We are now arriving at the cycle of the Pisces Moon within the Virgo Sun. This alignment occurs on Sunday, August 26th at 4:46 AM Pacific, 7:46 AM Eastern and 11:46 GMT.
As we step into the full moon energies of August, it brings to us a blessing of what we have been challenged to face through the previous cycles since the June Solstice. The issues that each of us has had to experience only makes us stronger to continue walking within the light and not towards it as we become that Light of our I Am Presence. It is being called the Rewarding Light as shown by a kite high in the sky which is very prevalent of the Rays of God to be our guiding force to the New Earth [learn more about the Rays of God].
This cycle is represented by the Sun of Virgo giving us stability within the physical self while the Moon of Pisces allows for the effervescent flowing of our Spiritual Self to guide the physical walk upon this earth. The physical body is being presented by the Masculine energies who is now accepting the Feminine essence to become one within our consciousness. We must we allow this alignment to give to us its highest potential in order to truly become One within our Higher Self and then, the I Am Presence. Once again the Spiritual Meaning of this Festival calls us higher.
We must always reflect upon the energies of our past experiences, so it is important to realize within yourself the walk you have taken since the June Solstice.
What challenges were you faced with and how did you handle them?
This is a very important question to ponder as we cannot move forward without the beauty of seeing how we were able to get through the deepest movements of sadness, grief, separation, and walking through these experiences that have been a part of our old self that has died; this has been necessary in order to experience the soul being reborn in a new a different manner.
Virgo represents opening up the doorway to acknowledging all of our puzzle pieces including our dysfunctional self. It’s what makes us the person that we are, but with the Moon in Pisces we have the opportunity to define our world with our Higher Self, the Multi-Dimensional Essence that we are as the I AM Presence.
Now this is not an easy process; we don’t just become our I Am Presence by stating that it will be within us. We have to take the time to truly embrace the energetic exchange through all of our chakras and body parts. The higher consciousness must feel the full effects of the Divine Self in order to really become an integral part of the true reality within our Physical Consciousness.
We are a very complicated species that desires to feel and exhibit love, but yet we come to this Earth very fragmented and unsure of ourselves. It is all by design that we have arrived on this magnificent planet as it is important to realize for each of us individually how we are going to define our life; by, the Lower Self or the Higher Self.
The transitions of the planets in the last three months have been tremendous. It has caused much upheaval in our world, and rightly so. We are in the year of Mastery and walking into this alignment means that what does not fit mastery must be revealed within each of us individually, along with the Earth’s Consciousness.
If you can recall how you were feeling during the Eclipses in July and August and what transitions you experienced, you may see within yourself how this cycle is truly helping you to see yourself in a completely different way than you ever have before.
Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, always shares with us that “Reflection” is the only way that we can perceive within ourselves how to move forward. If we don’t acknowledge our challenges, then we cannot accept our accomplishments that occur from that experience.
This moon cycle is helping each of us to find the Missing Puzzle Piece from the multi-dimensional self that has been lost, not the physical puzzle piece that has been showing itself. That part of you can be healed through this cycle in a new and different way. But, it is up to you to truly step into your own destiny of allowing your I AM Presence to guide you in a new and different way.
It is through the dynamics of sound and vibration; not created by any physical person because when you listen to those sounds you are receiving their light vibration, and not your own.
What is your vibratory sound within you?
Allow it to come to you in a new and different manner. It is right within your grasp ~ you may already be feeling it. All you have to do is let your voice be open, not to words but to the vibratory essence you are becoming. Take time to connect to the 144th dimension of the Unified Whole to receive your psychic protection with the Platinum Net (Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma), Purple/Violet Flame (Lady Portia), Gold Flame (Office of the Christ with Lord Buddha), and the Ring Pass Not (Archangel Michael). [Read more about why the Unified Whole is Important at this time.]
Then, by utilizing drumming, clapping, chanting, dancing and calling to Grandfather Sun with Grandmother Moon within the presence of Father Sky and Mother Earth to dance and sing with you, through the birds, through the calling of the lands, listening to the waters, and the sound of the fire crackling creating new worlds, as the Earth grows and becomes integrated with all the sounds of nature and humanity.
State Master Djwhal Khul’s Mantra loud and wide for all of this earth to hear the vibratory light as we help to heal the earth together as One.
This process will allow each of us to connect more fully to the Effervescent Light of the Rays of God as we become One within our I Am Presence, to connect to the Creative Source of Oneness.
This cycle represents a celebration of how far each of us as come, a reunion of a new part of the soul to be revealed within each of us. It brings forth the promise for renewal and true abundance to be experienced, but it is up to each of us, individually, to step into this new awareness of ourselves. Gaia cannot do it alone, so as we connect for the Moon cycle of Virgo/Pisces throughout the next two weeks until the new moon appears in September, we must know within ourselves that we are The Change That Will Create the New Earth.
In blessings of Love and Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee White Raven
Dearest Ones,
It is my pleasure to connect with each of you once again for another Festival of Lights celebration. This one in August is proving to be a very instrumental cycle as the events leading up to this time has proven to show us within the Spiritual Hierarchy how ready many of you are to experience the change within you.
We are still at a low rate of accuracy within the lightworker community as many individuals still are in a belief system that is not allowing them to purge their Lower Egos and realize the potential they have with the Higher Ego. We are still in great anticipation that the rest of this year [of Mastery] will help many individuals to realize the potential they hold within themselves as it is crucial for the transformation of the New Earth.
I want to offer my services of light to each of you, to be part of a journey that is so very important, but yet takes great courage to step into as an Initiate. Many of you have barely stepped into the initiations and may not realize that what you are going through is truly part of the grand plan of your Higher Self and I Am Presence. Many of you think that Lord Ashtar and the Christed Galactic’s are here to save you. All of these are untruths. We need to work together and Lord Ashtar is here to assist in that process, (please see our link to learn how to connect and work with Lord Ashtar more fully).
We need you to step into your own Divine Self, not the power of your Lower Ego, the power of your highest consciousness with the effervescent flowing of light that the Moon of Pisces is giving the Earth at this time. The feminine essence of this light is very apparent with the depth of healing that needs to occur. It comes in waves of light, of experiences that will flow through you and heal you in a deeper part of your existence that you have never known before.
This is what this moon represents this month.
Grounding the pure essence of your Higher Self more deeply within your emotional and mental bodies is the essential component. Do not fight it; allow the flowing nature within you to be purified in a way that your physical consciousness has never experienced before.
It is time, my friends. I employ you to listen to Lady Meleriessee’s words about this moon; connecting to each of us in the Unified Whole and then do your handy work with your I Am Presence. Do not worry about others around you, what they will hear, the Universe is calling out to you, let us know that you are ready to receive the divine dispensation of healing and prosperity in your world. Let us heal this earth together.
If you are grieving your past, let us help you. Your loved ones that have left before you desire to help you. They do not want to be held to the earth.
When you constantly cry over who has left you especially after six months and more, then you are pulling them back down to the earth. We do not want souls to be attached to the 4th dimensional reality as this is what will happen.
We open up the doorway unto the Clarion Temple of Oneness [read this excerpt about the Clarion Temple of Oneness] for all your loved ones to heal from their wounds along with each of you. Please take advantage of this gift. The more souls that come into Oneness, the better the earth will be to make her ascension to the 5th dimension. Presently, it is stuck between the 3rd and the 4th, but with your assistance we can do it together.
Please come to my ashram of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom in your sleep state of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. Master Joshua Stone and myself will be happy to assist you. But you must call upon the Unified Whole energies first. This is very imperative.
The dark forces do not want you to step into your I Am Presence power; they want you to be stuck; and Lord Ashtar is battling these energies each moment to help Gaia make her transition to Terra Christa.
This moon is a perfect opportunity to allow a new pathway of light to be opened for each of you and each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light.
We hope you will join us.
Blessings for a miraculous journey.
I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.
Walking Terra Christa’s Festival of Lights Ceremony for July 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elders is free to listen to and receive these essential Ascension energies. You may listen and download at the link along with other audio recordings.
Other important resources:
ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.
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Original Material © Copyright 2003-2018 Divine Language Network and WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!