period since the Solstice of June and the energies of the Lunar and Solar Eclipse with the moon cycles. We have not had a moment of rest to be able to readjust our energies, to allow them to be grounded as these alignments have been continuing through June to September.
In the Northern Hemisphere we always call this time as the Harvest, when we reap what we have sown and I think many of us would agree that there has been great challenges and lessons that we have had to walk through as an Initiate of Mastery.
In the Southern Hemisphere they are experiencing a Rebirth also with the Spring energies. It is a time to plant the seeds from the long winter just as the Bear now comes out of his cave. The people located in this area of the world are going through a Rebirth process just as we are in the Northern Hemisphere.
We call upon Lord Metatron to assist in giving forth an explanation of this equinox and how each of us will be affected. (Also: we provide a link below to listen to the free audio of our Equinox Gathering where he shares in bringing in the special Light Language attunements to assist us for this gateway.)
Read about our Fall Ascension Training Special
Greetings My Friends and Comrades,
I come to you in this moment to bring forth a message of excitement for our future endeavors for the New Earth. I am Lord Metatron at your service.
The Equinox of September 2018 brings with it an exchange of energies to assist the planet into holding more light forces than it has ever experienced previously. This is continuing through each of the Equinoxes and Solstices throughout this year.
The process of what has been occurring since June of this year brings to the planet a series of light infractions that have been continuous to allow each of you to find more of yourself, meaning the Divine Essence, to become integrated on a deeper level within your physical vehicle.
The changes that you have been experiencing is allowing for more growth to be occurring on the planet. There have been many upheavals that Gaia has experienced but the sense of community is much stronger than it has ever been before. On a ratio of 100% I would say that planet earth has moved from the 0-3% into the 5-8% arena.
Now this may not seem like much but let us consider the entire planet coming into a higher existence of light infractions than has ever been acquired in any other lifetime. This means for the centuries of existence that the planet has not achieved even a 10% ratio.
This also suggests that there is still much more that needs to be acquired which is so very true.
The September Equinox brings forth the ELEMENT OF PEACE AND SURRENDER.
During the 12-hour time frame it is important to take moments of reflection of silence, walk the lands, and feel the exquisite moment of a shift that is occurring within the planetary structure for 5 – 10 minutes to feel the exquisite blessing that is being bestowed to Gaia and each of you.
Many individuals may not notice this shift of serenity because they are so involved in their day-to-day activities that those elements take precedence over the other event that is occurring.
The Rainbow Arcs of Light have been continuing through the process; [please click the link for more information]. We thank each of you that have participated in the Ascend.Earth project (click the link for details of this project) as it is assisting greatly for this transference of light to occur.
The influx of the light energies shall directly come through Helios and Vesta along with RA the Sun God of the Great Central Sun bringing forth more balance of the Alpha and Omega (Masculine/Feminine Essences). If you may have been seeing some inflections of light in your skies in the past few weeks. This has been the onset of the energies to be realized within the physical reality.
As the Equinox comes into its fruition, I suggest that you connect to your Solar Angel, the angelic being that you have always been, as this part of you assists greatly in bringing forth your Higher Self Consciousness. It is important to allow your Solar Angel to assist you to remember the blessing that you have always been. We are imparting unto each soul of the earth to have a remembrance, a light infraction, a feeling that their own Solar Angel is working with them in a powerful journey upon the Earth.
The Solar Angel is a direct reflection of the Metatronic Seals and will assist each soul to access the initiation of those seals through my direction.
We are very excited to be able to share with each of you that what we are doing together is working, very slowly but we are starting to see a change in the energetics of the planet. This is why there has been upheaval in certain areas with floods, fires, hurricanes, volcanoes and similar occurrences. Some have been created by dark forces but with the work of Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light these energies are not winning. The process is not easy we know but we are very hopeful that there is movement in the right direction.
We still have a very long journey ahead of us, and we need your assistance as much as possible.
Reflection of who you are becoming, what you were before, and how you are going to adjust within that process is crucial as each of you are the Light Bearers of this earth. The travels you have been on since your creation has been great; so many are holding lower energies within them that need to be healed and adjusted. We are here to assist in this process of rejuvenation that is occurring for each of you and the planet as a whole.
This month of September has been quite powerful as Mastery is presented in many directions. You may have experienced some challenges in your life that has caused you to rethink what you are doing. This is important as it is truly what Mastery represents ~ Always Striving to Change and Be More Than You Were in the Previous Moment.
Acceleration is an important element of Mastery so with the integration of the light energies and this month being that example of Mastery it is a grand opportunity for each of you to step further into the depth of your awareness, your health, your psychological well being and ground what you are becoming through the accelerations. It is a time of great transition and revelation of what is to be our futures together.
Again, I reiterate, take time in silence with Gaia to experience the depth of this Equinox and it will take you into new heights of awareness and acceptability of who you are becoming in each moment especially within the 12-hour period just for a few moments. This energetic exchange will continue through the end of September into the New Moon Cycle.
I walk with each of you assisting your Divine Angelic Self to become the Integrated Being of Mastery that you are striving to achieve this lifetime.
So Mote It Be, In the Light of the Christ Consciousness,
We shall achieve all that we set out to do, step-by-step in patience and love.
I am Lord Metatron at your service.
LISTEN to receive these essential Ascension energies from Lord Metatron, Helios & Vesta, RA the Sun Gold, and The Cosmic Great Central Sun in the Walking Terra Christa Equinox Ceremony. Visit our free audio library to listen and download this one hour blessing light attunement. *This special audio can be used not only for the Equinox Gateway but at any time to enhance the energies of grounding your Solar Angel.
Read about our Fall Ascension Training Special
Other important resources:
ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.
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Original Material © Copyright 2003-2018 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!