Okay, we now begin the same as yesterday... Cosmic RAYs/Radiation/Gas... Stellar Light Codes filling the body cavity for physical body expansion to occur. Labored Birthing and discomfort can be a part of these...
Nausea ("morning" sickness, lol), as old programs "delete"/become obsolete.... Everything we went through last night... here we go again. Break out the ginger.... take care with foods, get those stretchy pants/skirts/PJ's out... "binding" clothes won't work here...
The power of these Cosmic Rays are huge.... honor your process and you. You can read all of my FB posts yesterday... and others comments/experiences to assist.
I'm offline mostly, in business meetings, working and doing... will post updates if they matter/differ....
Floating/expanding/gravitational shifts.... recalibration processes increase with these. ♫
Space Gas is off the charts... inside.... and in our atmospheres too. Photonic activity increases continually.......... ♦
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼