The Full Moon of Aries within the Sun of Libra occurred on September 24th, 2018 at 7:52 PM Pacific, 10:52 PM Eastern, and September 25th at 2:52 AM GMT/UTC. It brings with it a very powerful pathway for each soul upon this earth to truly acknowledge the ability to access their Divine Courage and Strength.
Master Djwhal Khul calls this moon “Releasing Your Fears” as we are being guided through Grandmother Moon with the Feminine Essence to find the courage within our emotional body to face those fears and learning to surrender to the changes that we have been experiencing. This can be a double-edged sword, but within the transition of Aries and Libra it gives to us more stability to be able to achieve our goals.
The energy of this moon is an extension of the Equinox energies we received on the 22nd of September which representing Surrender and Peace. In fact, those energies are still with us through the next New Moon occurring October 9, 2018. Walking Terra Christa held an Equinox Ceremony (click the link to read the message and listen/download the free audio).
This cycle of Libra and Aries is allowing the Higher Self Consciousness to bring forth courage, self-assurance, and allowing the true essence of illumination to be the guide unto the Physical Self. This, then will, create A Balanced Physical Self with the integration of the Higher Self to be realized.
This process can be one with great hurdles because as humans we tend to not want to walk through our fears, we are programmed to keep the status-quo in our lives. So, with these energies we are being given hope to be able to stand strong and walk through the new doorway of stability by allowing ourselves to become more diligent in our journey one step at a time.
Lady No Eyes, Spiritual Master and Shaman, shared in our journey for the Festival of Lights to think of a beautiful rainbow bridge. It may be shaking and uneasy at first, but if you take one step at a time, very slowly you will be able to achieve your goal. Allowing the divine energies of Aries to assist you in this process will bring forth the stability that Libra teaches us.
Grandmother Moon is sharing her Feminine Divine to allow humanity to become more aligned her essence that brings forth the action needed with love and patience as our guide.
It is no mistake that the past few months has been extremely challenging for each of us on this planet. This moon helps us to finally let go of the pain as we walk towards our Divine Self.
The Symbolic Illumination of this moon represents the Divine Self to illuminate unto the four-body system, Physical – Etheric – Emotional – Astral to become the Spiritual Self.
Additionally, this is the Harvest Moon. This is when the creative process is felt and acknowledged to allow for the continue growth to flourish. It is a great time for manifesting our desires as long as we fully accept that the challenge is no longer stopping us from our true experience as a Divine Soul within the physical existence.
Dearest Ones,
I am Master Djwhal Khul, at your service.
As we now sit within the energies of the Full Moon of Aries with the Sun of Libra it brings to mind that in order to move through the storm you must first allow yourself to ascertain within yourself to know what direction that you want to take.
Do you want to sit still and allow the storm to pass, which may be quite some time; or do you want to position yourself to weather the storm with the inner faculties of strength, courage, and patience as those aspects will assist you to not be holding fear within yourself but yet, an ability to see past the storm for the future blessing of the sun shining upon you?
This month is representative of those two questions plain and simple. As an initiate, it is your role within yourself to decide how you want to experience your Divine Self, even if it is only in small particles of light. Many individuals are sitting back and waiting for the energies to take them into a new space; others are holding the light as much as they can waiting for the higher realms to give them the next upgrade within your system; and then there are the true Initiates that are able to see within themselves that they will find reserves within themselves that will allow them to be stead and walk into the storm not waiting for anything but the blessing of patience, faith, and hope.
We are at a time of great awareness upon the planet and it is up to each individual in how they are going to accept that new reality that is coming to them.
This moon of Aries is giving forth the power of being a leader within one self and the sun of Libra is providing the stabilization that is needed. Together it is a power partnership which calms down the energy of Aries and allows Libra to be the balancing act.
As has been shared through the Equinox energies, this time of revelation is about the internal self; not what the outside world is doing. It must occur internally so that the outer existence can be changed. Each of you is in a stage of REBIRTH and will continue throughout the month until the New Moon energies are upon the planet.
It is a grand opportunity to fully embrace the new journey that you are now embarking upon. Do you know what it is? Do you feel excitement within yourself? It all depends upon your ability to see the truth being revealed to you as this particular cycle of Rebirth is a true alignment with the Mastery Pathway that you are now stepping upon.
Allow yourself to feel the regenerative process that you are now experiencing. You may not know the details; don’t worry about it. Just feel the particular energy as it is being experienced everywhere around the world.
It is time to put forth your intention for this cycle. What is your next step?
Allow this cycle to help you remove the debris that has been holding you back from your next revelation within yourself?
Is there a special essence that you desire to receive?
Are you contemplating a new journey of the self? If you are, make sure everything is in alignment with the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension. Don’t go off your pathway just because you are being nudged.
The only element you want to experience is your Divine Self being your guide and watcher of your life. Become the Initiate you desire to embody.
This process takes perseverance, strength, patience, and continued growth as your Higher Self is the only guide you should ever have. We are here to assist you but it is in your highest ideals to only access your Love, Wisdom and Power through the truth of your Higher Mind.
This is exactly what many of you will be experiencing presently. Changes are coming forward, but they must be carried out in balance of the four body system, physical-etheric-emotional-mental. Your Higher Self must be your guide allowing for your Lower Ego to be dissipated bringing forth the Higher Mind and Truth that you are embodying.
This moon is allowing for such transformation to occur within many initiates on this planet. Will you take the challenge and walk through your fears in order to achieve what you desire presently?
Take time to reflect about what I have shared, learn to purge the old elements in order to walk through this doorway with the strength and compassion of your Feminine Self being an integral part of your journey. The three-day period around the full moon cycle is very important to receive these energies although the energetics of this moon cycle will continue into the New Moon cycle on October 9th, 2018.
In blessings and love,
I Am Master Djwhal Khul
Walking Terra Christa’s Festival of Lights Ceremony for this Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elders is free to listen to and receive these essential Ascension energies. You may listen and download at the link along with other audio recordings.
Other important resources:
ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.
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Original Material © Copyright 2003-2018 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!